Note: Today is International Toa of Ellipses Day---make sure to use tons of ellipses!
Note...Today is International Toa of Ellipses Day...make sure to use tons of ellipses...
Today, my dear friends, is International Kopaka Day, the one day a year which you can call "cool" and get smacked for making a stupid pun.
In honor of our icy friend and his vocabulary, I have composed a song which I believe captures the true essence of his icy being. It stands for what Kopaka really means
:wakeup2: was an emoticon who lived in a tree
Every morning he woke up to honey-flavored waffles bacon and tea
'Twas a happy life, despite the constant rain
And, about once a year, he broke a window pane
But one day Mr. attacked his little tree
Scaring him into a time of being depressed small-tiny
Then his tree was kidnapped by purple extra-terrestrials aliens
And it was then he discovered his uncle was Italian
His expression changed to one of unhappy grief
He whined and cried and stom
*Runs in circles screaming for no explainable reason.*
That done, let's get on to the important part of this blog entry.
Remember when I was asking for Guest Stars (to capitalize, or not to capitalize...that is the question) for our Romeo and Juliet parody? Well, we finally (almost) finished the writing and have started posting it. Finally. Yes, finally. (You have my permission to fall down in shock, faint, scream, or show some form of surprise.)
It's in this link somewhere...
Lemon pepper
Orange peel
Stir fried
Dan dan
Chow mein!
Do the moo shoo!
P.S. Remember, in the Silly Song Countdown, where Mr. Lunt interrupts the middle of the Moo Shoo song to tell Larry to break a fortune cookie? Remember? Remember? It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it, that's no excuse for not remembering!
Anyways, I got the Boyz in the Sink CD yesterday,
Today is the day-after-Christmas-Eve-Eve. You must celebrate by posting in any color but pink. Otherwise, Santa's evil clone and a herd of renegade elves will make meatloaf out of your presents.
I wrote a special song for the occasion, all about all the colors except pink (it also included some free advice on how to escape ankle-biting gophers somewhere in the twenty-seventh verse), but unfortunately, directly after my first rehearsal, someone apparently (and quite accidentally, I'm sure) st
Today is the day before the day before Christmas. Celebrate by writing in pink for no reason.
P.S. It is good for your health and you won't have to brush your teeth.
When you buy something from the Amazon website, they email you recommendations afterward. They're usually (usually) other Bionicle stuff, but apparently, not this time...
Bugs? Bugging? Being bugged?
I'd smack both angry nid and Ocrist with my Larry plush, but "..." is holding it hostage, so I guess both of you can get away with it this time...
Dot-dot-dot to you, too. Now I'm locked in a plastic bubble for being contagious! I'm cut off from the world!
Now, for the more boringer stuffs:
I'm trying to write a parody for Hawk Nelson's "The Show." My problem is, I haven't a clue where I'm going with it, so it makes zilch sense. But the original
Allow me to begin this entry on a reasonably sane note:
Ninja snowflakes fighting crazy moldy socks.
That over, let's get on to the point.
There is a plague spreading about the forum. A terrible, multi-colored plague. It's unbelievably contagious, and although not deadly, it can take weeks to sufficiently recover.
The name of this plague?
Shocking, yes, and certainly not what you were expecting---but true. Look around you. How many members do you see using the
Because I just realized I should be doing something in my control panel instead of here!
Why am I...not here?
I'm going to give you something to do while I struggle to answer the above question. While on the subject of questions...
Okay, here's a question for you. Just a few. A few. A few. That means not many, Turakii. Be quiet now. I am. I know you are.
...You should talk to yourself sometime, it's fun. No it's not. It is, and stop pestering me already! I don't want to. Ha, you end
Sorry, Mr. Robs, but it seems my finger (quite accidentally, I'm sure) hit the "delete" key...have a nice day...
I seem to be a bit low on inspiration today.
So, here's the question of the day: Do you wear glasses? Do you wear contacts? Do you have eyes? If not, how do you read? Can you still wear glasses without eyes? What happened to your eyes, anyways?
P.S. On another note, this really bad sketch pictures what I have to go through every day. Never, ever
Anyone for my ending this blog entry here and now, raise your hand!
Or don't and say you did...doesn't really matter...
I really wish I had something interesting to say.
Why am I here?
"Mom! I just got an email from a Mr. Simon Robs who says he's been diagnosed with cancer and he's gonna be dead in three months and there's no cure and if I don't forward the message to about a bazillion people he's gonna be dead in the next minute! Should I delete it
*Sound of someone dropping dead for no explainable reason.*
*Jars of Clay song begins playing.*
P.S. Please inform me whether you found this entry to be a useful learning experience. Be sure to put it on your resume later in life.
To be or not to be, that is the---
No, that isn't the question. It never has been. The question is...why are the reindeer eating glitter? Is there some psychological force, deep inside, which presses them to do it? Perhaps the want, the need, has been deep inside their brains for centuries, but never activated until this year.
And another question: How much are they eating? Pints? Cups? Ounces? Gallons? If they're eating gallons and gallons of glitter, how much longer shall it be before th
Keyblade got bored...
Anyone care to decipher the whole thing?
Messed up on the quote tags...whenever it says I said it, he said it. Just remember I write in purple, and we'll be all set.
Once upon a time, millions of years ago, there was a row of dancing gingerbread men who were all stuck together because they were baked that way. They lived in a ceramic cookie jar.
For what felt like decades, they puzzled over how to separate, and what to do with their lives afterwards.
Finally, a Matoran named Shu solved the problem by eating the whole lot of them.
The End
(Just a note, the image is hosted on my mom's website, and yes, I have special permission from her to
I changed my mind on the ellipses (which, by the way, aren't deleted, but simply made into an invisible draft), but I just felt the urge (urge? Urge? As, in Hordika!?) to blog again anyways.
'Cause I
Would love
For Christmas to stay...
Three-hundred sixty-five days!
Despite my officially hating Christmas carols this year (because they're played so often on The Message---and if they play "I'll Be Home For Christmas" one more time, I'm going to hit the radio with a book), I can't he
Thanks to all of you! Right now, we're finding places for all the "applicants." If you don't mind, could you hold back on requesting a place for a little bit, until we figure out how many places are left?
I feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
LarryBoy: *Sprays Turakii with mold killer.*
Okay, believe it or not, this entry does have a point.
It's taken almost a year now, but we (meaning Traku, Macku, and I) are finally almost finished with our Bionicle parody of Sha
Winter Wonderland (Slightly Modified)
Sleigh bells ring
You're not listening
In the lane
Snow is glistening
An eye-paining sight,
We're pouting tonight
Runnin' from a winter wonderland
Gone away is the bluebird
Chased away by the snowbird
He sings a dumb song
As we run along
Fleeing from a winter wonderland
In the meadow we can build a snowman
And I say we name him Mister Brown
He'll say "Are you happy?"
We'll say "No man!"
And then he'll snowball us right back to tow
Today, I highly recommend you comment something of interest below, instead of making me do all the work. ( ) C'mon, I know you can do it....especially certain ones among you...
Oh yeah, and if you want to tell how tall you are at one point in the comment, it would help my statistics. And it would your comments on-topic, too, which is...a good thing. I suppose.
That, or you could not comment at all.
That's okay, too.
It's the new Lego theme...Free the Cucumber!
LarryBoy: Yeah, I'd kind of appreciate that...
Credit to ~Po~ for the cage...he didn't need it anymore...
Now, my friends, allow me to show you the one character on television considered either the sweetest or most evil, depending on the viewer.
Please, take a deep breath and ready yourself. Brace yourself to the chair. Keep someone who knows CPR nearby, just in case. And, above all, please try not to panic.
Are you ready?
This entry is the place for everyone to declare their unending love for that well-known purple dinosaur, Barney! A true masterpiece in the World of Children's Television! A wonder forever! Wow!
So, come on! How much do you all love Barney?
...Why is no one here...?