Well, I've been rather spotty on this website for a while. Probably will continue to be for forseeable future. Apologies for the delay it lead to with the blog contest; that is all sorted out, and the winner is Hordaki. Really, with only two entries, it was pretty much a coin toss. Haven't been up to much lately; mostly just been playing Final Fantasy XIV, which has been fun. Never been a serious MMO player, and here I am learning how to be a tank, and actually somehow succeeding. It's nice to
So, I saw that new Star Wars movie today. I wrote up a whole big review, but it's too profanity-laden to post (not because I disliked the movie; I just swear very casually off BZP), so instead I'm just going to say it's very good. Of the two extensions of a pre-existing franchise I've seen this year, I would definitely, definitely recommend TFA over Jurassic World. Unlike JW, it doesn't rely on nostalgia to sell it; it actually took the time to make a good movie in the process. okay but one sp
So, thanks to the convention circuit, I have a free six-month premier membership. However, I already have Lifetime, so I may as well give it to someone else. I don't want people just saying "give it to me", though, so to enter, please give me a one paragraph essay about Chrom in the comments below. Winner will be selected randomly, so don't feel pressured to perform here; write whatever Chromes to mind. (That said, MLA citation is a nice touch.) Let's say you need to get your essays done b
it's two in the morning and i'm thinking about monotremes. like, dude, they seem so weird, but now that i think about it, they actually make complete sense with our current understanding of mammal evolutionary history. like, with our synapsid ancestors being rather reptile-like and egg-laying, it stands to reason that at one point mammals could have had fur and milk but still laid eggs. of course, that there are still monotremes today works just fine with that understanding; evolution is a tre
like. it's so good i've replayed it, like, four times and i can't get over how good this game is. best Pokémon game by a long shot (though I suppose ORAS made that shot slightly less long) there need to be more Pokémon games like Pokémon Black/White
So! They recently described a specimen of a new large dromaeosaurid from a formation I unfortunately cannot name on BZPower. It was a contemporary of Tyrannosaurus rex, and it notably preserves quill knobs on the arm bone, giving us direct evidence of feathers. As a very close relative of Utahraptor, and of comparable size, it's safe to conclusively say anyone claiming Utahraptor was too big to be feathered is a moron. Anyway, since I occasionally dream of being a palaeoartist, here's my recon
I will cotton to being a bit of a curmudgeon, I suppose. But the more I see of this movie, the more I hate it. How could the company that made Finding Nemo then go on to make such bland, uninspired animal designs?
so i got LEGO Dimensions for the Xbox 360 today and when plugging in the game pad I accidentally "dropped" the xbox and the disk came out of alignment and seems to have gotten scratched now I don't know what to do. i can't just get a whole new starter pack just for the game disk and i was really looking forward to playing this...
For too long the word "dinosaur" has been used to mean "something old and inferior", and it's time this stopped. Dinosaurs did not die through any design flaw of their own; in fact, they were in their prime when they went extinct, with some of the biggest and most powerful members of their current clades emerging within the last few million years before their demise. (Tyrannosaurus, for instance, may have had the most powerful bite of any creature.) Rather, they were unceremoniously terminated a
Translation: (I hold no strong opinions one way or another on the rerelease, but the entitlement that oozes from every word of this comment made me cackle.)
I was initially going to write a recap each day, but I turned out to not have the energy required, so here's just an overall recap. First things first: I am never riding the bus again. It's noisy, the bus rattles like it's being shaken apart, and some dude vomited in one on the way home. There was nothing pleasant about this experience. The convention, meanwhile, was quite enjoyable. One of the first things I purchased was a big bag of Galidor parts, and boy did I have fun. I even won a MISB
hoo boy was today exciting! After a day and a half on assorted buses, I finally made it to BFVA for the first time. I met a large assortment of BZP friends, even going so far as to do what the youth these days call "hanging out" with some of them. I played Settlers of Catan and remembered why that game has almost destroyed my family (and as usual people ended up with far too many sheep). I took part in an early parts draft that ended as they usually do for me: I grabbed all those pieces that see
Wow, I can't believe Brickfair VA is in a week already! Especially since there are still preparations I'd been putting off. Like bus tickets! Just bought those today, which means they ended up more expensive than I had planned. With those, though, I've at least got the basics ready. I've got the tickets, the room, and the MOCs. (Well, besides a Love theme vignette I wanted to make; that's gonna be a bit last-minute.) Still, it feels like I've got so little time to prepare! Still excited, tho
Whiny fans keep blaming Hasbro for Victorion having two helicopters. She's a fan-built bot. People voted for her limbs. People voted for two helicopters, not Hasbro. Sure, hate the helicopters. (I don't; I think they give some nice symmetry to her.) But don't blame Hasbro for following the fans' votes.
I have said many a word of how Jurassic World seeks to bring dinosaur science of the 1980's to the public. I apologize, for I have spoken in error. They're going back further than that. That's right, it's a tail-draggin' dinosaur, right out of the early 1900s, for your viewing pleasure. Mind you, this tail posture is impossible for Stegosaurus (with one of the most compelling reasons for this being that its cloaca would be crushed), and has been known to be so by palaeontology since the D
Stopped by the library today to return The Breakfast Club and while I was there I checked out a volume of the Transformers More Than Meets The Eye comics. After reading it, I was so caught up in an overwhelming desire to take part in capitalism I stopped by target and bought a couple of Transformers toys (with my focus being Whirl, who appears in the comic.) Whirl is nice, with all the usual upsides of Voyager-class toys: full articulation, decent transformation, overall polished look. My bigg
I don't want to come across as a curmudgeon, but when you're writing a book that's intended to be educational, the details really count. So when you have a theropod missing its primaries on its hands or this wrinkly, shrinkwrapped monstrosity, that's disappointing. It's bad enough that Jurassic World treats science the way a two-year-old would treat Grandma's ashes if left alone with them; to have a book created for it that claims to be educational fall short of this goal is even worse. Hone
What does it mean for a story to be "dark"? Does it mean it has death? It can't be; people died in Transformers: Animated, and I've yet to see it described as dark. So what is it about death that makes something dark? Well, based on things I've seen described as "dark" (The Dark Knight trilogy, Michael Bay's Transformers, Bionicle 2005-2008), I'd say a "dark" story places an emphasis on killing, and on casual disregard for life. The more reference to death and deadliness, the more mature you