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Bionifight - One Year On

Nato G

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One year ago today, Voltex's Bionifight Infinite over in the Bionicle RPG forum came to an end. I, like many players, made an almost excessive number of characters over the course of the game. So, when things finally came to an end, it seemed only appropriate that I gave all of those characters (as well as those of a few other players, with their permission) a proper send off. 


The following passage constitutes my final submission to the Bionifight Infinite topic, which I've decided to repost here (with a bit of reformatting, and a few typos fixed) to commemorate the anniversary of the game's end.




Farewell, Bionifight. You will be missed.

IC: Xara.


Kat went through first. Determined, resolute, just as she had been the last time I’d seen her, back in our world. She looked back before she stepped through, and I gave her a friendly wave, shouting the words “See you on the other side!” as she vanished into the portal. After everything she’d been through here, I was certain she’d be able to handle herself there. She’d killed a god after all, and fought beings with powers and technology we’d never even imagined before our time here. Compared to that, Tridax was nothing.


And then it was my turn. Just like her, I stopped to look back at the crowd – the single toughest group of fighters and survivors I’d ever had the pleasure of working with. Despite all of the horrific things that had happened to us, the friends and allies that we’d lost, there was admittedly a part of me was going to miss all of this.  


But with its Host and Queen dead, Bionifight was finished. There was no going back from here, only forwards. I turned to Glass, “Let’s go home.” He nodded in agreement, and together we stepped through…


…to find Rail waiting for us on the other side, Sand by his side, an extremely unhappy expression on his face. Seems we’ve got a bit of explaining to do…



IC: Dayeth.


The Dark Toa had returned from Maeus lab to watch the exodus. No one noticed her, no one cared. No one, except for Kotak, whose nod she returned with a smile. It was strangely relieving to realise that in spite of everything that had happened, perhaps she’d still managed to make one friend in this place…


She didn’t step into the portal, however. Instead, she returned to Maeus' laboratory, where a veritable treasure trove of technology and information was waiting for her. There was still a lot of work to be done before she was ready to leave this place…



IC: Alisa Dare.


When the Toa of Absence stepped through the rift, she found herself mere moments after she’d left. The battlefield strewn with corpses, the shattered mask of light, the smoke drifting in the breeze. But as horrific as this devastation was, it was insignificant compared to the battlefield she’d just departed from.


A battle she’d never wanted to be part of, as part of a tournament she’d been kidnapped and forced into, a chapter of her life she’d rather forget…



IC: Miril.


“And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why perseverance is a virtue,” I cheered, finally clawing a second stone out of the marsh.


“You do realise there’s no one here but us, right?” I replied, holding up the identical gem to compare it to the one the other me had found. The two stones – moments ago colourless and drained of life – suddenly flared into brightness, crackling with purple-green light.


“I knew we were right to keep digging!” I proclaimed, one of me shouting in jubilation while the other cheered in triumph, “Now I guess I’ve just got to figure out what the heck is does…”


My other self shook her head, and started pulling me back towards the facility. “That can wait. Let’s get off this rock first.” Jump forward twenty minutes later and there I was, back on board my ship, lost in a maelstrom of shouting and cannon fire.


And for the first time in far too long, I smiled. An open, genuine, heartfelt grin. Karz, I’d missed this. A pirate’s life for me…


IC: Falcon.


Bota Magna. Home. After everything Vyne and I had seen and experienced, there were no words to describe just how relieved I was to finally return.


As we stepped through, the drab greys and browns of the cultist’s island were replaced with the enticingly familiar lush, glittering greens of the ancient rainforest. And rearing up out of the underbrush before us… a very big, very angry biomechanical monstrosity. 


“Never thought I’d miss this,” I couldn’t help but grin as the beast bore down on us. We truly were home.



IC: Anguish.


He stood out on Masenna’s Mourning Porch, staring down at the jagged rocks and crashing waves below. It was over, all over. The Heralds were gone, the Gods were gone, even the dead who usually roamed the graveyard at night had failed to rise this evening.


There was nothing left for him in this life.


He raised his arm and whipped it downwards, the spiked tendrils of his lash tearing through the glass beneath his feet, sending him plunging into freefall. He closed his eyes and waited for the end, his fate rushing up to meet him as he plummeted into the waves below. 


IC: Hive.


The Cult of Plague was gone. Sairaus was dead. Vitsaus was dead. Even Parasite was dead.


And Hive didn’t give a karz.


The Containment Centre was his, and his alone now. With a substantial number of potential test subjects still locked up inside the building’s sprawling maze of corridors and chambers, and the cult’s teleportation equipment allowing him to fetch more if he needed to, he could continue on with his experiments for as long as it took to achieve the result he wanted. And then, he’d just find some other goal to pursue.


It was all he knew how to do, after all.


IC: Psycho Green.


The Vapautti Sielu was finished – the Heralds defeated, the Cultists crushed, the Pantheon slain – and Psycho Green now sat alone in the trophy room, surrounded by rows upon rows of relics, retrieved by generations of cultists from the ruins of innumerable realities.


She sat and she stared, watching as the screen before her slowly and inexorably faded into static and blackness as the video feeds of the rest of the island shut down one by one.


In the end, she lay there alone in darkness, having no idea where to go, or what to do.


IC: Xara.


The Final Day…


My camera hovered over my shoulder as I approached the portal, recording the faces of every single surviving prisoner and Bionifighter. Despite the terror and turmoil I’d gone through, it had felt like a genuine privilege to be present, to be part of these events. It had given me an opportunity, to ensure that everyone – the entire multiverse – knew of what had transpired here.


I’d made backups of the all of the facility’s archived footage and files, a record of everything that had taken place during the fights and behind the scenes, as well as a few schematics and diagrams that I hadn’t been able to make sense of. There were no more secrets, it was time for the truth to come out. The truth about all of them.


The heroes, the villains, the survivors and the fighters. Those who’d been working together, and those who’d stood alone. The living and the dead, the lost and the fallen, and of course, the other me. I would make sure that none of them were forgotten.


And with that silent, wordless promise, I stepped through the portal.


One year later…


I take a deep breath, then push open the door to the head editor’s office and step inside. My camera – newly upgraded – hovers behind me, and a freshly printed document is tucked under my arm.


And what’s all this? Icarax demands, looking up at me as I calmly place the document on the desk before him.


“It’s been almost one year since the Bionifight disaster,” I remind him, “the memorial’s coming up tomorrow, and I was hoping you might be willing to make a last-minute addition to the special edition of the paper the academy was planning to distribute for the event.”


What did you have in mind?


In spite of everything I’d seen and witnessed during Bionifight, and beyond, it was still terrifying to be this close to the Makuta, with his nightmarish visage, fiery eyes and skull-splitting psychic speech. But I force myself to remain calm; I’d survived far worse than him. “Well, I’ve been doing some research into where all of the survivors wound up, and compiled the results. I was thinking it might make for a nice "where are they now" centrepiece or something…”


I see… The Makuta reaches out and begins leafing through the document, pausing every few pages to focus on some passage or another. I just stand there, shuffling anxiously, reading the upside-down paragraphs and hoping to karz I hadn’t managed to stupidly overlook some glaring error or another.


I’d spent ages working on all of this, and I’d managed to gather a substantial amount of testimonies and records…



Xara - With her boyfriend Glass in tow, Xara returned home to re-join her friend Rail, and pet shallows cat Sand. They spent several more months living in relative peace and comfort in the wilderness of the southern continent, before returning to Nynrah in search of the friends and allies they’d left behind.


Kat - Having lived through the horrors of Bionifight and Landfall, surviving the ordeals that awaited her upon her return proved to be no real challenge for this Rahkshi. Reuniting with the remaining members of her rebellion, the group defeated Tridax. Free of the Brotherhood’s influence, they fled Corpus Rahkshi are now living a peaceful life somewhere on Nynrah, where they were eventually joined by Glass, Rail and Xara.


Dayeth - The dark Toa did eventually leave the island, but she never returned to her home world. Presumably, after everything she’d seen and experienced she no longer believed in the power of her old god, and instead set out in search of a new purpose in life. Making use of the cult’s teleportation equipment and her new fear powers, she has been sighted in multiple universes, killing and destroying whatever she pleases in her insatiable quest for power.


The Wyrm - The body of the creature called The Wyrm was eventually recovered from the Wilted Forest and returned to his home world. However, without him to lead them, his people had long since been slaughtered by the marauding Vortixx, and his species has since been officially declared extinct.


Xaeraz/Kopen - With no home world of his own to really return to, Xaeraz – taking with him the many spoils he’d accumulated during his time at Bionifight – ultimately decided to accompany the now-Toa Kopen back to her own world, where the two now live together, happily married.


The Puppetmaster In spite of the reports from numerous eyewitnesses, it seemed this mutated Great Being actually survived his time on the island, perhaps faking his death using his ash transmutation ability. He has since returned to his home world to continue with his experiments.


Alisa Dare - Tragically, the stress and trauma caused by the events of Bionifight and Landfall proved too much for this Toa. Unable to cope, she attempted to use her Absence powers to make herself forget the events, and wound up completely wiping her mind instead. Rendered to a near-comatose state, she withered away in a hospital bed over a period of several months.   


Snarl - During the clean-up of the ruined facility, the decayed remnants of an augmented energy hound – later identified as Snarl – were discovered in the wreckage of the arena. They were returned to the unfortunate creature’s home world, and buried at the foot of Snarl’s favourite tree. 


Terry Terrix - The Tarakava Hunter was not forgotten. In his home world, a statue has been built in his honour, and a new Tarakava sanctuary named after him. Due to the nature of his death, no remains were even recovered, but despite the lack of a proper burial, it is hoped that Terry Terrix has found peace.


Dekako - Having fallen at the hands of another rogue kaita, it was assumed that Dekako was gone for good. However, sporadic reports from numerous worlds suggest that she may be attempting once more to manifest herself on the corporeal plane. If that is the case, this reporter wishes her the best of luck. Not everyone gets a second chance, after all.


Buzzz - The hyperactive insect Toa returned to his home world, where he became a major celebrity, frequently fawned upon by the many multiversal travellers who came to tour his world and visit its twin cheese moons.


Miril - The two gems recovered by this feisty pirate turned out to be linked, acting almost like incredibly powerful radios to allow perfect communication between the two over any distance, even if the two are in different worlds. Thanks to this, Miril’s piracy empire has rapidly expanded, as her twin selves can now coordinate far more effectively. It seems that in spite of the tragedy that befell Bionifight, Miril managed to make the best of things.   


Falcon - The Glatorian hunter, with his pet Wyvern beside him, decided to retire a few months after their return from Bionifight. He intends to live out the rest of his days in a spacious, hand-made bungalow nestled deep in the Bota Magna jungles. 


Anguish - The remains of the pitiable creature known as Anguish were located at the bottom of the Wailing Cliffs, shattered on the rocks. He was given no form of last rite or burial, instead being left to decay among the crashing waves. 


Scriva - Originally assumed dead after vanishing during the prison raid, the Toa of Writing eventually turned up alive and well alongside Berekzo. Having used her own powers to boost his dimensional gates ability, the duo had left the cultist’s island and fled out into the multiverse. Since then, she’s become a travelling writer, drifting from world to world and publishing various books and articles about the best sights and attractions each world has to offer.


Hive - One year on, and the Containment Centre remains eerily silent. It’s entirely possible that the deranged AI remains inside somewhere, still continuing his experiments, unless he’s finally shut down, or moved on elsewhere. With no one having dared to enter the medical madhouse since its doors were locked, the question of Hive’s fate will likely remain unanswered.  


Whisper - Naught but bones remained of the Makuta called Whisper by the time her rotted remains were finally found, caught on the upper slopes of a mountainside overlooking the prison. With no home world left to return her remains to, they were instead cleaned up and used as a display piece for a museum exhibit commemorating the events of Landfall.


Psycho Green - With the black fog of death still hanging thick and heavy around Tuoni’s former residence, it’s impossible to know what has become of this twisted being. Dead, alive or departed, without anyone being able to enter the Trophy Hall and investigate, it’s impossible to discern the truth, or recover any of the thousands of artefacts gathered by the cult over the millennia.


Xara - 



This last one is blank.


“Oh, right…” I stammer, the sudden psychic contact catching me off guard, “…yeah, that one’s mine.”


I can see that. But why haven’t you written anything?


“Because I don’t know what to write. As a journalist, I’m supposed to remain impartial, but it’s hard to do that when I’m the subject…”


You’re one of this school’s best students, Icarax cuts in, You alone sought out this story. You succeeded. You survived. And when you returned, you opened up this humble school of journalism to an entire multiverse of readers thanks to those teleportation designs you brought back with you.


“By accident,” I reply pointedly, “I didn’t know what any of those files were.”


That doesn’t matter. The fact is, you’ve more than earned the right to indulge in a little impartiality. He closes the folder and pushes it towards me. This is your article, write whatever you want; I’ll run it by Tridax and then it’ll be ready for publication.


“I… thank you… I don’t even know what to say… I…”


Just hurry up. He interjects once more. You’ll need to have it done in the next hour or so if you want this thing to go to print in time for tomorrow.


“Oh, of course. Will do. I think I know what I want to say.”


I pick up a pen, open the document to its final page, and begin to write.


The events of Bionifight and Landfall are truly tragic. The crimes committed by the Host, the Queen and the Cult are unforgivable, unforgettable. The lives lost are irreplaceable.


But I’m alive.


And while the horrors I witnessed, the things I was forced to do, and the things I failed to do, will likely haunt me until my dying day, I won’t let this one small part of my past define my entire future.


The pen hovers over the page as I think over how to conclude. In the end, I settle for a single sentence. A sentence composed of seven simple words, which summarise everything my past year has been leading up to.  


It’s time for me to move on. 


Goodbye, Bionifight.





Embers - a new Bionicle Epic - Teaser

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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