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When I move out I plan on getting a ferret. I will name him Dr. Zaius and he will ride around on my shoulder. Before making any decision I will consult him and he will give the best advice. Why? Because ferrets represent the greatest thing ever made.  

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

'ere We Go! 'ere We Go!

Daft punk is hereby declared one of the greatest bands ever. Go buy all of their albums. Do it now! Seriously, I don't even like Techno, and I love Daft Punk.   Anyway, I hate College. Or rather the preperations needed to go to college. It's all so confusing and complicated. And the fact that my future pretty much hinges on me getting a Bachelors or higher doesn't make it any easier.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

How To Comic, Part 3

That's right. Karzahni is about to freeze over. It's...   How to Comic Panneling   And I'm not talking about the stuff in your house. A panel gennerally refers to a box or some other shape that you put all of your sprites into. For example, panel 4 would refer to the fourth panel in a comic. I'm just going to run over some real common panneling types that will help you determine which one's the best for you!   Please note that these are examples, and you can deviate from them.   Type 1:

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

2nd International Gato Day

Yeah, it's my birthday. I have to go into work today so that sucks. But in case you've been wondering, this is what I've got for christmas and my birthday. Kirby's All Stars Final Fantasy III (for the SNES) Super Mario Super Stars Super Metroid Whole Bunch of clothes $50 $30 in iTunes giftcards Picks of my guitar Two watches (one's really nice and the other is more normal Dunlap Classic Cry Baby Wah Wah Pedal So yeah, pretty good haul. I've been enjoying my SNES games and I just got my Wah-Wa

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Ask Me Anything

That's right. Ask me anything. I am a master at almost all aspects of life. I have my PhD, MS, MA, MBA, and MIA. After all, the do call me Dr. Smooth-Love. So ask me anything and I will answer with a sagely knowledge that can only come with a lifetime of experience.   And by anything, I mean anything.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

It's Raining Ants

One of these days I'm going to get around to making another how to comic.   Then, I'll do some work on my paper.   Then, Ill actually make a successful comic series.   Then I'd like to finish up some video games like FFXII and Prince of Persia.   And then, I'll actually win an RPG contest.   And then, I'll finally save up enough money to buy a car.   And then, I'll discover the cure for cancer.   One of these days.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Something Needs To Be Said About This

This is something I've been mulling over for the past few days. Enjoy.   Now first of all, I want you to take a look at two pictures and spot the similarities. Ok ready?   Picture 1   Picture 2   Find the similarities?   Neither did I.   You see due to a certain rant by Tufi it has become taboo to use nuva shoulder pads and rackshi heads for breasts in MOCs. Now refer back to the two images. No similarities. To claim that the aforementioned parts can not be used for breasts is to clai

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Answer Me This.

Since when did it become cool for noobs to make fun of noobs.   I demand an answer for this hypocrisy!   And by the way, you're not fooling anyone. You're still a noob.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens


...is the essence of a popular blog.   So tell me, what would you like to see in my blog.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

It's Like All The Rage

Except with bulls.   So yeah, new blog title. From here on out I plan on having blog names based on songs made of win, so if you think you have a good name, let me know and I'll consider it.   Expect a How To Comic tommorow. It'll be dealing with comic backgrounds and paneling issues.   Now I'm going to bed.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Entry From The Motherland

And by the motherland I mean Columbus, Ohio. My birthplace. We're up here for Thanks giving. It's amazing to see how fast people grow.   I played guitar hero today for the first time. I enjoyed it. Nothing like real guitar, but just as challanging.   Went to the local thrift stores. Found a nice two piece suit with rockfort shoes for 20$. It would probably retail for around 100 bucks.   Went to my cousin's hockey practice. That was interesting to watch. They move so fast. Some mean

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Coffee Is Evil

Last night at Chic-Fil-A I chugged a 8oz. tub of polynesian (sweat and sour) sauce. My stomach was upset for about 30 minutes and then settled down.   Today at church I had roughly 4oz. of coffee. Now at 6:55 PM my stomach is still upset.   Diagnosis: Coffee is bad for you.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

You Ever Feel Unwanted?

Because that's the way I feel right now.   For some reason or another, I always seem to be in conflict with the staff. I try to do my best. I report topics, signatures, and advertising. I participate in a shop down at Artwork II. I run a comic. I help out in NMQ&A. Yet no matter how hard I try, I always seem to be messing up. I've had two proto drops and a couple of threats to have it done. In fact, I wouldn't be too surprised if the Mods constantly watch what I post and what I

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

I... I Have A Confession To Make.

I have an addiction problem, and in order to fully understand it, I think you need to hear my story.   It started one afternoon after school. I was walking home when I decided to take a shortcut through an alley. I rarely took it, but it tended to save a lot of time and the newest episode of Power Rangers was going to be on. So I made my way through the alley when a clown emerged from the shadows. He wore a yellow jumpsuit and his white pasty face was accented with red paint around his mout

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

The Quotable Roleplayer

Ok, so you're at a real good point in your role play and you need a good rallying phrase or battle cry. That's the purpose of this list. To give you a palethora of sayings for any situation.     "There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of waisting my time. Guilty."   "Stars were once lit and extinguished by at our command, and you still dare to defy us?"   'Do not ask which creature screams in the night, Do not ask who waits for you in the s

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

O_o Check It Out.

When you type g.u.l.l.i.b.l.e into a post minus the periods, the site filters it into intelligent. See ---> intelligent

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

The Kits That You Will Use

After much procrastination, the second part of How to Comic. How to Comic Kits   Ok, so you've figured out why you're going to comic, so its time to get started making your comic. Wait, first you need some sprites So you head over to artwork II, but your overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices you have. The purpose of this section is to give you a through evaluation of the kits on the market and to help you choose which kit is right for you. But first, let's go over what you should b

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Something That Irks Me

Previous comment in my blog that I thought deserved its own entry for a response.       First of all I suggest that anyone who thinks I'm being egotistic go read up on sarcasm. Next, I would like to point out that I have +2 proto. I would have +4 but the staff lack a sense of humor.   However lets stop talking about whether or not I am considered a 'Great' here on BZP and discuss what irked me the most in this comment.     I would like to point out one of the things that I personally ha

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

A Second Mind Blowing Revelation.

I swear guys, I'll get around to making part 2 of How To Comic someday. But for now another mind blowing revelation.   The less effort you put into it, the more popular it will be.   Case in point, the Greatest Onua Edits Ever topic. I'm not going to lie, I tend to take great pride in my work. I generally spend about thirty minutes on my edits at least. The topics never get above ten posts before they die. I make some edits that, I kid you not, took me less than ten seconds to make, and I

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

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