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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

Entries in this blog

Bzpower Artist Interviews?

It's an idea I've been playing with for a while... a series of interviews, featuring some of the very talented artists around here... and that includes members from the Comics, BBC (or generally, MoCists) and SS/Epics/Comedies subforums as well. Not only GA, no.   Would anyone actually be interested in that (both being interviewed and reading them), or am I the only one?

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Aw Come On

So tomorrow I have to go to school for just one class? Life, are you kidding me?! D=

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Hanging Around At School

A 3-hour-break in between preparation classes... *sigh* I could have gone home in the meantime, but that's too much going by bus for a day... >< So now I'm just hanging around around here. Spooking through the blogs and CoT.   And there are still 1 1/2 hours left. *yawn*   Aaanyways, yesterday I did not fall asleep. Yeah, stayed awake until after midnight. Guess how awake I am today. But it often happens after my Jiu Jitsu training that I can't find no sleep... Lying around widely awake fo

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

The Server's Too Busy [Art]

A comic demonstrating how I cope with the server being too busy for hours. < click thumbnail, acquire full image   It's funny 'cause it's true! Time spent on this: an entire afternoon.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

"now Where's The Jester Hat?!" D=

Yeah, new category. >.> I want to see how that works out...   So, some of you may have already realized that I have some sort of obsession/fascination with jesters. And jester hats. And so on.   Have you ever wondered why? I have. And here's what I came up with.   I guess the greatest part of the whole fascination is that the jester is kind of detached from society (at least in the stories I've read. If someone knows better, feel free to correct me! ), yet somewhat relying on it. That's

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

My Blog Has Recently Become Rather...

... hm, well, not sure... Let's recap the past blog entries:   -Drawing- -I changed my avatar- -Sims 2- -random short stuff- -random short stuff- -general sillyness-   It's rather sad to see that. So yep, it's time for the annual "complaining about my blog" entry. anyone got some good suggestions what else I could blog about? Because otherwise I will share my thoughts about certain topics. And that's when things will get really weird.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Always remember to make copies of your data!   Yep. Even if that means burning discs with tons and tons of scans and photographs. But thankfully it doesn't take that long. ^^   I mean, I'm really really scared of losing everything if my computer crashes... yes, I know, I uploaded a lot to majhost and brickshelf, but just imagine re-collecting all those images... sounds like a nightmare to me. D=

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

*yawn* *stretch*

It's been a long day... although technically I've done pretty much nothing... apart from playing computer games and being on BZPower...   tomorrow I'll draw something. 100%ly

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

How Is That Even Possible?!

Seriously, how can someone be able to talk to someone on the phone and play an RPG* at the same time? O.o   ... I wish I had those multi-tasking skills.   *yeah, on the computer.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Half-Way Done

with finishing school. Written exams are all done, now all that's left is the oral ones... somewhen in June, I think. Until then it's preparation time...   Aaanyways, I was extremely scared of maths. Which turned out rather easy, though. If I had known that yesterday, I would have slept much much better. Because I really got hardly any sleep. No deep sleeping, either. Yet, for some reason, I was 100% awake while doing the exam.   So, yay me.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Guess Who's At Home

Yep, this BZPer right here. But I'll do some serious studying for maths, because tomorrow's the written exam... and after that, no more maths! =D For a while. I know I'll need it on university again, though xD

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Some Random Facts

this is going to be a very random entry I used to think there has to be something special about AFOLs. Then suddenly, I was one. (wait what how did this happen) I can't believe my comic topic is still alive text markers are great for sketching so are sticky notes Never underestimate the power of random scribbles excessive studying can cause headaches Ducks I love telling stories. But writing them down... is harder. This blog has both a 'nonsense' and a 'stuff' category. I wonder why I d

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Back At Home

And guuuyyys am I tired. Exhausted. Even thought the written exam wasn't that hard... ah well. Maths on Wednesday, then I'm done with the written stuff.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

So Tempted

To use this as my avatar and name myself Takarion Avon. But I won't do this. No way. .... no wait, I'll use him as an avatar. For now. <3   In other words, I just melted my brain, woot   Edit: I thought I might leave an explanation here. Yes, this lovely guy's name is Takarion Avon, and he's been around since about 2009, if I remember right. I just hardly ever get around drawing him, for whatever reason. His origins are quite... weird, and I'm still unsure about his backstory. Anyways, in hi

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Studying, Studying, What A Horror

Books are lying everywhere, all the way to my chamber door studying is what I'll do Only this and nothing more     I suck at instant poetry xD Even if there's a reference to an awesome poem. But guess what I've been doing, and will be doing. Yep, studying. Mainly for maths. Aand drawing, and relaxing in between, yes. But studying ><

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

That's A Nice Jester Hat [Art]

< thumbnail, because I'd never post only an eye   Hm... pencil drawing. And there are some carefully added details which the scanner didn't quite pick up (such as the freckles. Yep, freckles) so I darkened the image a bit.   BTW, her name's Jalina. Does that ring a bell? x3

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Of An Identity Crisis

Sooo, exactly 2 months ago I posted a blog entry about being bored with my display name, and even though there were some rather funny suggestions, it was back in the day of the phobias, and that was not quite what I wanted.   Another thing is that I'm not sure whether I still want to go by "Taka Nuvia". I mean yes, it's not the worst name ever, but it's rather unoriginal, and a name I took on back in 2008 - and I sure hope that I've changed a bit over that time. Then again, it's the name everyo

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Some Art You Missed [Art]

Because yes, guys, I did draw like a maniac. =P I always do, especially when there's something to overcome. Sooo, here's a compilation of the 'key works' from the past week. :3   Click the thumbnails, get the full drawing, as always.   Forsaken WARNING: huge image (355 KB, 1280 x 1811 px)   This was inspired by a dream I had, but partly also by the way I felt. It was done shortly after the beginning of my BZPower break, I think. Oil pastels are a fun medium to use, but since I haven't yet figur

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Quick Update

on how I've been and that stuff.   I've currently got a slight cold, with occasional sneezing and a sore throat and whatnot. And today I had the first of my written final exams. Sadly, I was so nervous that I didn't sleep well. Woke up every three hours... ah well, I could concentrate enough.   *yawns* I'm tired -.-'

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Double Return

Yay the forums are back. And so am I. Would've returned earlier, but something interfered with my plans   Aaanyways, I am extremely happy that BZPower's back. Can't tell you how happy.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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