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How Well Known Are You?


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:kaukau: I know you very well, Chro. As far as BZPower familiarity goes, you're a definite 5/5. Sure, there are others I am much better acquainted with and have had longer conversations with. Heck, I've seen people's true colors show in heated, passionate debates here and on the much freer Skype. However, this topic doesn't focus on such sort of knowledge. it's good enough that I'm acquainted with and familiar with you, that I recognize your name, and that I recognize your persona. You're a writer, and a fellow Ambager. My only regret is that you don't have a blog so that you could more fully express yourself, for which the 5/5 I give you would be without dispute. As it happens, I do sometimes debate the merits of a 4/5 instead of a 5/5, for which I guess the standards of this topic are unclear. I most certainly don't know you as well as I could, and primarily have only read a couple of your works.


So as to save some confusion, I'll give you a 5/5 on one standard in that I'm most definitely familiar with you, but on another level of judging altogether you might pass as a 3/5, given my limited knowledge of you personally and the persona you have built for yourself on these forums. From a more objective point of view, when one comes to ponder how familiar the rest of the BZP community is with you, I really am not of the proper perspective to judge. I don't get around as much as others do. To my understanding, the BZPRPG is the hub of the community these days where all roads meet and a larger sense of community identity is forced. What role you play in that identity I cannot say. I most surely and the one who tried and failed to enter the RPG, falling into obscurity, and failing to get any attention. I wish I could do more, but the infrastructure is twisted for my style of writing, and I primarily make my home within the ranks of the blogs and the Ambage, where one would gain more recognition with continual interaction, and people would have a sense of actually knowing you and being able to predict your behaviors. I cannot say that for you, and due to my unfamiliarity with the BZPRPG, I cannot realistically evaluate your fame there. Perhaps there you are a big-shot who would earn an immediate 5/5, although it seems that the only person they ever talk about over there is EmperorWhenua, so I would have to wonder if anyone would grow larger than 3/5 unless they were privileged and gained the BZPower equivalent of "The Nolan Status," which I use satirically because I am one of those skeptics who believe he is overrated, although being overrated does essentially mean immense recognition and would immediately contribute to a 5/5. Regardless, the BZPRPG is an area of participation, and I believe participation on BZPower is the key element in how people would rate one another. Within other circles, however, this rating would change, and it really depends on whose perspective we're dealing with. However, if we were to narrow down that circle to encompass just on person and locate it above me, I would give you the ratings listed above, a 5/5 for being familiar with you but a 3/5 for how much I feel I really know you in ways that are relevant to how I could foreseeably interact with you on BZPower, but my prospects for knowing you better in the future are quite high. I look forward to a long and prosperous friendship.



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