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Help Needed

i cannot capitalize!!!!!!!! idk why i just don't feel like it   thirdly, I cannot find the second reason   fourthly, I need some cool acronyms for B.O.L.T Or would Ludia be a better name for Johelt/that other name I said yesterday?



Yellow Wip

New MoC has yellow. =D   Started today.   Fusion.   For ER's contest (If I get in).   JOHELT LEVITAS!!!!!   Other color isn't black.   I love it so far.



Yellow <3

New iPod Nanos are kewl. I have a Touch though so I don't want them.   The yellow one though.     ALSO COLOR CHANGE TO THIS?



Fun Time Is Fun

Band Camp     A list of things that happened:   Doors were smashed The doors were very weak wood. The first time, some of the Freshman were playing a game, in their cabin, and they had to stop running when another person said to. They did so and slipped on some water from the Seniors Super Soaker raid and slid into and under the door. It had a huge crack and went though the door way. Like so the little metal par that stops it from opening on one side was on the other side and wouldn't l



School :3

I actually have a very good schedule this year. I'll tell it to ya.   0th?~ Zero Period Gym (Driver's Ed Semester 1)~ This is awesome except for the fact I have to wake up at like 6. << All my friends are doing zero and I am going to learn how to drive. =D Plus right now I don't have study hall so I'm not missing anything. Then I'll do swimming in the winter and track in the spring to get study halls then. So I'll be missing the most of gym that is possible. =D   1st~ Honors




I have like one more day until school and I have so much to still do!!!! Worst of all I can't do any of it right now. ><   1) Finish Summer Reading: Progress .:[||||||||||||||||||||]:. I've already read* all the books and finished questions for one and half for another. The last one I just have to write an essay for why others should read it and that will be easy considering it only has to be 200-250 words.   2) Finish a New MOC I just started: I love the look of this one right no



2009 Info

Lol, that is the funniest topic. I absolutely love it. The newer fans are used to getting please while the older fans are booted. Now the newer fans are getting "booted" and it is turning more like 2001-2003. Best of all is they are whining, which is funny to watch.   1) Jungle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Air



Oh Noes!

School. ;_;   But band. =D   But homework. ;_;   But new classes/classmates in such classes! =D   But much less time to MoC. ;_;   But hanging out with the peeps I love all day during band! =D   But bad teachers. ;_;   But nice/awesome teachers! =D   But still have to finish summer reading. ;_;   But friends and hanging out and fun. =D   But not much free time for other stuff like BZP and Lego. ;_;   But since I have to end on a good note, Band Camp first weekend of school.



Boxor V.2.43.11

New MoC! =D This isn't a serious MoC considering I didn't take forever and a year to make it. I like how it ended up though, and I pretty much only spent today working on it. The idea I've had a while for Narotam on the Foipnoi Toa Team. I had something bigger (it was a spider mech though), but I don't have the pieces to finish it. I like the treads though. Pay no attention to the flipped legs though. Though though though though....   /\ Click for Topic /\ Gallery Deeplinks are a



There's A Bear On The Fence!

i be havin kewl dreamz latly kk?     I was at BrickFair or some sort of Lego Convention on a really steep hill. While walking up the hill to go home with everyone, I met up with Arpy and Bunda. =O We talked about stuff and finally ended up going to Arpeh's house. He had some new sets already and a completely new set. It was awesome. It was red and white and had a Metru lid on the chest. In the lid was tons and tons of white flame pieces linked together and it was just awesome. It was l



Omg! Name Change!

New name, I wanted to see if I could change my name, and it turns out today was 45 days. =D Not much different for recognition, but still different. Red and Orange will have to wait.     Also, new blog layout yayz? IDK, I like this better.   I don't know where the Honorable Picture block went though... ;_; Honorable Picture is back! I luvsed him. :3 me meh hav 2 yell @ 'em so he neva leavses meh for dose otha pretteh gals.



Puppies :3

Here is an OMG moment:   My friend is getting a puppy today! =D A golden-doodle it is which is awesome because those dogs rock.     I <3 puppies. :3         Jinzo's puppy pics are... disgusting though... =\



Im Names Naow!

Like OMG Trillian takes all IM things and smashes them together! It is cool. B)   So now I need all your IM names. MSN preferable, and I guess AIM too. =/   AIM~ GammaCyclone MSN~ BZPenguin at hotmail.com



Wip W/ Pic!

I will soon be taking picture of my WiP for Primus' Challenge. Beg for the pics or you won't get any. >=D   Also a truck fell off a bridge in like California or something and floated away. xP  



Two Pack Helpz!

I just realized how amazing those two packs on Amazon are. You get Vultraz for free, and the rest are half off! Liek mazing dealz yo!!   I don't know which I want to get. I am definitely getting Onua/Bitil and I really want Ignika/Vultraz for the pieces, but I don't really need anything in Vultraz. The panels on Ignika's skyboard I need to make Draco's wings bigger and more intimidating, and it would be cool to have the Ignika. I guess thought I might as well get it because I probably won'



Saxophone Rock

Bwahaha! I'm back from Niagara Falls and I bring gifts! Gifts of knowledge! >=D   First off, while driving up there we heard this radio station where the theme was Saxophone Rock. Like totally weird theme but awesome music. Any rock with saxophones in it was on there, like Pink Floyd and Bruce Springstein. :3   Second, Niagara Falls was spectacularly huge. Like very intimidating when you were at the bottom, like Maid of the Mist and Cave of the Winds. Cave of the Winds was definitel




We got the backup discs from our old computer today! =D Unfortunately the C drive was completely fried from being struck by lightning. >< The D drive was unharmed though and all my files were on there. =D Now I can listen to my music, have my older MoCs saved on my comp, and play Age of Empires again! Woot!   I think I am almost done with Latigid, I may be renaming him though. Aero, Praepes, Provolo, and Volaticus are likely candidates, they fit him much better than Digital. <&



New Mocs

NewMoCsyay!! /\ Click for topic /\ Click for Gallery Yay for entering UBBC 50. =D /\ Click for Topic /\ Click for Gallery This second one I whipped up in 15 minutes and I love it. Bonus pointeths to thou that guesseth the birthplace of thy name.



Cafe Corner

Would you believe that my just turned 10 year old sister asked for Cafe Corner for her birthday? And better yet, she got it! So of course I get to help because she is only 10 and it is so cool! It is a very, very complex build and uses all these techniques I never even thought about. =O I wish all Lego sets, including Bionicle sets, were this complex and fun to build. ;_;   And the age is 16+ and we are having a fine time.




Bwahaha!!! We got a new computer! My mo couldn't stand letting us use her laptop so when we went out to take the computer to some fixers, we got a new one! It's a very basic one sadly, but it gets the same things done without the overflow of memory like our old one had. << The problem now is remembering all the minuet things that we had and used.   Oh and I dislike Vista, but it is only because I dislike change. I can't find how to do a lot. ;.;



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