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Esperanto Sucks

You know the most popular constructed language in the world, created with the hope of unifying all of the peoples? Yeah, I hate it. L.L. Zamenhof designed it to be easy to learn, particular for people in his environment, and in that area, thee language succeeds. It is definitely easy to learn, due to its simplicity and familiarity, but in every other regard, I hate it.   First of all, it often sounds like someone just spoke Latin and then intentionally mispronounced everything. Seriously, wh

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Episode IX: Return of the Abrams

When Episode IX lost its director, the first thought that came to my mind, as everyone knows, is "UN-LI-MI-TED SPIELBAAAH!" It probably wouldn't have been the best choice, given how busy he is, and also considering that his cinematography, while absolutely amazing, tends to be a bit more fluid than STAR WARS'. For those who know his tricks of the trade, they know what I'm talking about, what with the lighting, his tracking shots, his master shots, and his framing techniques. They're a quintessen

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Episode IX loses Trevorrow

So Trevorrow left the production of Episode IX.   Dude. Disney now's your chance.   Now you can hire Spielberg.   Dew it.   GET TO THE SPIELBAH!   SPIELBAAAAAH! UN-LI-MI-TED SPIELBAAAAAAAAAH!   And that it how language changes over time.     24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Episode IX delayed until December

So it looks like it's going to wait for a little over another half year before it's released. Again, because of the drama with the director. Hopefully this means that it will be extra good, and honestly, I'm not complaining.   Wonder Woman 2 was also going to be released in December 2019, but now that's obviously going to get pushed back. No studio in their right mind would want to compete with the God of Blockbusters. Speaking of Wonder Woman, her HISHE came out, and my absolute favorite part i

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

English is Muggle

Well, not quite muggle, but totally mud-blood. Like, it was this pure Germanic language, and Low German was this ultimate language of fantasy and adventure. Also, Danish, because of Hans Christian Anderson. Awesome, magical and whatnot. And then weird stuff happened. Invasions of the Normans, French-speaking upper-class, et cetera. Now it's bizarrely confusing and complicated. There are even more complicated languages out there, and I've done some research on them, but it still sucks that

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Endgame: No Spoilers

In a nutshell, if you haven't seen it yet, here's what you should expect going in: The previous films didn't require watching all of the rest of the MCU to hold up on their own. You absolutely have to watch all of the other MCU films to appreciate this one. This movie is basically a celebration of the entire MCU. The movie has an extreme editing challenge. The last one focused on Thanos, but this one focuses on the six original Avengers. It gives it a definite Lord of the Rings: Return of

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Emperorwhenua's #1 Fan

I plan on posting in his blog more than anyone else and popping up everywhere like one of those moles in those video games. You know, the ones where you're supposed to whack'em.   In the meantime:     Your Honor, Emperor Kraggh

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Emperorwhenua: Bless You And Curse You.

:kaukauL My goodness, it looks like I am a PBZPOC now. That is a long acronym, for the record.   I have to thank EmperorWhenua. I told him that I would be renewing my premier membership (and thus becoming orange) over the summer around my birthday. Personally, I wanted to do it by myself so I could feel really good about myself. I didn't want any help. Yet, he has saved me a bit of money, so I won't be quite as stressed with buying this summer's sets. Yet, dangit, I really wasn't expecting

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Elements Of My Narrative

In order to better understand what type of unique characteristics the style of my epic requires to be truer to itself, here is a list of basic narrative elements:   - The story is a left-to-right sequence of cause and effect, starting with the first cause and ending with the final effect. The manner in which a cause leads to an effect has to be very clear. - When one element of the story needs to be told, it is put into the story in the exact place where it happens chronologically. There will

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Election 2012

I voted for Jefferson Smith and George Bailey.     Alright, perhaps that's a bit of a stretch, considering that these are fictional characters, but I encourage everyone to go out and vote, and to vote responsibly. You're not truly free until you understand your own actions and the things that you stand for, and I emphasize that no matter what, be on the lookout for men who remind you of these two, because Jefferson Smith and George Bailey are real. They just need to live in the hearts of th

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Effort And Belief

I've noticed something, and it should be obvious. Society likes to put emphasis on the intelligence of people. I will hear people say "you're too smart for me" and stuff like that. I have come to realize that in most cases, intelligence rarely makes a difference.   "It's not what you have but what you put into it."   Whether or not that's a quote, I don't know, but it summarized what I mean to say. When it comes to school, I work hard. Very hard. I try my best to focus. I believe that oth

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Dunkirk was a terrible movie

I haven't felt this strongly about a film since 2013.   Good cinematographer Good sound technicians Good production designer   Everything else sucked. You don't feel for a single character, not to mention that literally everyone on-screen is fictional. I remember when he released this thinking, "Ah, for once Christopher Nolan can make a traditional film in a genre that should be larger than him as a director. If nothing else, we won't have any more of this non-linear storytelling." As it happens

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Dunkirk Review

Dunkirk is a Christopher Nolan film that branches off into a significantly different genre for the director, but remains quintessentially a Nolan film. For most people, that's enough to determine whether or not this film is for them. For the rest who might be on the fence over whether or not they'll like it, that's what this review is for.   First off, when I say that this is a Christopher Nolan film, that includes his non-linear editing. People going into this need to know that it isn't a tradi

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Dumbest Thing I've Ever Done

I've alluded to it several years ago on this blog before, but anyway, someone recently asked me what the dumbest thing I've ever done was. It's often hard to answer questions like that, but after high school I began to consistently answer it with the same example.   My father once dared me to go streaking during a blizzard. It was thirty degree below zero, plus wind chill. I followed through on his challenge, and ran nearly a mile. It gave me frostbite, and I nearly lost my toes.   So in my

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


I have on occasions considered getting a degree in political sciences just so I can run for Governor of Iowa just so I can write an executive order changing the state anthem. But that's a hassle. Much rather, I would elect someone else who's smarter than me and will put up with the terrors of public service who promises me that she will change the national anthem. I'm currently brainstorming a letter, at this very moment, that I can send to governor Kim Reynolds, and to the Senator of my distric

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Drinking habanero sauce from the bottle

So, I recently decided with my latest visit to Buffalo Wild Wings to just straight-up buy a whole bottle of their Mango Habanero Sauce. I also told a former Army Ranger who hates spice to to never leave his food unattended. If he does, it will end up tasting like habanero. And I want him to know that it was me who did it so that he doesn't take it out on someone else. He nodded and said, "Thank you for letting me know ahead of time so I know exactly whose ******* to whoop." A friend of mine

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Don't leave a baby around me

I will read to him or her from The Complete Lojban Language and A Grammar of the Ithkuil Language for my own amusement. Perhaps to put him/her to sleep, but also to instruct him/her in the ways of logical conlangs.   I might also read from various math and science textbooks that I never got a refund on in college.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Dokuma's Family Song

The first one is a bookie, The pet cat is a rookie, The dog's son is a wookie, Dokuma's Family.   Their blogs are an oddity. People come from town and city To see their magnanimity. Dokuma's Family.   Neat   Sweet   Petite   Log on to BZPower At any given hour. We're marvel at the power Of Dokuma's Family.

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Doctor Who vs Doctor Strange

Both are doctors. Both manipulate space and time. Who would win in a fight?   And yes, I'm aware that they have both sworn never to take a life, which makes this all the more interesting.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Doctor Who Series 7 Reaction

I just got done watching the second half last night, and really all I have to comment on are Clara and The Name of the Doctor. On Clara, she doesn't have much life to her and I wish that she was a bit more of a handful like she was in Asylum of the Daleks. Otherwise, she was just kind of there. On The Name of the Doctor...All I have to say is that the ending was -- WHAM!!!   Yeah, it hit me like that. I've seen a fair number of twists on the show, but all of them had a certain character to t

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Doctor Strange Review

On the same day that I watched Doctor Strange, I also treated myself to As Good As It Gets, a 1998 comedy that got nominated for Best Original Screenplay. As you can imagine, this heightened my awareness of how so many superhero movies can be generic. That's exactly what the plot of Doctor Strange is: a retread of everything we've seen before, just with a new set of superpowers.   Except these superpowers aren't clearly defined. Even though there's a bit of exposition explaining how his powers w

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Disney World, day 3

June 21 As everyone who's been following this blog knows, I went to the hospital after passing a kidney stone. My mother had rented a car and was going to return it that morning, but since we spent some time at the hospital she payed to have it for one more day.   The IV sucked. I hate needles as it is, and an entire tube up my arm was a nightmare from a body horror film.   Anyway, as we headed back we picked up stuff from a convenience store, including sandals (buy one get one free). They we

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Disney World, day 2

June 20 We went to animal kingdom and it began to rain. A lot. The demons of misfortune seemed to be stalking me, because there were a ton of puddles and my shoes got soaked all the way through. My socks even got soaked all the way to the top, and I was wearing a long pair of socks.   I label this day as "grumpy day". I get grumpy when something consistently causes me discomfort of nuisance all day long, such as wet feet.     Finding Nemo Anyway, I went to that Finding Nemo musical. I was a

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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