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Twinmold WIP

Photography has never been my strong point   But yeah. I've had the idea to build this guy for a while. Gave me quite a bit of trouble in Stone Tower

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Seattle Time Machine

Ah, lovely Seattle. Haven't set foot in thee since BrickCon '09.   Anyways, I'll be down there for a few days.   Reason: Rush's Time Machine Tour.   Things I'm gonna do: - See Hendrix's grave - Go up Space Needle - Lego Store (possibly) - Get a saxophone case  

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Scraggy WIP

In my quest to build piles of pokemon I attempted Scraggy.   Goodness I need a good photo taking place.  

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Leaving Bzp

Well, not really leaving. I will still be active in the B/S/T forums.   More or less, I am not going to be active in the rest of the forums or the blogs. My life has taken turns and I am not really interested in BZP anymore.   If you made my stay on here nice, thank you.

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Muse: Drones

What an awesome album. They've discovered their ferocious side again! I'm a big fan of the dominance of guitar and heaviness of the album.   Definitely leaning towards Reapers being my favourite song on the album. That guitar riff is too tasty.

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.

I expected this movie to be way worse than it actually was. I thought there were parts that were drop dead hilarious, and parts that could have been modified a bit.   I am creeped out now by the cheese touch, it is incredibly disgusting.  

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

What Sets Are Good?

Hey everyone, it's been a while.   I want to get back into MOCing with Bionicle parts and I feel I could use a few new sets. What modern sets have good pieces? I picked up Evo XL and I think that set is amazing   Is there anything else worth picking up?

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Does Anybody On Bzp Know Rush?

I'm talking about Rush here, the Canadian band from Toronto! Wel recently, they've announced that they might have a summer tour. Since Vancouver is a major city from their hometown, they might come here! This is a shot from their last tour:     Well, if they do come, I'm totally getting floor tickets. No question about it. Does anyone else like them?   LIVING IN THE LIMELIGHT THE UNIVERSE LOOKED GREEN   PS: Check out this epic: Infernus: Part I

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Jet Li

Just watched a few of his movies.   Man, the action never stops!  

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

The Best Hotwheel In Existence. Period.

Well, I was in Toys R Us the other day purchasing the Rahkshi Star, when I came across this bad-boy:     I bought it instantly due to its epicness. If this was a real car, I'd definetly drive it.

Based Goomy

Based Goomy


Well, my school just had the annual awards ceremony. I raked in a few awards this year, including:   -Band 10 -Drama 10 -Service (Me with service? Get real) -Swimsuit Competition   Has anyone else gotten awards this year?

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.   We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.   Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Oh Boy! Exciting!

On this happy Sunday afternoon, I'm doing some exciting blogging!   So, what should I discuss?   Should I talk about the play at my school that just finished? People say I was perfect in it, and I suppose I believe them. But you don't want to hear about that...   Should I talk about me forming another band? I play the bass guitar in a small band of people at my school. We started practising Dear Prudence, and I have many good ideas for songs and where we can go in the future! But you don't wa

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Review: Inception

I'm just gonna take a moment to talk about my most recent movie viewing: Inception.   I walked into the theater knowing nothing about this movie. I had barely seen the trailers, haven't read any reviews, and didn't know who was in it. However, other people had told me about it, and I knew it would be awesome.   Someone told me the movie would destroy and shatter my mind. However, I found it fairly easy to comprehend.   Leonardo DiCaprio's preformance in Inception I find is outstanding, and

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Wednesday Afternoon Thoughts

Well, I'm about to watch The Hangover.   God I love that movie.   Oh, and I'll probably go buy Mark Surge sometime soon.   My buddy (at least, he was an awesome guy) GlatorianJaller is leaving BZP, and I've wished him the best.   I'm starting to find this "everyone has a blog thing" kind of annoying.   Buhbye now.

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

The Purest Excitement

Around 14 years ago I received my first ever BIONICLE set for Christmas: Toa Mata Onua. From that point on, Onua has been my favourite character in the series.   I went to Toys R Us today, one in a different city, and was pleasantly surprised to find my old friend sitting on the shelf. Without hesitation, I rushed home to build him.   I have not yet opened him up, but to say that I am excited is an understatement. I can not believe BIONICLE is back, but I am happy that it is.   I have nothing

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

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