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I like to make good ones.   One thing off the bucket list.   -KIE   EDIT: the above image is an pressing of my engineer's seal. When coupled with my [noticeably absent] signature, the above impression states that I have reviewed the document attached to the seal, and on my authority and expertise as a professional engineer, the contents of the document are correct, safe for use or construction, or whatever extent dictated by my area of expertise (Civil Engineering), within the state of Lou

Menu 6....or L35

So this new Chinese place opened up on Kent Avenue, up by W. Esplanade (about 9 blocks from my apartment, I drive by it to go to work) a couple of weeks ago. Fu Star is its name. And I'd been putting off and putting off going there for lunch, until its sheer convenience overwhelmed me over the weekend, and I broke down and went there today.   Called Omi yesterday on a supposed whim, as to what would be the best thing to get. He said "chicken," so I got chicken. Chicken curry, in fact.   I brou

A Dozen Trap Set Players For All!

Okay, drums with cymbals.   I have washed more dishes than I care to admit, today. Most of it was preliminary washing, before putting them up. I have no more cabinet space; please no more cookware. I did successfully wash a dozen knives without lopping off any fingertips, so that's good. (See my Toa Nuparu review to see how clumsy I am.)   Went to Academy & bought some new shoes: Nike Impax Interine, in Anthracite/Harbor Blue-Natural Grey. Man, they get fancy with color names nowadays.  

...but Not A Dollar Short.

I know, I'm a day later posting this than I expected. Yesterday I went to Baton Rouge to meet my mom & dad, and my brother and his fiancée. Watched some World Cup, got the replacement computer desk and the chair I mentioned in the last post on the proper side of the Mississippi River (My dad was just tired of it taking up space in the store room at the house.), and went to play disc golf at Highland Road park with little brother. (Yes, Omi, that was when you messaged me.)   As far as Frida

Opening Night 2007

196 lb., 23.4% body fat   "Opening night? But the Mets went at it in St. Louis 2 weeks ago!"   Ah, not MLB opening night, my friend, but the opening night of the Greater New Orleans Church League softball. A twin-billing at Delta #4, Williams Boulevard Baptist at Riverside Baptist, and First Baptist Kenner at Grace Presbyterian. The two Metairie Baptist teams, FBC New Orleans, and St. Charles UMC play tomorrow morning.   I'd been working towards tonight since before BrickFest '06. And I dare


Taking time out from BrickFest PDX to post this pre-typed blog entry.   My car turns 1 year old today.   Well, not exactly today. I don't know when it was manufactured, but a year ago today, I bought the dark blue metallic 2006 Chevrolet Malibu LT parked inside the gates at the apartment complex. Although the paper I signed said it had 5 or fewer miles on it, it actually had 10. I didn't complain, however. This entry's title is the current mileage.   Thirteen thousand, two hundred and eight

One Heckuva Bo-bo

I'm still here, but boy did I have a scare the other night.   By the way, I'm working on the 2009 version of Not For Burgers, but it may be Friday before I post it.   Monday night, I was trying to make potato soup. Was more like mashed potatoes, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Unfortunately, I didn't account for the saltiness of the bacon fat and oversalted the pot. Blech.   In the process of cleaning up, however, I accidentally blended the tip of my left index finger. To borrow one of

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Happy Birthday, Michael

My little brother turns 25 today. They grow up so fast... *sniffle*     I'm making plans to go to a baseball game. Astros vs. Phillies Wednesday, July 4, 2007. 1:05 PM CDT start. Heck, I might even get back to the apartment for midnight and go to work on Thursday, thus not taking a day of vacation! It's a win! Gonna get some good seats, too, if I can get the plans settled quickly.   (If anyone else is in Houston, and is going to go to that game, let me know.)     I'll leave you with a

Not A Moc

For those of you thinking the title was reverse psychology, and that this was me posting a MOC, well, haha: I wasn't joking. This is not a MOC posting. Seriously, did you see "digital camera" in the list of gifts I got?   Anyway, I'm not a MOCist. I lack a creativity gene, it would appear. I can't create anything truly original.   I can certainly modify, or improve (in my mind) something already built. Little here, little there. But I can't pull from nothing but my mind.   The same goes w

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Nope, not redoing my blog. I've found a nice groove here, and I will keep it in said groove. May not be a daily thing to update, but I definitely like where I sit here. The rework is where I have to re-address some comments for something that, again, someone doesn't want to do themselves. And they're not paying me any more to do it...   I would be mad and flatly refuse, but I'm too nice a guy to do it.   While I suffer through this moral quandry, I offer for you to discuss the purported best

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


It rocked last night. I even hit the F# in the tower D chord in In the Beginning, and it was all I could do not to fist pump. (I sing by ear, and end up sliding around. I usually can't pick up on thirds.) My mom said it was worth the 200 mile drive, even if I weren't in the choir. Amanda wanted to clap after the first song, and the two of them were the first two giving the standing O after it was over. It was awesome. Like I said, you had to be here. -KIE In an unrelated not

Opening The Orange Box

I'm not going to say TF2 owns my soul or anything, but it is taking a good chunk of my free time.     Oh, and if anyone wants to volunteer their time with Photoshop to make a Targa spray for me, I'd be quite appreciative. I have everything except the program ready.     -KIE, who is glad the value of his existence is not defined by his skill (or, more properly, lack thereof) in competitive FPS games.

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Shore Turtles......heh

197½ lb., 25.1% body fat ()   Last night, I finished VNOLG. Level 48. Had waaaay too much equipment to go through. Bought a stone ripper just before the little quest for the stone ripper. Man, I wish I could recoup some of those stone shards. (I played as Nuparu, so stone shards went to my weapons.) 12 Attack 14 Defense 21 Technique   A high Technique makes the game a lot easier: Defense becomes less important when you're dodging the attacks, and Attack rating can take a back seat when you

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Fish Bait

Nothing to say about David Vitter: haven't been following the news recently.   Yesterday was my first day on the job at Sewer Capital Improvement department of Jefferson Parish. My job description over there is to help out as needed, since I am the sole representative of Digital [Engineering & Imaging] (the company I work for), who happens to be the program manager. I don't know how it works, either, but the company gets paid while I'm there, so hey, I get to go. It was like another "first

Return To Modern Civilization

Or, a case study in meeting deadlines. Bah, who am I kidding. It's not a case study; it's just a rant.   The elevator in the office was fixed today. Well, the repairs were completed, in any case. The hydraulic pumps had given out, which meant, well, I've never worked for Otto, so I don't know what work that entailed. All I know is that the original scheduled completion date was February 5. Then February 19.   Then we started joking that it was sometime in June.   But, my office building now

Tiger Squad, Prowling Through Texas

Tonight, ZeAdmiral (my RA2 online persona) and Melleaux (my little brother, pronounced "mellow") took on the colors of LSU (Gold & Purple, respectively, even though they're usually rattled off as purple & gold) and started pushing the commies across the Sabine and over the Rio Grande.   We got 4 maps in before he had to shut it down: he has to fly to Houston in the morning.   It appears that the co-operative campaigns fill in the holes that the single player missions do not (like how t

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

The Bow Tie Revolution

I really should get around to posting more often.     In the past couple of weeks, I ran out of checks, had a failed attempt at booking a room for BrickFair, and was informed by LaPELS that my application was incomplete. (Kohaku, can you help describe the job of a cartpusher in a minimum of 6-8 sentences?) Oh, and work has gotten stupid busy. Busy that I'm going to be busy on up until BrickFair itself. Busy enough that my boss at the parish may still call me WHILE I'm at BrickFair.   Paul, if

Pan Flambeau

Thursday night, I earned all possible points in effort and in degree of difficulty. That was barely enough to avert disaster, though, and there is a lesson to be learned.   For Valentine's Day, I thought I'd get fancy, and pulled a recipe from foodnetwork.com for Pistachio-crusted tilapia & chard with prosciutto and gorgonzola. Because Amanda doesn't like pistachios, and I have no idea where to find chard, I made some substitutions in the recipe.   It starts simply enough: chop up some or

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

On Season

201¾ lb., 25.1% fat   I said there would be no offseason for softball. I lost too many steps and had gotten a bit porky. I was sucking wind too quickly.   Okay, I may not have said it in those words, but I did allude to it here.     FBC-K softball practice starts tomorrow, and I'm going to miss it for a wedding. Worse things have happened, though.   I kind of like where I am right now, as some weight training has added a little zip to my starts at the plate (I did some test running last week

Christmas In New Orleans

<horn intro> Magnolia trees at night, sparkling bright Fields of cotton look wintery white When it's Christmastime in New Orleans A barefoot choir in prayer fills the air Mississippi folks gathering there 'Cause it's Christmastime in New Orleans You'll see a dixieland Santa Claus Leading the band to a good old Creole beat Golly what a spirit, you can only hear it Down on Basin Street Your cares will disappear, when you hear Hallelujah, St. Nicholas is here When it's Ch

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Hello.   I realize it's been a solid 4 months since I've posted anything worthwhile. In fact, this entry may go largely unheralded, but I'm not worried.     I've been equal parts Busy and Distracted during this summer. My wife & I planted a garden, and tomatoes were never this much fun growing up. Beyond that, it's been good to scratch out a living, so to speak.   Amanda & I went back to where it all began: Akron, Ohio. Well, we were in Akron to go to Canton for the Pro Football Hall

Tomato Summer

I never knew how green my wife's thumb could be until we moved to Illinois. One of the perks of the house, when we came to visit and house hunt, was a garden spot behind the garage in the back yard. Taking the advice of people to not plant before Mother's Day into account, we planted seeds and plants in early May. Then, we covered the plants for a week or two because we planted before Mother's Day. All told, however, our plants made it. We planted 5 Better Boy (a readily available hybrid varie

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Pimp My Rig

I kind of like this new fad of individual seals of approval that Omi, Smeag & Mak have started. I almost like it enough to make my own.   If I had the time, y'know. I've got a computer to build, and then there's this thing called "work".       Not content to leave a monster unmarked, I had to add a bit of style to my computer.   The following are either pure excessivities, or just things I could have paid less for, if I hadn't insisted on some silver or illuminescent bling. Because that's

Fourty-four Hundred Measures Of Blackrock

Only 7 of them were mine.   In an attempt to appeal to, and ease the transition of, players of Runescape, Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn has shifted its new player experience away from the themed quest system (usually involved some simple crafting, monster killing, skill practice, decision making, all pertinent to the character class) and towards a directed quest for individual skills of most of the 50 or so skills available to players.   This system was implemented with Publish 44, which, afte
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