See, Vezon, possessing an Olmak, jumps to the Star Wars universe and grabs Jar Jar Binks. Then they hop over to Star Trek and grab Wesley Crusher. Afterward, Vezon brings them all here and they gather themselves a cult. They get this grand plan to completely change the history of their respective universes to make themselves seem glorious. They have to start with small, trivial ideas though to get their foot in the door before they start pushing the big changes. Naturally, since Vezon is the one
So, you people don't like the ending to Bibble then, eh? Perhaps you want to hear another snippit about the RPG, eh? I think I've a decent idea of how I'm going to work the elemental powers and death mechanics. After a character reaches 0 hp, they have to worry about unconsciousness and injury. To remain conscious, the character has to pass a Toughness Roll each round -10 times Injury Level. If they fail they pass out for some amount of time. Injury level is tracked as the amount of damage
Alright, thanks for the help, folks! Sorry I didn't get this up a couple days ago but I had what I needed to do the assignment so I wanted to get that out of the way first. Bibble the Astral Soul-Thingy Bibble struggles to raise the Leira body from the mud despite the poison's effects. Alas, Bibble can stand for no more than a few seconds and falls, arms flailing as they search for something to catch. Bibble's hand find a grasp on the Leiras' mighty leader. Bibble looks up into her eyes and
Not sure what this is all about? Check the first entry for details. This is the last decision you make, folks. Make it a good ending! Also, this is going up late. Whoops. Bibble the Astral Soul-Thingy Bibble begins to panic as it feels a dangerous poison beginning to spread throughout the stolen leira body. With the mechanical augments now permanently destroyed by the water, Bibble struggles all the more to claw its way out of the well with only one good arm, one functioning eye, and no
Not sure what this is all about? Check the first entry for details. Bibble the Astral Soul-Thingy Bibble descends upon the planet of Nyurk'snrk and possesses the body of the first Leira it sees. After taking time to examine its newfound flesh and mechanical bits, Bibble looks up and finds itself in the middle of a Leira-Nilrem warzone. It dodges left, right, and under as bolts of magic pass by. Bringing an arm to to shield from an incoming blast, the grapple arm on the Nilrem activates and p
Not sure what this is all about? Check the first entry for details. Bibble the Astral Soul-Thingy Bibble, being a very cautious and forgetful Soul-Thingy, hesitates before jumping into the thick of the action. It contacts the advisor before moving forward and asks for reminders pertaining to the exact nature of this experiment. The returned answer from the advisor was less than amicable. The message stated in no uncertain terms that asking such unnecessary questions would quickly result in a
So, the tl;dr story is I need to use one of my top five strengths in a new way over the course of five days and then write about it for my Strengths and Wellness class. That's probably gibberish to you but it doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't let me down which shouldn't be hard because you get the easy, fun part anyway. All you need to do is reply to each "chapter" I put up in the next few days with what you want to happen next or, if you like somebody else's response, just upvote i
I have to admit, I wasn't expecting the response to be quite so . . . underwhelming. Regardless, it's the responses to this entry that really matter and that also goes for the if/who/what/which Call of Evil short story should see the light of day.[/not an effective threat] Here's Chapter One of Steel Scales. It's an ugly, slightly-proofread mess that includes such wonders as awkward noun usage, abhorrent dialogue tags, "telling instead of showing", and perhaps even some inconsistent standard
So, let's say I posted the rough draft of chapter one of my first WIP book: Steel Scales. And then let's say that y'all gave me some legitimate feedback and told me what you thought of it. And then let's say that I was so grateful that I decided to write another Call of Evil short story to show my gratitude. Wouldn't that be something? Honestly, I think Call of Evil would work out better as a series of short stories than an epic anyway. TN
"I feel like I'm stuck in a rut." Those nine small words have been repeated by people the world over more times than any one of us could count, most likely. This is precisely what I'd felt like for several years and, as a whole, I was not a very happy or content person. I was spinning my wheels in an entry-level job barely making more than minimum wage and still living with my parents at age twenty-three. Now, I'm not working any job, still living with my parents, and I'm just a couple months
I'm gonna try and keep this as short and sweet as possible but who the heck knows if that'll happen? I don't know that happened along the way. I always hated Language Arts throughout grade school but now I actually want to go back and learn how to diagram a sentence all over again. This is entirely besides the point. Just pulling from things said in Reznas's and Sumiki's entries, I have my own thoughts on grammar. Quick and dirty, here's bad to worst: Capitalization and punctuation Replac
Two of the hardest things for me to pin down right now are dealing with the expending of elemental energy and death. First, I'd like to know people's opinion on death within a Table-top RPG. With the current system I'm using for a lot of my inspiration, after the max hitpoints threshold has been reached the character starts taking "critical damage" which means they start bleeding out/losing limbs/losing their mind/dying. The two big caveats with using this system are, first, I'm trying to keep
First off, thanks for all the well wishes, everyone. I'm doing relatively well. Unfortunately, homework waits for no man. Still, before that grand debacle I was beginning to translate my outline/notes for the Bionicle RPG into an actual manual. I managed to smash out a pretty big chunk, though compared to the size of the finished project is a relatively small piece. I know these entries don't usually get a lot of replies, but I like to think that I'm reaching some kind of niche audience. As
Every year my father's parents go south for the winter. As such, we do Thanksgiving with his side of the family early every year. Man, I was really looking forward to those candied yams. As it would so happen, I developed severe abdominal pains over the course of last night, eventually plateauing around six or seven AM. Between the pain and complete lack of sleep it got so bad that my mind was falling to pieces. Every time I closed my eyes my brain would take over and I can distinctly rememb
With Bionicle's inevitable return right around the corner, I found some motivation to continue working on that pen-and-paper Bionicle RPG I started some time ago. Consider this a poll of sorts. One advantage I'd like to give Matoran over Toa at character creation is the option of a Rahi companion. Outside of the obvious Ussal or Kewa, what would you consider to be a good Rahi companion for a Matoran? Yes, the Rock Raiders Let's Play is still a thing. Working on this can be done in short spurts
Good thing I included a disclaimer, otherwise this would be really awkward right now. Seriously though, looking at my old entries scares me more often than not. TN
Time to cross off that Cthulhu Saves The World fanfic and move on to the next item of business. Oh, and on the subject of fanfiction, you better not have been making that up, Tekulo. TN
Guardians of the Galaxy was just okay. I saw it once and I don't care to ever see it again. Honestly, the best part was the music (I listened to Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Suede waaay before it was cool) and the movie doesn't get credit for that. TN
This semester I have five classes: .NET Technologies Web Data Technologies Advanced Scripting Strengths and Wellness Public Speaking Should be interesting. TN
I was going through "My Documents" last night and found many old gems. Mostly stories I started writing but haven't finished. It got me to thinking about all the stories I've planned over the years but haven't done much with, be they short story, epic, or comedy... Stories I started writing but haven't finished: Action in the Background (epic) Need For Speed - Proto (comedy) Overlooked Lover (comedy) Steak Boy Buys A Birthday Cake (comedy) Steak Boy Buys A Plane Ticket (comedy) Toast Busters