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Day 1 of BrickFair VA

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I thought I pop in and let you know how day one of BrickFair went. Honestly I didn't do much really, outside of walk around the convention center a lot since I wasn't sure really what to do really after setting up my MOCs (Which I am not sure they are in the right place. I mean the map say its a BIONICLE table, but I have heard Pop Culture want the space, so I wouldn't be surprise if it got moved. *shrugs*). Oh, and fail a lot at Bingo.


It was nice though getting to see some BZPers in person. Mind you, it is not the first time for such people like Aanchir, Lyichir, Team Farm Animals, and Black Six. But well, I got meet people like Lady K, Vezok's Friend, TLH, Turakii, and TLH's & Turakii's kid (Adorable child, btw) for first time, which was cool. Although I was pretty deer in headlights around them. Sorry.


But overall, I would say it was good first day (It was pretty exhausting day too. XD). I mean I did vomit in a Burger King parking, but honestly that's par for the course considering it always happens when I do anything new really.


That's about it really. Uh, I guess I will see some of you folks again on Friday since I won't be in today as I am going to being checking out some sights and stuff today with my friend. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have great week.


- JMJ 2015

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