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Lesovikk's Hiatus: Venturing Through.


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The woods of the Southern Continent were quiet, apart from a Toa of Air moving through them. He'd been walking in the jungle for quite some time. Lesovikk was rather aimless. The Le-Toa didn't really have a place to go. After his team had died... Lesovikk shut out the memories and kept walking. It had grown silent during his reverie. Almost totally silent, like the forest was holding its breath. Footsteps sounded behind the Le-Toa, very faint but still audible. Lesovikk froze and drew his Air Saber, straining his ears for confirmation. He was aided by the silence, a stick stepped on by his unseen assailant giving away the attacker's position. Lesovikk smiled. Now this foolish being would see what the leader of the first Toa Team could do. The intent wasn't to kill, far from it. Just to flush him out. The wind shifted, masking the sound of Lesovikk's footsteps. When he judged himself within striking distance he lunged, satisfied to hear the clang of protosteel on protosteel, echoing like an explosion through the forest.

The Toa's adversary abandoned all attempts at silence to get out of the way. A short figure came running out of the woods, swinging his katana in an attempt to hit Lesovikk with its strangely serrated edge. The still guilty leader of a once great team blocked easily, as he had a half bio in reach over this lunatic.


A small warrior was now trying (ineffectually) to push Lesovikk's sword out of the way.

“Rahi! It wasn't good enough to drive me away from Metru-Nui, was it? You had to come back and finish the- Wait.”

The attacker looked at Lesovikk for what seemed to be the first time. “You're not a Rahi.”

Lesovikk smiled, noting that his adversary was a Matoran of the Green. The Toa sheathed his sword, nodding as the Matoran did the same. “I would say so, small one. You're an awful long way from Metru-Nui.”


The Matoran mumbled something about a lousy direction sense.


A sigh. “I don't suppose you have a name?”

The jungle dweller shrugged. “Not one that you need to know. You may look like a Toa-Hero, but I don't trust you. You can call me Wraith.”


Lesovikk didn't point out that if he was wanting to kill “Wraith” he hardly needed his name.


“Are there any towns nearby?” Lesovikk didn't really have an intent to go to them if their were, but knowing the surrounding landscape was always useful.

Wraith scoffed. “The most civilization you'll get around here is the jungle cats. They, at least, don't try to kill each other.” The Vi-Matoran paused, then shrugged. “Most of the time.”

Lesovikk nodded. The ex-Toa was more than familiar with exactly how this jungle was. “Do you need help getting any place around here?”

A short chuckle. “Le-Walker, I've been surviving in these jungles for years. You really think I need an overgrown tree-surfer's help?” Wraith sighed. “I guess if you want to follow along you can. It gets lonely out here.”

The “treesurfer” nodded, walking along behind Wraith. The jungle dweller was staying silent for the most part, only speaking to warn his taller companion about low branches. Lesovikk was glad that his companion had turned down the offer of protection, in a way. Another soul relying on him... It brought back bad memories. “Wraith.” The Matoran stopped, made a sound of acknowledgement, and walked on. “You sure you know were you're going?”

Wraith stopped and sighed. “I never know where I'm going. I can't tell.” The Matoran kept walking, dodging limbs as he talked. “You can either view it as a problem, or a gift. Looking at it as a problem is easy. I look at it like a gift. My entire life is an adventure. Never know where I'm gonna end up.”

Lesovikk ran the statement over in his head. A slow grin crept over the ex-Toa's face as he talked. "So you're telling me that following you is a mistake?"

Wraith shook his head. "You miss the point. Following me is fine, if you don't mind taking the roundabout way. I'll get to my destination, don't you worry." If Lesovikk had been at a different angle he would have seen the Vi-Matoran's face fall. "Eventually. That's not something I care to dwell on."


Wraith started suddenly and glanced around. Lesovikk followed his companion's gaze, failing to see anything.

The jungle dweller grinned. "It looks like this is where we part. The way to Metru-Nui is this way, I just know it!" Wraith dashed off into the underbrush, far too quickly for Lesovikk to react, much less chase.

The Le-warrior scratched the back of his head, wondering exactly where that strange being had came from, but continued on his journey. Only one thing had changed. He didn't worry about his direction.


~~~810. I know it's a minute late.

Edited by Jon Snow

No such thing as destiny.

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