The fact that there are bigots on BZPower, or the fact that the same people are consistently bigoted on this site and still somehow have posting privleges?
No WWE talent becomes a legend on their own. Every man's heart one day beats its final beat. His lungs breathe their final breath. And if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others and makes them bleed deeper in others something larger than life, then his essence, and his spirit will be immortalized by the story tellers, by the loyalty, by the memory of those who honor him and make the running the man did live forever. You are the legend makers of ultimate war
There is but one god that that is the Dome Fossil. Flareon is his prophet. All hail our new democratic overlords. All hail the Dome Fossil which will lead us to victory. Believe in that. Believe in the Dome Fossil.
Alright, hey, check this out. I have an issue I want to talk about. Maybe it's something that hasn't come up recently. Maybe it's something that the mods are pulling their hair out over and telling people to let it drop. Whatever the issue is, it's like a live wire. You simply mention it and people are at each others throats. People don't know this mainly because it doesn't get mentioned often, but dropping a bombshell issue like that could feasibly considered trolling. But it won't stop me. I
Alright. Normally even my most serious of entries contain a healthy amount of depreciating humor that I'm just as eager to use on myself as I am on those around me. There's very little I approach without a quick wit. It's something of a coping mechanism that I use to deal with the world I find myself in. We all have to do what we have to do to survive, and I'm the same. Because I'm approaching this without making a joke or an obscure reference that only Smeag or Wrack 'n' Ruin would get, I hop
One one hand I feel as if people are overestimating the impact that the overturning of the Defense of Marriage Act will have. While yes it is rather important and represents a large step forward when it comes to GBLT rights, it also only represents a relatively small drop in the bucket when it comes to equality. Except we're dealing more with an Olympic swimming pool rather than a bucket.The verdict was a bit too narrow for my tastes, but then again anything short of completely legalizing marr
He dug through ten years worth of forums and archives to find really, really terrible art that I did roughly ten years ago. He is super creepy. Just fyi.
This is for all the people who want to chat it up with us old timers (e.g.: me and smeag) who want to reminisce about the old days without spamming up the RPG topic. Have at it.
Cooking with the Comrade: Weaboo Edition Smeag used to do a thing on his blog where he would post recipes, and it was great. But there was one thing wrong with it: the recipes were occasionally HEALTHY JUNK for SISSIES. I'm here to compete with food for REAL, RED-BLOODED AMERICANS. Ah yes. Sushi. A Japanese delicacy enjoyed around the world. It’s extraordinarily popular, and some would say that only a true cretin would not enjoy it. You know what I say? Pump that garbage in anot
The more and more I think about it the more and more I realize that this was pretty much me and Corey during out stint on BZP. Two bros who pushed the envelope and changed BZP forever. Two men who played the game, broke all the rules, and still managed to come out on top. Two bros who bromance transcended to scandalously homoerotic levels, and while we will always claim to be nothing more than brothers you'll always wonder if there isn't something more to it. Two men who still command r
Alternative Title: Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Blog Something Controversial.... Recently on website I frequent for Magic: The Gathering articles there was a particularly interesting one concerning the prevalence of homophobic rhetoric that occasionally arises among players. While the article itself was fairly textbook material (e.g. homophobia is bad. stop using words like 'gay' in a derogatory manner), the comments revealed just why the article was necessary. Dozens of people chim
My friend recently picked up the new iPhone. He asked me if he had any apps I wanted to recommend. I told him that there's this really neat app called Droid that Google makes. FYI I'm a horrible person.