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Strange Bionicle Find

Recently I managed to find someone selling the Bionicle Quest for Makuta board game online. It was in pretty good condition. An excellent addition to my collection. I also picked up a few other board games. Just something to do with the kids I work with. One of the games was Monopoly. What did I find inside the box? A single Cordak bullet. The evidence speaks for itself. Family game night turned violent, the Toa Mahri intervened, and there were no survivors. 😔 Open and shut c


SPIRIT in Stories

Musings of an old man

So let me start my story like any old man with an anecdote that doesn't really go anywhere. I was trawling through my old blog entries trying to find out when I got Pokemon Diamond. I'm playing Brilliant Diamond and I wanted to see if I wrote down anything about my initial playthrough of the game. Turns out, 17 year old me did not see that as something worth recording. Instead I seemed to be a little full of myself. A lot of the blog entries from that time are about my own fame and po



Christmas is Cancelled

Like so many others this year, I won't be with my family this Christmas because of the pandemic.   I don't visit often, but you guys are still like an estranged family to me.  So merry Christmas everybody.



Tales from Speech Therapy

So this one kid I'm working with is 9.  He has a lot of difficulty saying vocalic /r/ (e.g. car, stir, bear, deer, etc.), but we've made some big strides in the last few months.  He's also a major bookworm.  Magic Treehouse, Minecraft novelizations... if you think a nine year old would read it, he's read it.  Often we'll read passages from his favourite books and practice some good vocalic /r/ sounds.  Today, to my surprise, he's waiting for me on the stairs clutching a familiar red book...



Like a Boss

Well, I was under the impression that BZP was in a coma but apparently it's not.  Who knew? So life's been really interesting recently.  I quit my job to start my own business and now ain't nobody tellin me to do nothing. It is both very stressful and very exciting.  Let's have a race to see which happens first: my business becoming solvent or BZP coming back to life.



Steamed Kau

Dume: Well, Vakama, I made it... despite your directions.   Vakama: Ah, Turaga Dume! Welcome! I hope you're prepared for some unforgettable Kanohi!   Dume: Yeah...   Vakama: Oh Great Beings, my masks are ruined! But what if... I were to purchase someone else's masks and disguise them as my own crafting? Oh ho ho ho ho... magnificently Makutaish, Vakama!   Dume: Vakama!   Vakama: Turaga, I was just, uh... just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise! Care to join me?   Dume: Wh



YouTube Rant

So I’m a productive adult. I’ve got a job and friends and things are pretty good when you average everything out. I’m entitled to a little mindless television every now and then. But, as a major cheapskate millennial and someone who hates media commitments because of how seriously he takes them, I don’t have TV so I just bum around watching cruddy YouTube videos in my recommended videos feed to opiate my brain from a long day of thinking and worry.   And here’s what grinds my gears, what get



The Jazziest JtO Spoof

Back when Journey to One came out two years ago, I said to myself, "hey, remember all those movie spoofs you wrote back in the day? Weren't those fun? You should totally write one for this Netflix thing because it's going to be around forever."   Then they announced the cancellation.   "Hey, it's still cool, it'll be nice to do one last thing with Bionicle before saying goodbye forever."   Yes, well, little did I realize that it would end up taking two years! Granted, I was finishing a master



Government Regulation

I've remained silent on this issue for far too long, but I can do so no longer.       While playing Fallout 4 and looking at an Achievement Guide, it was brought to my attention that some of the Achievements are mutually-exclusive to a playthrough unless you save-scum. Not only that, but other achievements are locked behind moral choices, but only if you pick a certain choice! That's not how Achievements should work!   Achievements should follow these rules:   1) A player must not be able to l




Pope Gregory XIII was a doofus as was Julius Caesar. Did they not foresee the importance of a logical calendar in a technological society? Here are some changes I would make if given supreme dictatorial power over the Free World.   1) New calendar starts the day after the winter solstice (i.e. the winter solstice is the last day of the year). The days start off short, get long, and once they're short again we start a new year. I could compromise by going with the summer solstice or one of th



10 000

Today I turn ten thousand days old. I don't feel a day over nine thousand.



Forum Olympics: Comedies

So for fun, I thought I'd go through the different forums to find out which is the highest voted topic by Reputation Points. And then hand out pretend Internet Medals to the ones with the best score.   Obviously Reputation Points are totally unbiased and a completely accurate metric for the quality of a post.   ... Actually, I don't think anyone really looks at them. BUT I DID. FOR SCIENCE.   The following is a list of the top 10 Comedies on BZPower based on the Reputation Points held by its f



Canada Turns 150

All countries are now the Pokémon whose Pokédex number matches their age.   Who will win in a fight?




Hey, I just entered The Legend Continues contest. The prizes sounded pretty good, and I felt that the Skull Slicer kind of got a raw deal only showing up in 2 web animations and getting like a sentence of lore. He was this arena champion who inexplicably had 4 arms. So many questions...   Also, I've been off and on writing another movie spoof. I'll finish it someday...




The home of New York Fries, Boston Pizza, and Hawaiian pizza.     Canada: our restaurants pretend to be American




Did you ever hear the tragedy of King Sidorak the Wise?   I thought not. It's not a story the Toa would tell you. It's a Brotherhood legend. Sidorak was a King of the Visorak Horde, so powerful and so wise he could use his Herding Blade to influence the Visorak to steal life... He had such a knowledge of the Visorak that he could even keep the ones he cared about from Keetongu...   The Brotherhood of Makuta is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural...   He became so powerful..



How I'd Do Bionicle Gen 3

If Lego put me in charge of doing a solid Bionicle Gen 3 reboot, I'd worldbuild the new island around the theme of renewable energy. It'd be easy to divide by element, and who wouldn't want a generation of youth imagining a cleaner planet?   The setup would be that you've got these robots living on a tropical island with these jury-rigged energy capturing devices that help power their meager villages. Kind of like a rural Star Wars planet.   Ta-Koro: Geo thermal. Village built by a volcano.



GameBoy Color

So long story, but I ordered a GameBoy Color game off Amazon and it just arrived today.   So I popped it in and turned it on and goodness gracious me.   I used to play on this? For multiple hours at a time? WITH NO BACK LIGHT?! How do I have any eyesight at all???? This screen is so absurdly tiny. A 2.32 inch display? Are you joking me?   I got my GameBoy Color almost 17 years ago. I can't wait to see what gaming is like in 2034.



My Harry Potter Confession

Back when I first read Goblet of Fire, I was glad when Cedric Diggory died, because now nothing was stopping Harry from dating Cho Chang.   What does this say about me as a person?



My New Baby

For scale that's a 43' TV right next to it.   And yes, I will be getting a stand, but it won't arrive until next week.



Gaming PC Advice?

Hey technically-inclined people of this strange corner of the internet,   I'm in the market for a good gaming PC. Like, a really good one. Like one that will play Skyrim on Ultra with no loading time. But I have no idea where to start looking.   Got any recommendations?   Also, I'm incredibly lazy, so building it myself will never happen.



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