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Good News for Wonder Woman

Her movie is just about to surpass $400 million domestically, and in a week's time she might even surpass the original Spider-Man. That will make her movie the highest grossing debute solo film in superhero history. She's also getting close to surpassing Iron Man 3. This is very good news for DC, and also very good news for women in general. I would especially like for Wonder Woman to surpass the domestic gross of the billionaire playboy's highest grossing film. It's not that I don't like T

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Goals in Life

I'm a simple man, and I want simple things.   1. Become a rabbi. 2. Wear the skin of Leonardo DiCaprio on my face. 3. Climb Mount Everest naked (except for the part where I'm wearing Leonardo DiCaprio's skin) 4. Play four-square with Kim Jong-un, Steven Hawking, and the Pope. 5. Successfully eat bugs 6. Board a moving train by horseback 7. Walk across the country with an elephant. 8. Get a job at McDonald's. 9. Win an Oscar for my authentic method acting of a McDonald's employee (I was the only

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


This is a sketch paper drawing by me, which I did as extra credit at the end of my first semester for an art class I was in. I finally got it done today and figured out how to use the school scanner to introduce it into the digital world. Unfortunately, the colors aren't as bright in this picture as they are in real life, especially the violet, which looks dull and is hard to see against the black background.   For those of you who might be wondering, St. John is my "pen name", if you will cal

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Girl Problems

I won't say much further, although that I feel like I'm loosing my sanity in recent times. It happens. Although I wish it didn't.

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Ghost in the Shell Review

The one thing that I knew about this movie going into it was that it had very good aesthetics, and that it was on the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 level of prettiness. I guess you could say that I also knew that it starred Scarlett Johansson, although that wasn't really a selling point for me. Actually, that was a point against it, because it made me think that it would be a lot like Luc Besson's dumb Lucy movie. I enjoyed Lucy, but I didn't want a retread of that.   Now that I've seen it, I ca

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Germany beat Canada....

Wow. I saw this come up on the news. My goodness. I thought that when the American women won gold, then Canadian men would go on to win gold, and we'd be even. But I guess that Canada is walking away without the either. It's so strange. And I honestly didn't expect Germany to beat Canada. It was just assumed that it would be Canada and Russia. And not only that, but Germany is going on to the gold medal game? Germany? They haven't won a medal in forty-two years. It was bronze, and so was their o

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Game Night Review

Best comedy I've seen in a while. Re-watchable. This movie doesn't waste a single beat, and every single detail is relevant. You never wonder, "Why did this have to happen?" You know, when you're a film critic and you watch a major blockbuster, and you think that a certain scene is pointless. Every part of the writing has a point in being there, some sort of payoff. I had a lot of fun guessing what might have been going on the whole time, and I'm satisfied with all of their twists.   Th

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Gabby Douglas

My favorite gymnast going in was Aly Reysman. Of course, I wanted Gabby Douglas to win the gold medal because she she was, after all, the best and she deserved it, but I payed more attention to Aly. To me she was more interesting because she exhibited this supreme air of confidence before ever routine. There was just this commanding, almost relaxed look on her face, with a slight smile as if the Olympics didn't pressure her one bit but was rather a way to show off.   Then Gabby won gold in th

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Further Reviewing of La La Land

I watched it for a third time, this time with my family. Right as the credits were rolling, one of them turned to me and started complaining about the ending. So it wasn't just me! Yeah, I was really frustrated with the ending. It didn't make me happy like the end of the movie (although it was brilliantly executed on a musical level). We both ranted for a while about it, and it felt good.           24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Frozen Review

For their 53rd canon movie, Disney managed to produce a really cool film. This film instantly hit home with me and will from now on hold a special place in my heart. How do I describe this film in words? There's hardly anything I can say without giving anything away, and you literally don't have to know anything about this movie beforehand to know that it's worth seeing. If you haven't seen it yet, you're missing out on a cool experience that you will regret down the road. This is Disney at

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Fridge Brilliance

One thing I thought was cool about the opening to Superman Returns is that there is a hint of Also Sprach Zarathustra from 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Kryptonian Fanfare segment as the archived voice of Jor-El says that "You will travel far, my little Kal-El".   Now, rewind a bit, to the point where you're now at a point of time before this movie. In fact, we're going back in time before Superman comics. "Superman" is a rough translation of Friedrich Nietzsche's Übermensch (it can also be tr

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Free Speech in Thailand

Recently, charges were laid against a popular Thai Youtuber because she criticized a dress worn by Ms. Thailand. The dress in question is designed by a fashion company run by a member of the royal family, Princess Sirivannavari Nariratanna. National law makes it illegal to criticize or speak ill of the royal family, although this only applies to the king, queen, and immediate successors to the throne. Sirivannavari Nariratanna is not an immediate heir, but there is still an argument to be mad

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Forced Puns

Hey, I think that it was a huge mistake for Ben to become an enemy of his own father. You should never make a foe pa like that.   That spot where Rey stabbed Ben in the chest healed impectably fast.   The Resistance will Carrie on.   I'm a Kelly Marie Fan of the new character. She really Rose to the occasion.   Chewy has no money to eat expensive food and is a porg guy.   ♫♪ Poe Rey Shmi Finn Solo Tico ♫♪     24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

For Opinions, Not Quality

Once my sister submitted a poem for a collection of literature for students in her area. The theme had to be connected to the word "sign". When the book came out, there were some good short stories. I'll admit, my sister's poem wasn't one of her better works, so it didn't stand out, but there were some that did, and those I really enjoyed. A friend of mine wrote a satire on superstitions, and the humor was well composed. I saw another creative story about an alien named Zone who got scared

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


At the insistence of Tekulo, I present to you this music for the day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAI3N61zY9k It's okay, BZPower. It's perfectly normal if you all start feeling like children again. 24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Flat Earthers

Don't ever argue with them. Not because it's a waste of your time, but because it's a sin to destroy something so precious. They contribute more to the world through entertainment value than they detract through ignorance.   People who know better and yet deny the Apollo moon landings, however...you have my permission to mansplain to them.   Unless they're Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan. He claims that a Turkish scientist stepped on the moon back in 1633. This is a reference to Ottoman avi

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Fidget Spirit

Behold. The culmination of all of society's efforts. The purpose behind our every mathematical advancement. The ultimate end of our sciences. Faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomotive, more glorious than Mother Russia. Yes, you indeed died and went to Heaven. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen.     24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Favorite Comedian

He's sarcastic, irreverent, indecent, offensive, trollish, trouble-making, scandalous, provocative, narcissistic, and unfit for polite society. He's also opinionated, and I disagree with him on plenty of things, but dang, even when he offends me, he entertains me, because he's just so fun. While not the most elegant comedian ever, he's so flawed that he's relatable and so outrageous that he's charismatic. That may not be your type of humor, but if you know anything about me, you know that I l

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Faora Hu-Ul

Faora has amazing potential as a villain, and up to date she has been defined purely as "Zod's Wife". Granted, spouses are a major part of a person's life, but she was always grouped with him when Superman was in need of distinct villains. She really needs some independence to become her own thing and a unique presence in the comics. Let's face it, she has always been been an orbit character and she's never listed as one of Superman's main enemies. The roster goes Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Paras

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Fake News

Nope. Nothing political. But I am legitimately getting ticked off with Yahoo for consistently reporting falsehoods. Specifically, they often use pictures that don't have anything to do with the stories they're reporting. I've seen several examples in the last few days. Some of them are fairly simple, such as reporting on a new poster for the Justice League movie and using a fan-made poster instead of the actual one, but the one bit of fake news that really takes the cake is a report on a gi

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Fahrenheit v Celsius

I actually use Metric whenever I like the actual measurement itself. For example, if something is closer to a kilometer, I might say that it's a kilometer instead of two-thirds of a mile. If something's a milimeter, I might use that instead of a fraction of an inch, although it depends on the thing in question. As an American, I mix my measurements all of the time. Camera lenses? Milimeters. Carpentry? Inches.   But anyway, on to the title. I actually tend to use Celsius more than Fahrenheit, or

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


It is odd where you can find inspiration. Sometimes you can find it from places and people that you would expect to even give you a negative influence. Yet, in this case, this negative influence was positive, a diamond in the rough.   Once there was a time when I was a child. The thought has been pondering in the back of my heart for a while, and I had mentioned it a couple of times in words in the past week or so. "When you are a child, everything is extra-shiny". Everything is more fun, m

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Excited about Valerian

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_shrCoqWh9k   It looks kind of dumb, but you know what sells me? Passion. If you see any of the "making of" segments, it's clear that Luc Besson is passionate about it. He'l right to advertise it as "a vision a lifetime in the making." That sort of passion sells more than any special effect. Also, he's freaking Luc Besson we're talking about here, director of The Fifth Element. If he does anything that's even in the same genre as that film, I'm in.   It makes m

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Essay Fossils

I love essays. They are my favorite part of school. When I'm given them, it's basically the teacher giving me points for writing down my thoughts, speaking my mind. It's awesome.   How does one go about writing an essay? Some teachers will suggest that you must have x number of drafts, the first just being a sketch and so forth. I respectfully disagree. I believe that you will need only one draft for many occasions. Here, I'll explain:   When you write an essay, you already have a general

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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