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Bambi State of the Union 2024

I was planning on typing up a whole 2024 recap/my thoughts on the year, but no one cares about that so I'm not going to bother wasting anyone's time lol (not much of a state of the union I guess). So here's your obligatory "Happy New Year" blog entry. This is usually the part where I'd say something like, "I'm going to blog more", but I'm pretty sure I said that last year, and I completely failed lol. Blogs are pretty much on life support anyways. I feel like this is a fitting song to


Bambi in Stupid

Oh No Not Him Again

Time for my annual/biannual/quarterly BZP blog entry. This time, you guessed it, it's more of the same old goofy garden pictures. I present, the Bambfarm 2024: Probably going to be my last entry about this stuff, since there's only so many way to post pictures of greenery. We've got corn, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, and tomatoes. Exciting stuff. I'm also taking care of my sister's old cat. Her whole family is apparently allergic, and I couldn't say no.


Bambi in Stupid


Any coffee aficionados here? Lately I've been drinking coffee in lieu of energy drinks, and I'm looking for different types to try. I'm not really into anything bitter, but I'm also trying not to use too much creamer or anything lol. Also, sometimes my dog rolls onto his back while he's laying in his bed, and I got this hilarious picture He just sat like that for about thirty seconds lol. He's whacked out Can you believe tomorrow is March?? Goodbye winter avatars and banners


Bambi in Stupid

I Have Failed

Three months since my last entry? I need to update this more, but I don't have anything to blog about lol. I'll try and find something interesting. Anywho, an update on the pumpkin farm. Things were going great, when suddenly we got hit with an extremely rare frost one night, which unfortunately claimed the lives of my soon-to-be jack-o'-lanterns. :c But fret not, for I still plan on getting some things carved for Halloween this year. (can anyone else believe it's already almost


Bambi in Stupid

Oh Would You Look at That

15 years here. It's crazy to think how much has changed and happened since then, both on BZP and in real life. Baby Bambi of 2008 is gone; now he's a grandpa deer. Here's to another 15?


Bambi in Stupid


How is already almost Christmas? ;_; Heater broke earlier this week, which also has been the coldest week of the season so far. But at least it got fixed today. Now I can enjoy our unusually cold Christmas Eve/Christmas day without getting hypothermia.    


Bambi in Stupid


You ever spend a long time writing something, only to delete it seconds after publishing it, because you know how stupid it is? That is the state of BZP Bambi's blog in 2022 lol. I swear one day I'll have something fun to look at here. Anyways here's a picture I took of one of my cats


Bambi in Stupid

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