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New Comic Series

Ok Im planning a new comic series to be released around the time of christmas. Why so far away? Well I'll be getting my new computer for christmas, and so I'll be able to make comics much faster then previous times . I may post new information here if anyone wants any.

Omega Deception

Omega Deception

Halo: Randomized

Ok, So I posted a Halo comic series up yesterday for any of you who actually care. But because of Ultimate_Kardas treating me like #### Im closing the series, the comics are on my Maj if anyone wants to read them.

Omega Deception

Omega Deception

Bara Magna: Redone

Ok I am also thinking of resetting this series. I know the topic is technically still "alive" but I would rather make a new topic as we have new authors and the series will all around be different. So I ask you people to tell me what you think, if I should have the series again or just leave it to die...

Omega Deception

Omega Deception

My Comics

As any of you know who actually read my comics, I can never keep a series alive for too long, be it because of school, lack of time, or the fact i just plain loose interest in it. Well for anyone who has read any form of DCS, 1,2 or 3 (Note: 2 has been removed from bzp but can still be found on my B-Shelf) I want to tell you people that I am redoing the whole series from start to finish and it is currently in production. The amount of things I have in production at the moment shall make sure I w

Omega Deception

Omega Deception

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