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noticed there seems to not be a thread for this yet.Who here has one/wants one/is getting one?

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If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it, did a tree fall?


If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it trees don't exist and never will.

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Have one. Love the system, hate the controller. Hoping to find an xbox controller replica for it, It'll make everything so much more enjoyable.

I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

Something on your mind, Dear?

Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!

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Have one. Love the system, hate the controller. Hoping to find an xbox controller replica for it, It'll make everything so much more enjoyable.

You can buy controllers like that, several companies make them.I personally like the controller, but that might be because I've been using it since the PS1.
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If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it, did a tree fall?


If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it trees don't exist and never will.

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I know, I'm just waiting to find one that costs less than 30 dollars for a wired controller. And I've been using them since the ps1 as well, the xbox controller is just superior design, in my opinion, much more comfortable.

I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

Something on your mind, Dear?

Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!

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I had one. Hated it. Mostly because the controller felt odd. But, the sport games for PS3 are better than any other system. :/

you could have gotten a different controller from another company?also sports games lol
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If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it, did a tree fall?


If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it trees don't exist and never will.

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xbox controllers for shooters, sixaxis for everything else. i play a lot more of the everything else.i took way too long in getting into killzone. picked up the third a few weeks ago and ive been really impressed by it. gameplay is just so slick. oh and i guess sev is pretty too.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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i'm so backlogged, i STILL need to get KZ3. I haven't bought any new games this year cuz i've been busy.now with Uncharted 3 out, that's #1 on my priority list.

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If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it, did a tree fall?


If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it trees don't exist and never will.

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I can understand that. The first resistance is a throwback to classic shooters, which I find awesome, but aren't for those who've grown up on modern shooters. As far as skyrim goes, I've held off on purchasing it until after my finals, can't afford to lose my scholarship because of dragons.

I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

Something on your mind, Dear?

Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!

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For me, it's less about growing up, and more about not wanting to have to pay for room and board or tuition. I'm lazy, I don't want to get a job while people are still willing to just give me money.Also, how do people feel about hose trigger additions you can buy for controllers? I love em, makes the sixaxis feel more intuitive.

I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

Something on your mind, Dear?

Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!

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I can't get into Killzone. I don't know what it is, but the games are just unappealing. I do enjoy Resistance though.

I love both series. I still have to grab the most recent Resistance game.
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If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it, did a tree fall?


If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it trees don't exist and never will.

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i love inFamous. the game makes me feel so powerful

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If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it, did a tree fall?


If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it trees don't exist and never will.

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infamous was one of those $30 games i got after it had been out for like 2 years. i absolutely loved it, even if some parts were just hella frustrating. i never got around to getting infamous 2, maybe in fear that it'd turn out like bioshock 2 did. dunno if i ever will.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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Bioshock 2 was made by a different company, though.I haven't played the first one yet but Infamous 2 was fun. It could get repetitive, since I'm a completionist and I like doing all the sidequests, but it was still a good game over all.

see, bioshock 2 was a good game overall too.thing is is that infamous and bioshock 1 made such huge impacts on the gaming world and were so amazingly done and sold so well that a sequel was necessary, but they just couldnt outshine their predecessors. i'm predicting halo 4 to do similarly.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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My mom thinks that even T-rated games are inappropriate for me, so I can't even get anything like InFamous or Uncharted. So I've been playing LBP and Modnation Racers for two weeks. Oh, yes, Motorstorm too.

I figure I may as well do PBZPs now. But, I have a terrible work ethic,so they may take a while.



blue=taken, red=in progress

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My mom thinks that even T-rated games are inappropriate for me, so I can't even get anything like InFamous or Uncharted. So I've been playing LBP and Modnation Racers for two weeks. Oh, yes, Motorstorm too.

but...but...Motorstorm is rated T...also your mom needs to chill. i can understand M-rater games, but T? Edited by BBCCD
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If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it, did a tree fall?


If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it trees don't exist and never will.

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  • 3 weeks later...

co-oped through Killzone 3 with a friend. too bad the game was so short, gameplay-wise it was the best one yet.

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If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it, did a tree fall?


If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it trees don't exist and never will.

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My PS3 has a "blinking red light of death" which I hear is the equivalent of the XBox's Red Ring of Death. Anyone have this/know how to fix it?Kalhiki


You're Doomed, Rayman!

Boy! I just love it when my computer doesn't tell me when my battery is getting low!

(that's sarcasm, by the way)

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i prefer the ps3 controller to the xbox controller for everything that isn't a shooter. people tell me that the xbox is more comfortable if you have bigger hands.thought ps3 had the yellow light of death. no idea how to fix it, though, sorry.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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