So I'm listening to the latest podcast because I'm in it and also playing Mass Effect 2 at the same time and I think I'm getting a little confused why is Garrus talking about New York Comic-Con and farm animals
SO YEAH I GUESS I HAVE LIKE 240 POINTS OR SOMETHING SINCE I DID SEVERAL OF THESE MORE THAN ONCE NOT THAT IT MATTERS BUT I SUPPOSE THAT I SHOULD LOG THESE SINCE I'M A SLIGHTLY MORE INVOLVED AMBAGE MEMBER NOW Into the Sky(pe)! - Participate in a Skype Write Off (5 Points) Home Row Heavyweight - Finish a write off story with over 600 words. (15 Points) Manuscript Kiddie Pool - Post a short story. (10 Points) The Daunting Task - Post an epic. (15 Points) Not For the Faint of Heart - Wri
BECAUSE I FORGOT TO REGISTER AS AN OUT OF STATE VOTER SO BASICALLY I'M NOT VOTING FOR ROMNEY EITHER SO STOP YOUR PREPARED RANT RIGHT THERE THIS IS BZPOWER PEOPLE also did I mention that I'm going to lock this entry as soon as anyone makes an actual political comment because this entry was a joke with no actual intent towards one candidate or the other and I'm not going to be the one to let this get out of hand
Take a quick refresher, just in case. Apparently there are images popping up and I have no idea if they're leaked or not but just to be safe let's wait for official word. With that in mind, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[9:34:36 PM] Kakaru: #killedthechat [9:34:55 PM] Kakaru: http://www.majhost.c...r/badrp_cot.jpg [9:35:30 PM] Tyler St. Francis: pfffffffftahahaha [9:36:23 PM] Kakaru: I forgot we were going to make that one when we first posted these so I just did [9:36:59 PM] Kakaru: Also Tyler please what is going on I don't even [9:37:09 PM] Tyler St. Francis: dude [9:37:11 PM] Tyler St. Francis: micah [9:37:12 PM] Tyler St. Francis: bro [9:37:14 PM] Tyler St. Francis: your guess is as good as mine [9:2
and also I can't tell if this image is seriously not posting or if my computer is trolling me alsoalsoalso I forgot how happy it makes me to be playing again. Character interaction, fights, random encounters, screaming, blowing things up oh gog why keep drifting out of this I'm going to be in this forum all day tomorrow ANDREW GET IN ON THIS DARN YOU
[10/8/2012 11:27:24 PM] John 55555: SON [10/8/2012 11:27:29 PM] John 55555: THE BATBOTS [10/8/2012 11:27:30 PM] John 55555: HOW ARE THEY [10/8/2012 11:27:44 PM] Kakaru: I CHECKED ON THEM [10/8/2012 11:27:47 PM] Kakaru: THEY ARE GOOD [10/8/2012 11:28:07 PM] John 55555: GOOD [10/8/2012 11:28:08 PM] John 55555: GOOD [10/8/2012 11:28:10 PM] John 55555: GOOD [10/8/2012 11:28:15 PM] John 55555: SNAZZY [10/8/2012 11:28:25 PM] John 55555: BRICKCON [10/8/2012 11:28:31 PM] John 55555: WAS IT CONVENTIONAL
>> Went to Brickcon. >> Met Kughii. >> Going to start playing in the RPG again. Will probably be sluggish as usual. >> >> >> I dunno where this entry is going. >> >> >> Also I started to get nasty cold symptoms right as we left Seattle city limits, same as last year. My body understands that Brickcon is too important to get sick and and that's pretty awesome I guess. My sincerest apologies to anyone whom I shook hands with because I didn't
I mean yeah but not really because I'm just meant to answer questions from a video we were to watch in class a couple days ago but the video was split over two weeks so I sorta already finished them last week And the bits from the book I need to read are also really easy and just sorta due sooner or later and it's midnight so screw deadlines because I'm tired and I might do it tomorrow hah who am I kidding this is brickcon there is no time for keeping grades up and besides they're alread
So, just waiting to head over to the convention hall and apparently Ninjago is on TV, sooo I'm going to have to begrudgingly admit that it's better than I expected. I'll have to start catching up to it now. I'm only three seasons behind, right? :?
so i posted my epic tonight nd i checked how many views it has and there are none? why doesnt anyone read it? btw here is the link if you want to read it and give me a good review that would be neat and here is the review topic sorry i dont know how to make neat links like everyone else so sorry
I know but it's late and I didn't feel like I had the capacity to do a writeup of a real news item I picked that bit solely so I could make that joke also I'm not going to have time to report tomorrow because I'm leaving for Brickcon no I don';t actually think I'm that clever that the rest of BZPower needs to share my mirth even though my last couple of stories have ended in a lousy pun. It just seemed to fit at the time. I'm actually a lot more professional that I act but I guess that s
Ermgh awesome. Can't wait until the remake. Even if I didn't like it I'd still pay cash money to see Hugh Jackman sing these songs. >> decide to watch Les Mis >> watching Les Mis >> text Andrew to let him know I'm finally watching it >> Andrew changes avatar/banner scheme to Les Mis an hour later >> must be a coincidence
Apparently the quality of my reporting is directly correlated to how many hours of work I put in, added to the amount of sleep I missed and how many hours of class I have, and how much homework they've assigned us versus how much I have done. Because I swear that article wasn't there when I posted mine and I read every article posted before I do my reports. I guess that was just an additional reminder then, because it's super important. also yes I ended up taking a nap right after I posted t
Also I should update my comic. And my epic. I totally have ideas for them but no time to work on them. because college also I convinced one of my friends to sign up for this site so there's that
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee going to college tomorrow don't mind meeee Also did I ever mention how happy I am to be a part of this site? You guys are all awesome and I wouldn't trade this fandom and its role in my childhood for anything else. Many of my greatest memories have been created by this place. It's just awesome. awesoooooome