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The Complete Lojban Language

I discovered a book by this name on the Barnes & Noble website. I'm strongly considering getting it with my next paycheck. It's approximately 600 words long, so although I wouldn't quite consider it to be the length of a college textbook, it should have a decent amount of information in there and be a worthwhile read.   Also, Ithkuil has a grammar book, too.   I'm considering buying both of these, reading them, and then lending them to my high school English teacher.   After those, I might

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Asian Action Movies > Western Action Movies

A friend of mine recently showed me a bunch of Korean action movies. They weren't Kung Fu movies, but still, they had a lot of good fighting. And I daresay, the fighting that they did have was good. They even made gun-fights complex and dynamic. It was entertaining to watch and consistently engaging. Did it still have some cliches? Yeah. I noticed that there were times when two people would throw aside their guns and go at each other hand-to-hand, which I didn't think was the most realist

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Our Next Secretary of State

He's not officially confirmed yet, but it looks like our next Secretary of State will be Rex Tillerson. I don't know much about him, but I do have a superficial opinion.   Here's my opinion: Rex is a cool name. Can you imagine what life must have been like for him in high school? His teammates on the sports team must have absolutely loved him. "Yo REX!" they must have shouted. It's a winner's name, alright. You treat someone named Rex like they're the boss, like a complete champ.   Which brings

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Big Day to be Iowan

Iowa's governor, Terry Branstad, is the longest serving governor in American history, with twenty-three years of experience. I don't have particularly strong feelings on him as a governor, but I did like that an Iowan held that record. Personally, I wanted to see him stay in for another couple of terms so that he could put some distance between his and the old record. Like, a nice solid thirty-two years as governor would have been nice.   However, that won't happen, because Donald Trump just

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Hacksaw Ridge Review

This is going to be an incredibly brief review. Basically, this movie is exactly what you'd expect after watching the trailers. There are no twists, no surprises. it's pretty straightforward. It's masterfully directed, as is to be expected from Mel Gibson. The one thing that I wondered during the movie was whether or not the majority of the movie would be spent in the training camp, where Private Doss would spend a great deal of time petitioning to be allowed to not carry a gun, since that

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

"Wallaby and Wallaroo Care"

So I bought a book called Wallaby and Wallaroo Care: A Complete Owner's Guide, so that one day I can meet up with a breeder and impress him or her with how much I know, and how prepared I am. Tell you what, I want a Dama Wallaby, a Bennett's Wallaby, a Wallaroo, and a Red Kangaroo someday, and I'm going to save up so that I can live with them on a ranch. In the meantime, here's a video of a person with her pet Wallaroo:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX38pHYsXHg   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Upcoming reviews

In these last couple of weeks, I watched Hacksaw Ridge and Moana. I've been slacking off and not writing my reviews. Expect that to change next week.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


My sister works in a factory, where the male employees generally hit on her and make her feel uncomfortable. Which is why today I will be giving her a tank. She can drive to work in it, and all of the men will know that her protective older brother gave it to her and will stop messing with her, because they'll know that she's not worth it.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Michelle Obama

While she's still in the White House, I thought I'd write up some thoughts on our current First Lady. I don't have much to say that's too extensive, since I don't know her personally, but I'll do my best to honor her with my attention. Over the course of her husband's presidency, I've seen Michelle Obama on the cover of many magazines. Although the First Lady technically has no power, she's an influential person, if only because she's a huge spokesperson with a large audience. When the First Lad

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

If this recent election were a movie

People make movies of everything, and nowadays, they make movies about real-life stuff within years of it happening. It used to be that you waited a while before someone made a movie based off of real events. So I wouldn't be surprised if the 2016 election was turned into a movie four years from now. Especially four years from now, because it just makes sense to make a political movie on an election year.   Anyway, it just hit me the other day that Robert Redford would be a good actor for pla

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

A Controversial Subject

This recent election inspired me to watch Home Alone 2, because I will never look at it the same way again:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXE3Ku-mGrk   Please don't let this start a huge argument. I know that this is subject that people have very strong opinions on: is it okay to start celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving? For me, the Christmas seasons starts on the day after Halloween at the very latest. Sometimes, I consider it Christmas season as early as September. I know that

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bQwin3Vv0k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH_YbBHVF4g   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

How I voted in 2016

I didn't like any of the candidates on the ballot, even the third party candidates. You'd think that I'd be the type of person who wouldn't vote, but I did. I voted for a write-in candidate. Guys, you can always vote for a write-in.   And no, I didn't write in Superman with Michael Phelps as his running mate. I take my write-ins somewhat seriously, and I tried to come up with an actual ticket that I thought was good for the country. Not that I have a huge issue with people who vote for Mickey Mo

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Doctor Strange Review

On the same day that I watched Doctor Strange, I also treated myself to As Good As It Gets, a 1998 comedy that got nominated for Best Original Screenplay. As you can imagine, this heightened my awareness of how so many superhero movies can be generic. That's exactly what the plot of Doctor Strange is: a retread of everything we've seen before, just with a new set of superpowers.   Except these superpowers aren't clearly defined. Even though there's a bit of exposition explaining how his powers w

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


BOOM!   On the weekend before Halloween, I went to visit an old friend that I hadn't seen in nearly two years (although we have regularly talked over the phone), and somewhat fittingly, we watched Stranger Things. I instantly fell in love with the 80's vibe, and with those adorable little kids. I also absolutely fell in love with Eleven as well. I saw a friend of a friend dress up as her, shaved head and all. Plus, she was carrying a box of Eggos, which made me laugh.   I was going to write

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


I've given this quite some thought, since I'm endeared to both personality types. Recently, Iruini Nuva said that INTPs would rule the world from behind the curtain, but honestly, that sounds more like an INTJ. I mean, Emperor Palpatine was an INTJ, and he was the ultimate puppet master.   Anyway, INTPs get to claim Spock, which is a pretty big deal. Also, Albert Einstein and Abraham Lincoln. Probably Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes, come to think of it.   But INTJs. Wow. I looked up famous INTJs

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Marvel Villains Like Kilgrave

As we all know, all Marvel villains who aren't Loki lack that special something to make them memorable.   Except Kilgrave from the Netflix series Jessica Jones proves that common assumption wrong. Actually, I feel really guilty about saying this. He's an R-rated villain, and he's completely depraved. He successfully gets us talking about real-world problems, but at the same time his charm and charisma glorify those real-world problems. It kept me up late one night, disturbed by how someone so de

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Philomena Review

Here are my cursory thoughts: it's good, and I liked it. It doesn't stand out, but it's a solid movie that made sense as a Best Picture nominee. Judi Dench also delivered a solid performance and got nominated for Best Actress, although there were a couple of performances in this movie that I was more impressed by. First, there were the flashback scenes of Philomena as a teenager, and the actress cast in that role genuinely felt like a younger Judi Dench. The performance that really stands out, t

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Magnificent Seven

They should rename it The Magnificent Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon, and get an entirely new cast.   Kevin Hart Kevin James Kevin Kline Kevin Pollak Kevin Spacey Kevin Costner   and of course   Kevin Bacon                           (maybe Macaulay Culkin in a minor role)     24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Storks Review

A couple of friends of mine got married recently, and they called me today with news. Since I've been living sans Facebook these last several months, I'm late to the party: they're having a baby. Not only that, but he/she's due in three weeks. That was pretty big news to suddenly dump on me.   Anyway, so I saw this movie called Storks. Mind you, not a masterpiece of a movie. It starts off with stupid slapstick humor, and is abrasive in its pacing. A lot of stuff gets thrown at you, and it just i

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Ideal World

People will be able to buy AK-47s at drive-thru windows.   Rich people will have access to nuclear missiles.   Work weeks will last for 80 hours with no overtime pay or benefits.   ESTJs will rule the world. ENTPs will be their loyal lackeys, advisers, and courtroom jesters.   Slavery will be reinstated, and it will be implemented on all of the ISFJs and ESFJs. ISFPs and ESFPs won't be enslaved, but will still be second-class citizens like the Irish back in the good ol' 1800's.   The Purge will

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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