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Evil Blog Master's gotta have an evil place to put his feet up, ya dig?

Entries in this blog

BZCraft Regulars

If those of you who have played in more than one BZP Minecraft event in the past would be so kind as to speak up, I'd appreciate it.   The rest of you, some nostalgia for your amusement:       TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Yeah, I Voted

But I'm not saying who or what I voted for.   Partly because I don't need people judging me based on what I voted for.   Mostly because some of the things to be voted on has a history on BZPower of bringing out the pompous, near-sighted, arrogant, self-righteous, immature, narrow-minded, and just plain rude of this community from both sides and varying ranks.   So thanks, I'll keep my votes to myself. I don't want to create another firestorm that'll push me away from this site once again.   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Wait, Episode VII?

I get home and hear about Disney buying out Lucasfilm and didn't think much of it.   Then I get on BZP and suddenly there's a confirmed Episode VII?   ...   All I can say is that it could be good, but it could also be really bad. Given the odds, I'd rather they don't even risk it. Besides, assuming that it is actually a continuation of the original trilogy, I just don't think I could ever get used to the main characters being portrayed by new actors. Especially Luke, Han, and Leia.   However, i

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

A Site for Toys

The thing I used to like about BZPower was that it was a site about toys.   Specifically, Bionicle. The awesomest thing that happened during my childhood.   I came here to have fun and GET AWAY from the stress and depression of the real world.   Now, I do the exact opposite. I actually avoid BZPower some days because everybody is discussing all this serious REAL LIFE stuff that I'm trying to temporarily escape from. It starts FIGHTS and people get BENT OUT OF SHAPE. What happened to discussing A

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Birthday Bro

Today was my (only) brother's 14th birthday!   He got himself an Eldar codex and battleforce.   Can't wait to kill 'im.   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Make The Call

Tell me, which Call of Evil short story would you guys like to see next?   List for reference.   it is fair and just voting for yourself, either. If you do, at least vote for another one as well.   EDIT: Man, I just can't even take my own entries seriously with that Dunkaroos avatar. I seriously need something more fitting...   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

About That Let's Play of FTL...

Well, the bad news is that the commentary borked and didn't work out, so it is now just a "playthrough".   The good news is that I chose some BZPers to be my crew for cheap relevance.   Oh, and the first part is now available for watching. That too.   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Third Army Update: Name My 'Nids!

Been working on painting more of my Tyranids lately. Still haven't started working on the bases because I don't know what I want to do with them.   I did recently acquire a Trygon Prime and Zoanthrope so I went crazy on those over the weekend (super glue is dangerous, guys).   I've been meaning to put one of these up, so here's a picture of what I've got so far taken with my crummy camera!   (Click for full-size. ~1.2MB)   The big guy in the back is the Trygon Prime. The guy on the left with th

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

FTL Let's Play

I just recorded a Let's Play of FTL - Faster Than Light. It was actually quite an interesting game, given the random mechanics of the title.   I'll have to put it together and upload it before y'all can watch it, but just know that it is coming!   ...   You're gonna watch it, right?   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

A Darksiders II Review

Darksiders II is currently on sale on steam for 50% off (possibly more at some point during this weekend) which is quite a deal if somebody wants to get it. Questions is, do you? We all know I was obsessing over this game all the way up to launch, but I have said little since I started playing it. Time to change that.   First, the easy categories...   SOUND   Voice acting, for me, was pretty solid throughout the game. There weren't any particularly great bits but it never fell flat IMHO. Sound e

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Two Things

First off, I've been tweeting my Colorado adventures as I go, so if you're interested, just keep track of my on twitter (@takumalight).   Secondly....... for the love of Mata Nui. Can we please go back to being a LEGO website? It is times like these when I legitimately question whether or not I should quit the staff and this site. It's either that or I go bald from ripping my own hair out.

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Going to Colorado

Leaving tomorrow for our family train-trip to Colorado (finally). We will be coming back on the 29th. I'll have my laptop with me but won't be able to utilize it much.   While I'm gone, the new Darksiders II DLC (that I get for free because pony pre-ordered) is coming out. Darn.   I also haven't watched last week's Doctor Who and I won't be able to watch this week's or the next right away after coming back. Also darn.   Since I'll be gone and nobody can do server-stuff, there'll be no BZPCraft f

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Humble Indie Bundle 6

So, the new Humble Indie Bundle is out. Of the six games offered, I have 3, so I figured I might as well give brief reviews on those for the wondering among you.   Shatter: Pong with 'Tude, I like to call it. There's a million block-breaking games out there, but Shatter is easily my favorite. There's a few things that set this particular title apart. First, you can suck/blow air in order to change the "balls'" trajectory making it possible to snipe that last block that you can never seem to hit.

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, And to the Republic For which it stands, One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Than the Moa and Watashi Wa

I went to the Mall of America with Than and Watashi Wa. It was good fun. Learned a couple things too.   1. Than absolutely loves being surrounded by little kids all the time.   2. Most BZPower members are jellyfish.   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Stuff You Should Read

First, go read The Ranger and then post because every time you "look and leave" it may not be against the rules, but Mata Nui strangles a gukko. You don't want that on your conscience, do you?   Then go check out my amazing, first-ever set review. I worked extra-hard to make it special just for all you lovely people and keep it entertaining throughout. Then go post your feedback/questions in the topic.   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Bionicle Birthdays

We've seen 'em floating all around the internet. Those things where you use your birthday to find out some extravagant thing that will happen to you.   Why is there no Bionicle one?   Oh wait, now there is. I'm just not gonna give you some crazy image to go with it.     January: Go over Niagara Falls in a barrel with... February: Have a Madu Cabolo eating contest with... March: Chase Muaka blindfolded with... April: Go on a date/Hang out with... May: ...throws you off a cliff. June: Open a dry c

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Well Well Well, Who Do We Have Here?


Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

You're Looking At Them!

Man, it's so late now that I'm worried I might have forgotten stuff, so please excuse me if I did. Also, I have yet to pack so I'm going to have to try and make this shorter...   So we showed up at BFair a little earlier today making sure to get the last pictures we wanted. I took two more sweeps through the vendors today and STILL there was nothing there I wanted to buy! If only we had been able to go to the LEGO Store...   There were a couple chicks from the LEGO Friends Design team there thi

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Always Knew You Were Different, But, A Tablet?

So, we got up this morning with the intention of getting to the convention center by 9. I had my alarm set on my phone but forgot to switch it off "vibrate only". Luckily I happened to be awake and noticed it going off. We slammed some breakfast (Instant Quaker Oatmeal FTW) and head down there. Already the line was insanely long and I'm SO glad we're exhibitors. The majority of the morning/early afternoon was just dancing to the music behind the tables and rummaging through the prototype piece

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

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