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The Matoran Revolution

Master Inika

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"The Matoran Revolution" The door swung open, letting light pour into the massive hut. "Turaga Nokama!" The Turaga of Water jumped out of bed and took her trident, aiming it at the newcomer. However, the light simply showed it to be Kotu, one of her most trusted assistants. The Turaga put the trident down. "It is late, Kotu. What brings you here?" "This is a matter of monumental importance. Maku and I have been conferring for many moons on the current situation in Ga-Koro." "What situation? All is fine," the Turaga said. Kotu laughed. "Fine? Last month, a Tarakava ravaged half the village. Twelve Matoran had to sleep in town square for weeks. Is this your definition of fine?" "We endured, and the Tarakava was driven away, and that is all that matters. I would have expected you to have more maturity," Nokama replied. The Ga-Matoran held up a lightstone. It illuminated the entire hut. It was easily thrice as large as the huts Kotu and the others lived in, with a beautiful giant flower in the center. "Nice place." "Um, thank you," Nokama said. "Anyone else live here?" After Nokama said nothing for a brief while, Kotu continued, "I guess not. Just you. In this giant, beautiful hut. And it looks like yours doesn't leak like mine." "Kotu, if you have anything important to say, than say it." Kotu looked behind her and said, "Come in, maruls." Nokama's heart stopped. Marul was a Matoran word meaning "comrade." A group of ten Ga-Matoran gathered behind Kotu. Among them was the Ga-Koro Guard, staffs in their hands. "Turaga Nokama, I must ask you to step down as leader of Ga-Koro." ---- "It was a coup," Nokama said, finishing her recollection of her story to Vakama and Onewa. The three were at Kini-Nui, discussing in secret the widespread protests against their governments. "You were ousted from Ga-Koro?" Onewa said, hardly believing his ears. For centuries, during the Dark Time, the Turaga were the wise leaders of the Matoran. Surely, Onewa thought, they had earned the trust of the Matoran. "Yes. Before I was escorted out, I asked which Matoran initiated this. She told me his name was Mardek." "We must alert the other Turaga to this threat. Onewa, return to Po-Koro and declare martial law. Use the Po-Koro Guard to keep a lid on these protests. We must maintain control," Vakama said. "Nokama, you can stay in Ta-Koro with me, in secret." Onewa nodded and headed his way. Vakama took Nokama's hand and led her in the other direction. ---- When Onewa reached the gate, Huki was standing there with a bamboo disk. "Oh, Huki. How wonderful it is to see a friendly face." "Yes, Turaga," he said. However, as the Turaga of Stone neared, Huki held his disk in the throwing position. "I am truly sorry, but I have direct orders to keep you from entering." "Direct orders from who?" the Turaga ordered. He readied his stone hammer, but Huki hurled his disk and knocked the tool out of his Turaga's hand. And, quicker than the Dikapi of Po-Koro, he had another disk readied in his hand. "Our new governing body, the Democratic Council of Po-Koro. This order was issued by our new leader, Marul Mardek." ---- The Ta-Matoran gathered in the center of their city. Turaga Vakama had ordered the gathering to give a report of grave importance. The Turaga of Fire took to the podium, with Jala and Kapura standing at his sides. "My noble Matoran of Fire, a new threat has risen on Mata Nui. Ga-Koro has fallen to evil revolutionaries, who seek to remove us from power. Nokama's whereabouts are currently unknown, but I know you will all hope for her safety. The rebels will stop at nothing to rob you of my guidance." Vakama heard Jala clear his throat. "Before a few days ago, I would have believed that." The Turaga of Fire turned to see Jala and Kapura aiming their spears at the Turaga. "But that was before Marul Mardek taught us that 'guidance' is just another word you Turaga use to mean 'dictatorship.'" "Excellent work, Marul Jala," a new voice said. A Matoran entered. At the wave of his hand, Vakama was overpowered and tied up, and thrown on the floor with a gagged Nokama. "Your Turaga has lied to you. He was hiding the overthrown dictatress Nokama." Vakama struggled to get a good look at the Matoran. This, he figured, must be Mardek. He wore a Mask of Charisma, rare for the Matoran of Mata Nui. Though Vakama knew Mardek, as a Matoran, could not use its power, he thought to himself he might as well have. Stranger than his Kanohi was Mardek's coloration. His Mask of Charisma was bright red, although his torso was blue like a Ga-Matoran's. His left arm was brown and his right black, while his left leg was white and his right green. "Marul Jala, I name you the new Chairman of the Democratic Council of Ta-Koro." Mardek then jumped down and looked the two Turaga in the eyes. "As for you two, this is your one chance to leave with your lives. I am a merciful leader. You have the opportunity now to flee to Kini-Nui, the chief monument of your totalitarianism, to live out the rest of your lives. Expect the other Turaga as soon as they are overthrown, and any loyalist who choose to stay with you." The two Turaga were freed. Vakama looked at each individual Ta-Matoran, looking for some spark of support in one of their eyes. But the only expressions coming his way were looks of disgust and fear. "Come, Vakama," Nokama said, putting her hand on his shoulder. Vakama lowered his head and walked with Nokama out of the city he led for 999 years. ---- True to his word, Mardek left the Turaga alone at Kini-Nui. In a few days, Matau, Nuju, and Whenua arrived. Only three Matoran chose to remain loyal to the Turaga, all Ko-Matoran. Two were Pakastaa and Talvi of the Sanctum Guard; the third was Matoro, Nuju's translator and aide. A few days later, Huki arrived on an Ussal crab. The Kini-Nui Guard (the new name of the Sanctum Guard) allowed him to pass into the central temple. The Turaga greeted him warmly, but he seemed less than happy to see them. "I have been ordered by Marul Mardek to report to you the death of Turaga Onewa," he said. "What happened, Huki?" Nokama asked. Nuju made a harsh series of clicks, and banged his ice pick on the stone floor. Matoro thought for a brief moment before saying, "That doesn't translate well." "He was insolent. The Po-Koro Guard was pushed to use lethal force against him. Marul Mardek hopes this will be a wake-up call to you five," Huki said. Without waiting for a response, he hurried away on his crab. ---- "Maruls, the Matoran Revolution is completed!" Mardek called to his assembled Matoran. They were standing in the Motara Desert, where a group of Po-Matoran had been commissioned to erect a statue of their new leader, Mardek. "For 999 years, you lived under a confederation of six dictatorships. Well, that time is over. Each village will now be governed by a democratic council, each led by a chairman appointed by myself. Now, Mata Nui will truly be led by the ideals of Unity, Duty, and Destiny." "What of the Makuta's Rahi? Will they continue to terrorize us until the arrival of the Toa?" one Onu-Matoran called. "This may come as a surprise to you, but the words I speak are the absolute truth. There are no Toa. They are myths, lies, propaganda, conceived by the Turaga to strengthen the untrue idea that they were leading you in prosperity." The Matoran gasped, and began talking amongst themselves. But they quieted when Mardek continued, saying, "The Makuta, however, is all too real. But, unlike the Turaga, I have faith in the power of the Matoran against his evil. Put your faith in me, be loyal to me, and I shall lead you to the Destiny promised to you by the Great Spirit." ---- All next year, Mardek reported that the harvests had done thrice as well as under the Turaga. A Po-Matoran claimed to have seen Mardek using plant powers to grow the crops, but Mardek himself asserted that is was simply the hard work of the Matoran which had provided them with the good fortune. Subsequently, the Matoran who made the claim was never seen again. Rahi attacks became rare. A Ga-Matoran claimed to have seen Mardek approach a giant Muaka tiger, wearing infected Kanohi, and turn the beast away with a simple wave of his hand. Again, Mardek denied this, affording their success against the Rahi to the skill of Onepu's Ussalry. He then made a long speech on the importance of Duty, and urged any Matoran eligible to join the Ussalry and defend the democracy he had brought them. At the end of the year, the rationing system introduced by the Democratic Council of Ko-Koro hit what felt like an all-time low (despite the fact that the numbers showed they had remained higher than ever). Rahi attacks were also on the rise again. What life was like under the Turaga was all but forgotten, and many grew disillusioned with Mardek. However, no Matoran dared to say something to Mardek himself, for he was never without at least a dozen soldiers of the fearsome and regimented Ussalry. Now, during a "feast" in Le-Koro, Mardek again addressed his people. "It seems that many have, by now, forgotten what times were like under the Turaga. I shall remind you that it was a time of great famine, misery, and violence. You think you are hungry now? Your brother and sisters starved during the rule of the Turaga. Why, if they were living now, they would regard this as a feast fit for the Great Spirit himself," Mardek proclaimed. "Rumors of the Toa falling from the sky one year ago were being perpetuated recently, for reasons I do not know. What fell from the sky were six empty canisters, for unknown reasons. There was nothing inside them. Nothing. And especially no Toa." The Matoran, now hearing how much better life was than under the Turaga, began laughing and smiling again. Some broke into song in praise of Marul Mardek. Their leader allowed the songs to be sung for about an hour, before concluding his speech. "In order to combat the recent Rahi attack, power shall be centralized. That is the only way to ensure every Matoran's safety. As of right now, the six democratic councils are disbanded. All governance shall come from me personally. Surely, with the great prosperity I have brought you, there are no qualms with this." The Matoran cheered. The ones who didn't were met with the disapproving stare of Onepu, High Commander of the Ussalry, and they then started cheering as well. After the celebrations, Onepu took a Ga-Matoran, tied up and gagged, to Mardek. "This is Marka. She was the very last to begin singing of you," Onepu reported. "Send her to Kini-Nui with the other prisoners," Mardek ordered. "How goes it there, anyway?" "Exactly as you foresaw," Onepu replied. "The last of the Turaga, Nuju, has died of starvation. If only he had embraced you as we have. Now, it is simply populated by Matoran heathens." Mardek nodded to Onepu, and Marka was marched away by an Ussalry regiment. It was very late. If Toa Kopaka was not murdered upon landing on Mata Nui, he would have been able to use his Mask of X-Ray Vision to see the Kanohi Kraahkan underneath Mardek's Mask of Charisma.

Edited by Master Inika

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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wow. your story kept me focused on it. the way you wrote the story and the words you used were amazing and kept the story going. there was no lack of tension and the passive action contributed to the story well. make's you wonder why teridax did not do that from the beginning. and i think that he should have done this and took control of the toa by quickly switch their masks with infected kanohi. perfect plan then they could continue their destiny but under his control.Overall i give this story a 10+/10 keep on writing.


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