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Dark Hunters Video Game

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So, while I waited patiently for my girlfriend to get out of the shower today, staring longingly at my dresser from the edge of my bed, with nothing really on my mind, a thought occurred to me, as I presume I caught a glimpse of the Dark Hunters guide book on my floor out of the corner of my eye, though I'm not truly sure if that spawned this idea: what if there were a Dark Hunter video game?


Now I know, I know, there's a 99.99999% chance that what I'm talking about is pointless and dumb and I should just stop right now, but I need to get this out there, and who knows, maybe some day, in the future, when Star Trek and Bionicle are once again at their strongest, someone will stumble across an ancient artifact called a "computer" with a cable hooked up to the "internet," find this forum, and maybe, just maybe, come across this topic and implement it.


My idea is sort of wibbly-wobbly, and involves either the player taking control of a particular Dark Hunter (unnamed or otherwise), or perhaps several of them over the period of gameplay. Most likely, the game would follow courses set by games such as Dishonored, being a first-person (occasionally) stealth-based game. Players would assume control of their character, and do everything from debt collection, to intimidation, to assassinations, and more.


Most likely, the game would be rated Teen (in the U.S.) due to animated/simulated blood (perhaps, although this could be omitted) and violence. I feel like taking control of Lariska, who is a master assassin, apparently, could be nice. A section of the game would also take place during the Toa/Dark Hunter War, and maybe even the Makuta/Dark Hunter War, to give a broad sense of the game. Even playing as the Piraka from time to time would grant some fun and mischief.


All in all, I think there is a lot of potential for the Dark Hunters that's never really been tapped, despite the fact that it's right there. What are your guys' opinions, and do you think it could ever be done?




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It could probably be done, a possibly-customisable Dark Hunter being sent on missions of different kinds and such. And if you do end up starting something like this, don't hesitate to post it up here. However...



In order to start a topic for your game in this forum, you must meet the following requirements:

  • [*]Have a program to create the game with and know how to use at least the basic functions. If not, there is an official topic that addresses some of these issues, and search engines can be used otherwise.[*]You must have proof that you have already started creating the game. Do not simply post your idea for a game. Evidence that you have begun work could be in the form of a screenshot, a demo download, or something similar. Do not simply post, "I have already started.


A staffie will probably show up a little later and lock down the topic.


I hope you do make something with this idea though, it has potential.

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