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A Winner Is Me

It came in today's mail.   Also included were two copies of WoW 2008 and a LifeSongs sticker.  Why am I burning this great title on something so petty? Simple: as often as I win stuff, it'll be a long time before it's needed once more. Now if you'd excuse me, I must bask for a bit.     -KIE, who found a way to get himself killed by the first enemy in the Easy mode of Ghost Recon last night.

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

This Is Who I Am

I'm a son of a good man I'm the child of an angel I'm the brother of a wild one And I'm looking for direction I'm the lover of a beauty (not quite yet) I'm the father of blessings (not just yet) I'm a singer of a love song But is that all I'm good for This is who I am Oh, this is who I am So take me and make me something so much more This is who I am Oh, this is who I am So change me and make me someone better than before I'm a saint and a sinner I'm a lover and a fight

*sigh* Why?

I'll tell you why. I admit, I probably have gotten out of hand the past couple of days. And while the nationwide returns last night were a bit bluer than I would've wanted, I do feel as though I did my part.   I count 9 seats in Congress in 7 different states from yesterday's entry. (Yeah, I'm counting you, Lady K, Makutaman, and Mikerahk.) Thank you for voting, or wanting to vote. And this is where I tell you why.   I come across many people, both in person and online, who complain about the


YAAAAAYYY!!   "Snickerdoodle" was the inaugural "Word of the Day" back in the summer of 2001. Whenever someone says the word of the day, everyone [in on the joke] within earshot would respond with "YAY!", to the bewilderment of everyone else.   Oh, how I miss being a summer missionary sometimes.     But in any case, the meaning for the utter YAY-ness of this post: I signed a lease for my pre-Katrina apartment today.   People, I have not been happier in the last 10 months than I am right n

An Xtraordinary Mix

Since XM merged its programming with Sirius this morning, all my station presets are out of whack. To top it off, the station it was most often tuned to, is now off the air and online-only.   KIE is sad.   To commemorate a comprehensive post that never happened, I give you the XM channels I had preset, in their order. XM 32 The Message: In my opinion, this mix is superior to Sirius 66. It's why I was an XM fan before the sports tie-ins. XM 110 Classical Hits: ...because I'm a sucker for a st

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Over It.

Yep. Confirmed it for me.   I want to post a quick reply specifically to ChocolateFrogs: I don't have any MOCs (outside of my BrickFest badge) to post, for three reasons. 1) I'm missing a good chunk of MOCcable pieces: outside of 3 8556 sets and a pair of Nui-Jaga, most of what I have are loose Kanohi. That, and the color selection in 2002 was rather limited. 2) I lack the creativity to MOC. I like to construct the sets, but I can barely embellish here and there, like the half-pin on the bac

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

On Season

201¾ lb., 25.1% fat   I said there would be no offseason for softball. I lost too many steps and had gotten a bit porky. I was sucking wind too quickly.   Okay, I may not have said it in those words, but I did allude to it here.     FBC-K softball practice starts tomorrow, and I'm going to miss it for a wedding. Worse things have happened, though.   I kind of like where I am right now, as some weight training has added a little zip to my starts at the plate (I did some test running last week

Pairs Of Turtledoves For All!

To further enforce this astandard holiday celebration, I offer another bit of KIE's E-Mail™....again, still not really trademarked. Yep, just a link this time. GMan, this is for you and any other kitten-loving BZPer.     Tommy's appears to be the UK equivalent of the March of Dimes, a worthy charity in its own right. I think it's funny, so I'm posting it.     -KIE, who is fading fast in the office bowl pool at work, now in a 5-way tie for fourth.

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

It Burns!

T-minus about 4 days to Brickfest   What burns? Lots of stuff burns! Let me catalogue that which burned over this past weekend:   Gasoline I visited my mom over the weekend. Like any mom, she's going to worry about me going to D.C. this weekend. I'm 26 years old and still get this: you high schoolers should get used to that treatment: it won't go away because you're 18.   Actually, as I think about it, coming in on my 10 year reunion (I AM NOT THAT OLD!), I find that I was lucky: There wer


Must move quickly.   Must decipher report template from upstairs, and fill in numbers accordingly.   Must clean up cost estimate that was miraculously finished in one day yesterday.   Must wade through plethora of news leads and post first news item later this afternoon.   Must determine what is wrong with InfoWorks' numerical model, and how to avoid the problem long enough to complete my model runs (time-varying data isn't just spastic, it's now flying out of logical ranges set by system re

We Had A Hero Here

Tracy Porter, you are a hero. With 3:22 to play, you delivered the backbreaker, the legend-slayer, the forever-curse-breaker.   Nine times the Lombardi trophy has left New Orleans. For the first time ever, it comes to New Orleans. To stay.   I don't know what the next CBA will hold, but 43 years are a distant memory now.   WHO DAT! WHO DAT! WHO DAT SAY DEY GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS!   -KIE, collapsing in a heap

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

They Were Pink

So much to talk about. So little time. *sigh*   I want to encourage everyone able to attend BrickFest '07. Yes, there are the usual reasons, but I've got one bit of news that will be utterly mind-blowing:   *dramatic pause*       *extended dramatic pause*       I'm bringing a MOC. Not just any MOC, though. My first MOC in about 16 years.   It will combine elements from sets 8556, 8729, 8920, 8929, 8930, and 8935, and will have a green/black family theme.   I was struck with inspiration

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Irish Mist

Today is a happy day in the world of KIE. I have my office back, after a new paint job. Not only am I back in it, I had the plan racks that were left in my old office near the front installed in my current office. (The plan racks are nothing more than a ripped (cut lengthwise) 2×4, with holes drilled and 6 dowels sticking out.) I'm starting to get more feedback about BrickFest 2007. AND I start waiting on pins & needles for the mailman, because today is the day Kex finally mails the old

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Wherever We Go

So I finally got around to going grocery shopping yesterday. Even though I live right across the street from Rouses' supermarket (a local chain grocery store... like Market Basket, or maybe HEB. Not nationwide like Albertson's or Winn Dixie or Kroger's.), I try to get my shopping done at Wal*Mart.   I know, I know, this makes me a contributor to the evil corporate giant, the progenitor of the oligopoly and destructor of the small-town general store. I'm thereby evil myself and should repent of

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

The Drive

Another new component for the computer. I feel a sense of urgency about finishing it, to be honest. It's taking 4 months from thought to first boot. Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 SATA 3.0 Gb/s 400 GB hard drive [gallery]   Two reasons why I waited so long to buy it. When I first picked it out in March, it cost $130. I bought it Wednesday for $100. The price of computer components has been steadily trickling down, making way for the newer stuff. This is why a conspicuously key component remains a

Welcome To The World

There are friends waiting for you.   from left: Mimiru, Helba, Bear, Tsukasa, Subaru, Crim, Sora, BT Image borrowed from a chinese site, by way of Wikipedia I may replace it with a better one if I find one in the DVDs that just arrived.   .hack//SIGN was on Toonami back when Veritas, my guild in Ultima Online was still mostly active. Taking away from the main plotline (which, in the text of the characters themselves, really is a subplot), the interactions of the characters and their non-RP

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Life And Death In Chocolate City

I should be sleeping, and yet I am not. A shame, really, but I must discourse on the events of this weekend.   Friday I took off before I was finished with work, but after hours still, to go eat with my brother, his wife, and our parents, while they (my parents) were in Baton Rouge to play golf on Saturday. I'll be frank: I'm sufficiently tired of working on this model. Burned out, as it were. I'm looking forward to something else, even if it's just no-brain maps in ArcMap. But enough about my

Fish Bait

Nothing to say about David Vitter: haven't been following the news recently.   Yesterday was my first day on the job at Sewer Capital Improvement department of Jefferson Parish. My job description over there is to help out as needed, since I am the sole representative of Digital [Engineering & Imaging] (the company I work for), who happens to be the program manager. I don't know how it works, either, but the company gets paid while I'm there, so hey, I get to go. It was like another "first

Dry Run

Okay, seeing as I've never messed with a blog before, this might be rough at the outset.   This is a first post, just to see if I'm doing it right. And if I didn't, then oh well.     Two first topics, I suppose:   Thursday was the start of the 2006 hurricane season, and I'm still not in my apartment. FYI to those unaware: I moved to New Orleans in February 2005, getting a job modelling the sewer system of Metairie and Bridge City, LA. Katrina made for a lot of work & job security, but I

Caribbean Dream (or What I Did With My Summer Vacation)

<21 seconds of city street ambience> <19 seconds of random audio clips, interspersed with radio static> ...it doesn't matter to me Hey, I'm in the Caribbean (I'm in no hurry, yeah) In my Caribbean dream.... Picture me just lying in the sun with the radio on And nothing has to get done Yeah, this reggae music is fun rhythym of the island Happiness comes sneaking up on me from a serious place There's not a serious face On any day of the week Dancin' with my left fe


Ugh. Why oh why did yesterday have to happen?     I may or may not have mentioned I'm much further behind on the sewer model than I need to be. To top it off, the Regional Planning Commission is not renewing their JP sewer modeling contract with HEI, a firm we're subbed under. This means the sewer modeling must be done by the end of April.   This means I kind of need to be working on this seven days a week now, if I'm to have any hope of finishing it. If you want me to pick up your MOC for B

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Making An Impact

201¾ lb. 24.1% body fat   I have three sets of picks this year. My best set is 14-2, and my worst is 12-4, but I didn't lose a single Sweet 16 team.   However, the first Friday has always been the ends of my runs, not the first Thursday. How I do today will determine if this is a banner year or a "same-old-story" year.   In other news, my inbox has been popping lately. Not my PM box but my real, email inbox. Lots of messages RE: BrickFest '07, since we've hit the last 2 weeks before the sho

Vote For Bidge

21 Major League seasons, all with one team. 2,722 career appearances 2,944 career base hits 282 career home runs 282 career hit-by-pitches 410 career stolen bases 4,586 career total bases 1,782 career runs scored 1,129 career runs batted in 0 combined career clean post-game jerseys and post-season clean batting helmets   Craig Biggio has been one of the great gentlemen of the game. He will likely log 3,000 hits this season, and then retire at the age of 41.   Please, send him to San F

No Sense In Reading This Tripe

No seriously. You, BZP, have spoken. And my blog is more dated than the 19th century.   Thursday morning: 4.6 out of 5, 27 votes Friday morning: 4.4 out of 5, 28 votes.... mathematically, this could only have been from a 1-star rating Saturday night: 4.3 out of 5, 29 votes.... again, this could have only been from another 1-star rating   .....   I never realized what I offered was so, very, lame. So, very, bad.   Do I use too many words? Do I not volunteer for questions or something? What

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Ha-haha Hahaha-ha

For the record, this entry was supposed to be made 3 weeks ago, but Michael had me busy playing Red Alert 2.   Yet another image borrowed from Wikipedia. An anime that lampoons anime. Genius.     That is all.   -KIE   Another edit for clarification: The above image is of 4 of the 9 or so major characters in the anime/manga Bo-BoBo BoBoBo-Bo, a japanese cartoon that basically gives the Scary Movie or Epic Movie treatment (mishmashing the stereotype to the point of absurdity) to anime/man
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