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Oh Nose

A terrible thing has happened today. My sister was watching TV a few hours ago and then she went upstairs during a commercial (I can't quite remember why, but it's not important). Anyway, when she came back, she asked me if I had turned off the TV. Having been at the computer the whole time, I told her that I hadn't and that she must have done so and forgotten. Shrugging her shoulders, she reached for the remote and pressed the On button but nothing happened. I was called in to investigate




Ever had one of those days where so much dumb stuff happened that pretty much all you can say about it is "bleh"? Well even if you haven't, I'm too busy having a bleh day to care.   The day began, innocently enough at 9:00 AM when I set off to do some vollunteer work for my church. I kind of live far away from it, so I knew it was going to be a difficult walk with lots of bus rides, but I was okay with that. So I walked to the first bus stop and got there just as the bus pulled out which m



Superman Returns

After finally applying for the job mentioned in the previous entry (yay), I went with my family to go see Superman Returns. All in all, it was a very exciting movie- it's really impressive how far movie making has come since the days of the previous Superman ones. Some parts, though, didn't seem to make a lot of sense, especially concerning how strong Superman actually was since he seemed to treat everything, whether it was a plane or car, as being more or less the same weight. Maybe that's j



The Attack Of The Rain, Part I I

Today was the day I was going to make another effort at getting a summer job (yes, I know it's a bit late, but I've been pretty unlucky so far). Now I had a mix up with my mom about the times and left an hour later than I should have and thought that the place would close an hour later as well. Even then, I thought I was early so I got a hair cut and that ending up taking another hour. When I finally got there (no thanks to a late bus), it was closing time so I had to go home empty handed. A



Inika, Inika Everywhere And Not A Drop To Drink

That's right, I have all the Inika now!   I got Jaller, Hewkii, Nuparu, and Hahli on Saturday and they were amazing! Their light up weapons are easily 3 times better than the Piraka's eyes (and those were pretty cool to begin with), they're practically deadly with their rapidfire ability, and despite what other people think, they're masks are some of the coolest yet. I liked them so much that I even made a video review (which should show up in the Official Review Topic some time tomorrow).



Old Age

My house is over the hill. Not physically, mind you, but in age. And because it is so old, various things decide to die at inconvenient times. Last year, it was the air conditioner and the pool heater, in the winter, the roof kicked the bucket, and now the phone-line is down.   But then how am I posting this? Well, when my family first moved here, we had a second phone-line put in for the dial up modem. When we got high-speed, we just left it there and never used it. Now, though, we had a



Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yesterday and I thought it was a really good movie. The special effects and costumes were amazing, especially Davy Jones and all his tentacles. The plot wasn't too bad, but it could have been cleaned up a bit. Also, the sword fights were really cool, it's surprising how athletic the special effects people can make the actors look. I'm pretty sad that many people didn't like the movie, but I guess I'm just like that since loads of people loved Napoleon Dynamit




I finally ordered the Inika today. I know I said that I was going to order them when they first came out on Shop @ Home, but the combination of the S&T Contest and my vacation drove it from my mind. According to the site, they should be arriving in about two weeks because of the backorder, but I can wait.   Now you might be asking why I entitled this entry "42". Well, as all Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy readers know, 42 is the answer of life, the universe, and everything. Now the s



A Nice, Relaxing Week

This past week has been pretty easy for me. I've had to do a few major cleaning projects (over 2 hours long ), but at least I get payed extra. Other than that and laze about all day, I've also been looking for a job, but I haven't had much success. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a lot of BZP-related stuff because of server errors (especially yesterday's) but I did manage to do a new chapter of Wildfire so my conscience is at peace.



Away For 9 Days...

As always, I seem to choose the worst time to go on hiatus, but at least I get to stick around for BZP's anniversary... for the first time ever... Anyway, I got the prestigious award of blog of the week while I was away and it had ironically been four days since I had added anything to my blog. It made me feel special, but I wasn't really expecting to win that particular prize (see below). Either way, I still have a snazzy banner and you don't.   [/snazzy]   I was also a little sad to ha



Wet Wednesday

Today was the fateful day that I went to school to receive both the results of my report card and the results of the grade 10 literacy test. All in all, I did very well, I passed the literacy test (obviously) and got over 86% on my report card. The problem, however, was the quest to obtain these documents.   On the way there, it was sort of warm outside, a bit too warm for jeans, but I wore them anyway. When I finally got to the bus stop, I was pretty hot, sweating and whatnot. The bus came



Flash Plans

Today I finally finished that Flash movie I told you about (link) and now I can move on with my BZP life. What with the glowing response this movie got, I think I can safely say that I will be making another one... eventually. My ultimate plan is to make a series that continues from where my comedies left off, but I can't start until Little Miss Krahka finishes the sprites for the Director and GregF (but I'm patient and willing to cut her lots of slack because of her generous offer and skill)



Life As A Judge

As many of you know, I'm an acceptance judge in the recent S&T contest and I have to say, it's a pretty demanding job. I have to read most, if not all, of the entries made, most of which, I'm sad to say, aren't very good. In fact, I got to a point where I had read so many that I began to expect random people to save the day in poorly described fight scenes in my everyday life. Thankfully, there were enough good entries that I was able to regain my sanity... well, most of it...



An Entire Day Wasted

I didn't get very much done today because I thought someone was coming over in the morning, but they came at 1:00 PM so I ended up wasting several hours waiting for them. When they finally left, I barely had enough time to do anything so I just watched the end of Two Towers and plopped myself down on BZPower for the rest of the evening. Sigh... I hope I can get more done tomorrow.



First Day On The Job

I finally got around to posting my first official topic as part of my job as a Fact Team member and I have to say that even I'm impressed with how it turned out. It took soooooo long to do and now that it's done, it is a thing of beauty: a list of ever single known member (minus the Piraka) and a brief summary of their history and powers. Anyway, now that this is over, I can get around to finish the next chapter of my epic which is two weeks late.



Feature Movies

Now that I'm free from school, I have so much free time on my hands, it's not even funny. To entertain myself, I've decided to re-watch some of the movies I have. Today, I watch Fellowship of the Ring and I'm glad to say that I actually understood what was going on this time. Although the Gandalf vs. Saruman scenes could have used a little more pyrotechnics, I have a much better appreciation for the movie. In the days to come I'll be watching the rest of the series and a few other random mov



I'm Free!

I'm finally free of schoolwork and exams.   I'm not sure how I did on the exams, but I do know that it's not physically possible for me to fail (exams are only worth up to 30% and I had high enough marks that my exam marks are negligible; needless to say, I still would like a good mark). Hopefully I can now get back on track with my BZP stuff (specifically my job as a FT Member), not to mention my epic, TOTA, and Flash movie. Also, I'll be trying to update this blog a bit more so I at least



Rpg Or Bust!

Inspired by the success of Dr. Bionicle's The Academy, I decided to enter the next RPG contest with an altered version of my epic Wildfire. IMO, it sounds pretty fun and easy to understand- I just hope everyone else thinks so.   For all those interested, the entry is here.




Well, I just found out why no one was posting in my blog. I forgot to approve the posts. :annoyed2: Well, I believe I've fixed it now, and if I haven't, I know how to check for unapproved posts now.




Repent! The end is near! I have essays and exams by the truckload in every single one of my eight courses which all must be done in the next 3 weeks.   Science: Giant exam on everything since September on the 19th. Careers: Oral presentation next week and portfolio containing EVERYTHING due by the 12th. Technology: Hard stuff complete, but not out of the woods yet. Only one last teeny, little assignment. English: Huge 15% essay next week, but luckily no exam. Spanish: Oral exam on Monda



Happy Anniversaries!

Today is a very special day for BZP. Not only is it the anniversary of my joining of the site, but it's also the anniversary of my many BZP twins (obviously), which include many well known members such as SylverWind, Skye Green, and Toa Tilius. What I did not know, however, is that we also share our anniversaries with Bionicle, which turned 2 years old the day we all joined.   Happy anniversaries!



Next Flash Movie

Here's something all you fans of the Toa Hagah PSA (may the topic rest in peace): I'm currently working on a sequalish thing to it in the spare time I have not doing TotA because Dr. Bionicle's computer is not working. I won't reveal too much, but I can tell you that Cee-estee will be in it (as a voice actor) and that it won't have a long music scene like the last one. Now that I'm more competant in Flash, I'm going to try to get the characters to move a little more, but so far, it's only mak



Tota Update

Treespeak on the Air (the Podcast I run) does not often have good luck. For instance, what's holding me back from putting up the next two shows is the fact that because I wasn't able to get my computer to record the episodes, I had to get Dr. Bionicle to record them for me. Unfortunately, the files are stuck on his computer because his e-mail is broken and they're too big to send through any other media. I hope he fixes it soon, I really feel bad about keeping everyone waiting.




Welcome to my BZP blog, which happens to be my very first one so bear with me. I hope you like it, but if you don't, I'm not too bothered either way. Expect to see random updates on my life as well as the many projects I have going on among other things. Since I don't really have much to say to day, you should probably check out the "About Me" thingy for a brief introduction into who I am.



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