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Reawakening Book 3: Divergence (Continuation)


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To spare my old followers confusion, Book 3 and REAWAKENED are the same book, simply renamed. The first part of the book can be found here. Let's get started, then! Krika's team: 2Yorek's team: 0Haru's team: 1Caele nui (Haru and Shane): 4Caele nui (Johan): 4Caele nui (Axle): 4Chuck: 4The three _Ys: 4Metru nui: 0 ----------------------Chapter :3::2: ~~~Aaron~~~ Aaron reached out and took the picture that lay on the ground where Tyler had dropped it. He looked into the woman's smiling face and smiled back, and kissed the picture. The others didn't need to ask to know that she was his wife. He rolled onto his back, his leg stained red from the bullet wound. The door opened and a team of medics set the injured adults on stretchers and rolled them out of the room without speaking. Nathan's fist clenched as he saw them being wheeled out, "Someone's going to pay." ~~~Chuck~~~ The Japanese combat robots had managed to punch a hole in the Demon Island's forces, but they soon found themselves being overpowered by the Matoran technology. Chuck watched as another of them was blown up. He picked up his pace, "How did you manage to convince the Japanese army to attack?" "I told them everything that happened," explained Martin, "and provided photographic evidence of it." He held up his camera bag, smiling. Just as they made it to the exit of the building, the truck they'd used to get there was blown up by one of the Island's troopers carrying a lightning gun. A well aimed bullet quickly dispatched the soldier, giving the group some room to run. Leonard's radio crackled, "I'm running low on ammo." Leonard picked it up and answered, "We're completely out. Although..." he picked up the lightning gun, "We've got this thing." Martin pointed at an Island tank headed towards them, "Look out!" Leo and Ben were on the move right away, "Leave that to us!" Leo aimed the gun at a flipped EMP near the tank and fired. The resulting explosion blocked them from the tank's vision. He waved to Martin and Chuck, "Go hide, we'll try to get into the tank!" "He's crazy," said Chuck. Martin and Johan agreed. ~~~Haru~~~ The desert was, indeed, teeming with mechs, most of them equipped with drills, scoops and other digging equipment. "What do you think they're looking for?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Energized Protodermis, I believe," said William, "So what do we do now?" "The three of us alone can't do anything. We're going to need to wait for-" a rumbling noise filled the air. Haru looked to Mount Ihu, "The Bohrok." A massive dust cloud spread from all sides of Mount Ihu as the Bohrok spread out, destroying all in their wake. "What do we do?" asked Shane, "They're going to hit us too at this rate." Haru shook her head, "They won't touch the desert. There's nothing to destroy there. Let's get out into the open." She made her mech step out of its hiding place among the rocks, and went to stand among the crowd. Reluctantly, Shane and William followed her. They had to keep their distance from the workers. The damaged state of their mechs would surely draw attention to them. Slowly, everyone's eyes turned to the dust cloud. As the Bohrok drew closer, the workers, not knowing what they were even looking for anyways, began to desert their jobs and take to the skies. Already, Bohrok could be seen on the edge of the desert, headed towards any large rocks in sight and melting them, dissolving them, and more. The others were so distracted by the Bohrok that they didn't notice Axle until he landed next to them in a sitting position, due to his mech's missing leg. Shane offered him a shoulder to lean on, "It looks like our work is done here." Axle shook his head and pointed with his remaining arm, "No, the scientists are going to be sending troops to abduct as many Bohrok as they can. There's nothing we can do to prevent that, except hope that the Bohrok will put up enough of a fight." He let go of Shane and, balancing on his leg, gunned his boosters, "We should go to Mount Ihu. It's the safest place at the moment." ~~~Chuck~~~ Neither Martin nor Chuck nor Johan was quite sure how they did it, but Leonard and Ben had somehow commandeered the tank and were now speeding along the Island, towards the place where their old party was being held. ~~~Adults +2~~~ The doors were blown open as three familiar and two unfamiliar figures stepped in. The workers in the room immediately ducked and put their hands over their heads as glass flew everywhere. Miriam lowered her hands from in front of her face, "Chuck! Johan!" Nathan ran to their friends and gave Chuck a massive bearhug, "I knew you'd come back, dude!" "Where are your parents?" demanded Martin. "They were just taken out by a team of medics," explained Miriam, "The man named Tyler-" "We know, we saw it on a camera," interjected Chuck. "Looks like we're not quite done yet," said Johan. ------------ Krika's team: 2Yorek's team: 0Haru's team: 1Caele nui (Haru and Shane): 4Caele nui (Johan): 4Caele nui (Axle): 4Chuck: 4The three _Ys: 4Metru nui: 0 Woo! It feels good to be back in action! You know where to review.

BZPRPG Profiles
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Krika's team: 2Yorek's team: 0Haru's team: 1Caele nui (Haru and Shane): 4Caele nui (Johan): 4Caele nui (Axle): 4Chuck: 4The three _Ys: 4Metru nui: 0 -------------------------------- Chapter :3::3: ~~~Chuck~~~ The sky was buzzing with helicopters bearing troops to Caele Nui. "It looks like the others managed to set the Bohrok loose," said Johan. Nathan pointed out a building nearby, "That's where they were taken." Chuck's xPod beeped as Haru sent him a message. "Axle managed to release the Bohrok. There's too many of them for the army to leave much of a dent on, but we're still afraid that they'll get enough of them to empower themselves to the point where we'll have to worry." Chuck tapped the screen a few times and sent a return message, "Well, if we manage to stop Tyler and Cyrus, then we won't have anything to worry about, will we?" "For the moment, no. But suppose someone else wants to use this power?" "Well, we've already got enough to worry about with all the Matoran technology already free for them to use, then. We should just focus on stopping these guys for now." "Yeah." The building's doors slid open as they drew near. A man near the counter near the entrance ducked with his hands in the air as Leonard came into view with the gun, "Don't shoot! They're in room 12!" Johan chuckled, "This is so much easier than I expected." Martin glanced back outside, "But as soon as the Island's troops have finished with the Japanese ones, they'll be after us right away. What then?" Leonard considered it, "We'll need to find some more guns. Ben, Ted and Ah can go after the heads. You should keep a gun too, for when they find you, just in case." "That isn't very reassuring," commented Martin. He sighed, "This isn't how I solve problems... I've never had to use a gun in my life before this..." Ben grabbed a gun from an emergency hatch, "Sorry, but we don't have much of a choice." He checked the side of his new weapon, "Energy bullets. Pity, the lightning guns pack the most power." Ted stepped into the building, "Alright, now that I'm here, what's the plan?" Leonard took charge again, "You go to the roof and hold off any troops that head this way. Ben and Ah will go after the men in charge in the meantime." Ted nodded, "Alright, I'll be on the roof then." And with that he vanished up a set of stairs. Leonard and Ben were out the door soon after, headed back to the surveillance room that they had come from. Martin led the teenagers down the hall, "To room 12, then." "Hold on a second," called Chuck as he headed towards a communication screen on the wall, "We don't want anyone to tell the people in charge where we are, now do we?" "Wait!" cried the man behind the desk, "Suppose I have to make any emergency calls!" Chuck looked at his father, who shook his head, "It's fine, let's go. Ted can warn us in anyone is coming," he held up a walkie-talkie that Ben had left him with." ~~~Haru~~~ Haru watched as Axle took off overhead, towing Shane behind him. The Bohrok were now taking over the desert, destroying anthing that could get in the way of the Great Spirit's awakening. Fortunately for her, she wasn't on that list. ~ The sun was beginning to set when he returned. He landed roughly on his one leg, "Oops, I just pressed a button... I hope nothing bad happened." The Bronze pieces of Nathan's armor rearranged themselves, creating a new leg for the mech, but leaving his right arm unarmored. His left was still missing. "Hey, that's handy." He held out his remaining arm, "Come on Haru." She took it. He motioned for William to get on the mech, which he did promptly. Without a word, Axle took off into the sky. William wobbled a bit as he looked down. They really were high up... ~~~Chuck~~~ Everyone seemed to be okay. Aside from bullet wounds in their legs, the parents were in high spirits, seeing that most of the kids were doing well. Soren sat next to his friend Aaron, "How are you holding up?" "Pretty well. They've got me on some strong sedatives, and they've already removed the bullet. I just need to stay in bed until I've healed, and then I'll be good as new." Soren nodded, satisfied with the answer. Chuck and Haru continued messaging each other. He received another message from her, "We're on Mount Ihu right now. It's been stripped of almost all its snow by the Bohrok. They've all moved outwards to sweep the island. I can see them burning down Le-Koro right now. And William is still with us. He's making some food right now." "Good to hear. I think you can head back to the island now if you want. You're pretty much done over-" Martins' walkie-talkie crackled to life, "Ted to Martin, do you read me?" "I read you, what's the matter?" "There are soldiers headed your way. I think one of the heads is with them, but I can't be sure, and I doubt I'll be able to have a clear shot on him." "Alright, don't do anything for now. Wait until you can get a clear shot on him before doing anything, even if it's on their way out." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I am." Martin went out into the hallway and pulled another energy gun out of an emergency compartment. He tossed it to Soren, "We're going to have to use these soon." He disappeared back into the hallway to get another. Chuck sent another message to Haru, "Looks like one of the heads is coming our way in person." "Good luck," she said, concern plainly audible in her voice. ~ The doors to the room slid open, and Tyler himself, accompanied by four soldiers, stepped inside. He held a gun pointed straight at Martin, "I knew you'd come here if your friends were hurt. Now you'll cease being a thorn in my side." Martin and Soren held up their own guns, and the soldiers raised theirs. Yukina sat up in bed, "Now now! This isn't necessary." Tyler laughed, "Oh but it is! Now, you have two choices: come quietly or die." Martin kept his gun trained on Tyler, "I don't think so. You pull that trigger, and both of ours are as good as pulled." "But you've got five guns aimed at you, and two to retaliate with. What are you going to do with those?" Martin thought quickly, "But if you're dead, then those soldiers won't have a reason to pull their triggers. They'll have failed, and won't be paid even if we kill you." "Shut up," ordered Tyler, losing his confidence. He couldn't see the soldier's faces, but he was worried they were actually considering what he was saying, "They are bound by duty!" "No they're not," said Aaron, "They're bound by their paycheck. Aren't we all?" Before anyone could reply, a gunshot fired and Tyler crumpled to the ground, a deep burn wound on his chest. Matrin dropped the gun, a numb expressionless look on his face. The soldiers stood, shocked, for a moment, before one of them lowered his gun, "He's right... we're not serving our country, we're serving a man that pays us." Another one held his gun higher, "But he killed Dr. Tyler! He needs to die!" "No they don't," said another, "There's no point in it." He held his gun up, "Please come quietly. We need to place all the unwounded in protective custody." Soren put his gun down, "Okay." The teens followed suit. Martin just stared at Tyler's body. Glad that it was all over, everyone was led out of the room to the detention block. Chuck's heart was still racing. They had been that close to death. Only his father's quick thinking had kept them alive. ~~~Haru~~~ The whole exchange had been heard over her own xPod. They all glanced at each other. Axle sighed, "Looks like it's over for them. We're going to have to stop Cyrus ourselves." Haru nodded, "Let's move. -------------------------------- Krika's team: 2Yorek's team: 0Haru's team: 1Caele nui (Haru): 5Chuck: 5Tyler: 5Cyrus: 4Myra: 4Metru nui: 0

BZPRPG Profiles
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Krika's team: 2Yorek's team: 0Haru's team: 1Caele nui (Haru): 5Chuck: 5Tyler: 5Cyrus: 4Myra: 4Metru nui: 0 ~~~Myra~~~ Myra stared with disbelief at the surveillance screen in front of her. Tyler was definitely dead. She clutched at her chest, gasping, "No... Tyler..." Her eyes turned with rage on the statue-like Martin. She gritted her teeth as she watched him and the others get walked out of the room, towards a holding cell. "They deserve... far worse than imprisonment..." She turned around and threw the nearest chair to the ground. It clattered loudly, coming to a rest against a wall. She would make them pay. ~~~Haru, about an hour later~~~ Haru and the others landed roughly on the artificial island. Nobody noticed them, due to workers frantically returning from the island to escape the Bohrok landing every which-way all around them. Haru chanced another voice message to Chuck, "Chuck? Are you there?" There was no answer. Axle shook his head, "They must have confiscated his phone. We're going to have to find Cyrus ourselves." Just then, a jet the size of a 747 soared over their heads, drowning out whatever reply Haru made. "What did you say?" asked Axle. But Haru wasn't paying attention her eyes were on the jet, "That jet... It wasn't a passenger jet, and it certainly wasn't for the army..." She turned to one of the island's workers, who was busy repairing an EMP, "Excuse me, what was that jet that just took off?" The worker didn't seem to notice that the mech was being piloted by a teenager. He simply replied, "It's a passenger jet for the island's officials. I'm not sure who's it was, but I'm sure it didn't belong to Dr. Tyler." He rambled a bit about the jet's make, but Haru wasn't paying any attention. She turned off her outer speakers and spoke to her companions, "Suppose it was Cyrus'... What do we do if it was him?" The other two watched the jet disappear in the distance. Axle shook his head, "I don't know. We're at the end of the line if he managed to get away." Haru started to walk, "We might as well find out for sure. Where would we find him normally?" Just then, Haru's xPod picked up a message. She picked it up eagerly, "Hello?" "Chuck back on the line!" She could hardly contain her excitement, "How did you get your xPod back?" "They allowed me one call.""Where can we find you?" "We're at... where are we?" they head him ask a guard the number of the building, "He says we're in the detention block, that's a big gray building that was visible from the place where we were linked to our Matoran Bodies the first time. Oh, I need to go." The line cut off. "What if it's a trap?" asked Shane. "Then I'll go for an innocent visit alone. Let's go." Without warning, she levitated herself and flew off towards the detention block. Axle gunned his water boosters and grabbed Shane before taking off after her. ------------------ I'm sorry for the terribly short chapter, but I need to get to work. I've got mountains of homework, and long term projects. I probably won't be able to write a proper chapter for a few weeks. Once again, I'm sorry. Krika's team: 2Yorek's team: 0Haru's team: 1Haru: 6Chuck: 6Cyrus: ?Myra: 6Metru nui: 0

BZPRPG Profiles
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  • 9 months later...

I'm really sorry, everyone, but I've fallen out of epic-style writing, and as a result have totally lost interest in Reawakening. Reawakening is officially discontinued. To those of you who have followed it up to this point: thank you. Your support gave me the confidence I needed to continue in my aspirations in becoming an author.I won't leave you with nothing, though. I will give you a brief synopsis of the story I had planned, in the following spoiler:

The human side of the story thus far was almost finished. Myra was going to spring a trap, but only Haru was going to get caught in it. Her 'associates' would then launch an unplanned attack on the building, in which Myra is caught in the crossfire and is killed. There are several wounded, but she is the only casualty. All of the now-free kids are then placed in custody.As for the Toa: Haru's group, upon retrieving the sundial, head back to the Southern Continent to find Karda nui, whilst Shane's team teleports to the general area after finding Duoral (the Toa with the Mask of Long-Distance teleportation). As those two groups converge, the Dark Elements initiate their final coup and attack the united group. Things look grim at first, but then Randan (the Toa fo Earth that Chalix had met) and his group show up with reinforcements and fight the Dark Elements, defeating them.Right when everything looks alright, Kezrax appears and reveals that he is a Toa of Death by instantly killing Shane, Uana, and some of the reinforcements. In order to combat him, Axle puts on the Mask of Life and fights using life-charged plants. The two seem dead even in elemental energy, until Rho and Silon arrive with Destynax, who quickly realizes that Makuta are immune to Death elemental energy. Kezrax realizes that he is losing and manages to knock Axle away long enough to charge up a Death Nova Blast, planning on directly killing the Great Spirit. Right as he unleashes his power, Axle jumps into the blast and the Ignika absorbs it. Due to the unprecedented Death Nova Blast meeting the Ignika, the Ignika overcharges and ends up killing Kezrax instantly. However, it absorbed too much death energy and begins to absorb Axle's life energy to sustain itself.Panicking, Axle throws the mask, which is caught by Vezon. Vezon once again fuses to the mask, and as a result dies. Once dead, he is absorbed by the mask, which stops crumbling. Axle then descends to Karda nui and puts on the Ignika once more, but somehow its powers don't activate. "Matta nui" arrives then and takes the mask. Combining his spark of Mata nui's being and the power of the Ignika, he merges with the robot and reawakens it. The robot leaves Earth right away, but projects the human-Toa's final goodbyes to their planet. Despite their victory, the heroes mourn the loss of many fighters, including their friend Shane. Shane would one day have his statue erected next to Axle's in every Great Temple in the Great Spirit, not only commemorating his sacrifice, but to also remind people that 'even shadows can shine'.Most of the humans are dejected upon the departure of the "giant robot". Cyrus, however, is not. His studies of the Red Star allowed him to construct a small, organic ship that functions fully in outer space, and he continues to work on building a ship large enough to carry a colony of humans to a new planet.Years pass, but the story is still fresh in the minds of our heroes. Myra and Tyler, despite being dead, were tried and found guilty of war crimes. As such, almost all of them were let off without any repercussions. Martin, however, was found guilty of having killed Tyler, but after a heated trial, was given five years for "justified self-defense". Upon his release, he realized that his career had to start all over. With a criminal record, and five years without contact with his colleagues, he was back to square one. He eventually managed to regain some, but not all of the fame he'd once had. Bruno was given extensive surgery, but it was never good enough for him to return to playing football, and he never lost his limp. Instead, he took up competing in the Paralympics, and other sporting events for the disabled.Eight years after the adventure, however, something new happened. A bizarre semi-biological ship, not unlike the Red Star, landed on earth. From within came several hooded and masked creatures that called themselves "Great Beings". They revealed themselves as the creators and gods of humans, and that they had deemed the human race too dangerous to continue to live. Before a cry of protest could be raised, they summoned Dagon, Cthulhu, and other monsters; the very ones of which H. P. Lovecraft had dreamed of. The monsters began to wreak destruction on earth even as the Great Beings left, unable to be stopped by their creation.Banding together, the humans were able to stop the monsters and kill them. But the following sense of security was a false one. Seeing the destruction of their "reapers" as they called them, the Great Beings destroyed earth in one swipe and left. Cyrus, however, had managed to create a small ark, large enough to hold a small colony of humans. Escaping the Great Beings' detection and grieving the loss of their entire planet, they flew off in search of a habitable planet. The ark provided the provisions they all needed, allowing them to make the journey, landing on a new planet, generations later. Amongst these settlers were Axle and Miriam's, as well as Chuck's descendants.

I know it's a bittersweet ending (more bitter than sweet), but I chose it for a couple of reasons:

1. Very few stories with a similar situation don't actually have a resolution.2. The Great Beings are too far above the humans, and care too little to listen to them. There was simply no way to stop them.3. I've seen many, many shows/books/movies in which the characters or villains aim to "kill god". Frankly, it's getting old and it's beyond unrealistic. In having the GBs destroy Earth, it shows that one simply can't defeat the force that made it. It's a bit of a way for me to vent.

Having read that, if any of you want to "co-author" the story, and write what I've given up on, then you have my permission to do so.This is Draezeth/Kehuri signing out for the last time.

BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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