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Dessaron - The Four Warriors of Space-Time


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Outside that Bionicle dimension, there's a whole multiverse. And within that multiverse lies the Phoviverse, inhabited by many different species, the most common of these being the 8 Retha species. While four of the Retha species are rather normal, the other four are unique, standing on two legs instead of four.They're not the only species though. Skirting around the edges of existence are two god-like races, who have been threatening war for thousands of years. The huge, powerful Anexartans believe in pure order, that all should bow down to them. The smaller, mischievous Kronospasts believe that the species of the Phoviverse should be free to do as they please.Now, war is knocking on the Phoviverse's door and the only way to stop it is to send four warriors into the future to bring peace to the multiverse once more. These four warriors became the Dessaron.

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Elksia, also known as Elxy, is a Trehavok, a species of shadow-warriors hailing from planet Treha. Unlike most of his kind, Elxy is unique with his powerful wings and dark green eyes. He has the ability to travel through shadows and camoflague himself in the dark. Oh, and Elksia likes decapitating people, especially pesky Kronospasts who mock his lack of a tail.Elksia from the front.Elksia from the sidePhovos says: I keep on rebuilding Elksia. I don't know why, there's just not enough green to make me satisfied. Trehavok are supposed to be very upright, the way Toa are, but with those wrist blade thingies, he's a bit like a dark vampire. He used to have Bohrok feet like Arkay, but I changed them for my last set of unbroken Zesk feet.

xaafewP.png"I'm probably the nicest Rethavok you'll ever meet."

Retvik's a Rethavok, the dominant and most powerful of the Retha species. Their heavy claws, long tails, tough armour and strict Spartan discipline means that NO ONE gets in their way. Although Retvik lacks vasts amounts of elemental power or intellect, he's a great soldier and a very all-round guy, with lots of brute strength.Retvik from the front.Retvik's giant backside."Don't mock my tail!"Phovos says: I've had Retvik for ages, ever since I bought that Lockjaw bear-like Hero Factory set. That's basically what he is, to be honest, a Bohrok version of that. I just love those bear claws so much.

D2xRgVW.png"No, I am not related to a minor deity from that stupid Elder Scrolls series. Ask me again, and I'll blow your brains out."

Incredibly loyal but easy to annoy, Arkay, or, to go by his full name, RK0019 K, is a young Threavok. Back at home, he's considered one of the best Ksa to have ever been born. What's a Ksa, you ask? Oh, only the Threan version of a soldier, fire fighter, police officer, master assassin and civil servant, all rolled up into one. Arkay is rather intelligent and builds weapons in his spare time.Arkay from the front.Arkay from the side back sort of thing.Arkay's gun."What did you just say?"Phovos says: I love Arkay. I love him to bits. The yellow and black reminds me of the very first things I built out of LEGO. He matches all over. He's great. I do wish I had some black feet or something for him, but I feel that would actually spoil him. His gun probably took longer to make than he did.

Nvam9vf.png"Did I want to be turned into an Ethran? No. But since I'm here, I might as well enjoy it."

Tenuk, formerly known as Tanohos, used to be a Kronospast until he was deemed mentally ill and was exiled. He changed species many times (although each time it was involuntary) until he finally settled down as an Ethravok. Like all Ethravok, Tenuk is incredibly tall and skinny, with a giant head and huge hands and feet. His tail's tiny, but it's tipped with a lovely little blade. Despite his size, Tenuk is INCREDIBLY agile and can run much faster than even Elksia. Oh, and Tenuk's HIGHLY intelligent. Just like 99% of all Ethravok.Tenuk from the front.Tenuk from the side."Draw me like one of your French... Things... I dunno..."Phovos says: There was no way I could make Tenuk out of a Hero Factory body, since he's supposed to be twice the size of Arkay. I tried using the longer army pieces like on Retvik, but I simply couldn't make him tall enough. So I decided to use my old buddy, the Metru body. I built him up using legs from an old Temthan MOC. Unfortunately, the other black leg piece broke, so he's got one light blue leg and one black leg.
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You made your Phoviverse creatures? For Elksia, I like the wings, and the limbs aren't too bad. The body design is pretty nice. For Retvik, I actually like the tail(no, I'm not mocking!), and the hands. For Arkay, I really like the gun. It has it's own unique build to it. For Tenuk, the torso design is pretty nice. For all of them, some of their builds look a bit simple, to be honest.

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Thanks! Yeah, they are really simple, I wanted to make custom bodies for Retvik and Elksia but I simply don't have enough pieces any more. You know the pieces that are used for hands that connect to joints? I swear I only have 20 that aren't broken or are being used on Phovos, Lehvak-Kal and Turahk.It's so bad that, if I want to build Veekay (Arkay's brother) or Arksi (one of Arkay's students) I have to take Retvik apart. I can't have those three characters built at the same time.

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