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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

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The Ranking

First: In case this breaks, here is a link to the google doc I pasted this from.   Happy Bionicle Day!   The last few years I have celebrated this joyous day by sharing some artwork from the Atama/BZPGOT series of games, but this year I thought I would do something a little different. Today I will officially rank all 24 of the games that we have played so far. I’ll highlight some of my favorite moments, some lessons learned, which player characters played the biggest roles, a


Voltex in BZPGOT

is this the end?

I have been working on this series for a long, long time. The first game launched in May 2016, just over eight years ago now. As we approach the end of the latest arc, I have spent a lot of time reflecting on all the games we have done over the years; all of the characters we have seen, and all of the stories we have told, and - of course - how those stories end. My free time isn't what it used to be (WOW, THAT'S AN ORIGINAL STATEMENT), and the end of every arc always brings with it the pos


Voltex in BZPGOT

Bionicle Day

Today is #810nicleday and so I thought I might use this opportunity to visit this old place to once again share some of the artwork that some fantastic folks have done for the campaigns I run over in the BZPGOT Discord server! But first things first: an invitation. If you're interested in potentially participating in any future games (or simply want to hang out with other Bionicle fans), you can click the invite link to join us! Anyway, onto the art. Today I wanted to highlight the ser


Voltex in BZPGOT

Join Us For the Next Game!

A roguelike game where players must traverse seven deadly trials, collecting & crafting loot along the way! Click the banner to join the Discord - AetherGarde begins October 3rd.


Voltex in BZPGOT

More Art

Just the other day I shared a bunch of cover pieces from some of the Bionicle campaigns I run on Discord, and just last night SPECTER L completed their latest piece for my horror campaign, Glass! I commissioned it for "Book I", A Midnight Requiem, and as I like to do with everything in Glass, I hid away various secrets of my own within the cover. Many have been uncovered by the players on the Discord already, but a few still remain hidden This cover features @Jakura Nuva's character i


Voltex in BZPGOT

Cover Arts

Felt like posting something on this old relic so here, enjoy some of the cover arts that I've commissioned for the Bionicle campaigns I've been hosting on Discord the past few years! I like to think they've been pretty varied. All but two of the covers below feature art from @TBK! The Argonauts was a pirate adventure, with a dash of horror and time travel to spice things up. The Aenid was a sequel to The Argonauts. Still a pirate adventure, but also a tragic war story that culminated in a


Voltex in BZPGOT

January 16

On January 16th, a new and uncertain journey begins: There is nothing to fear. Welcome to Aaru. In this world, there is no magic. Nothing lurks in the shadows; there are no gods to rule your destiny. No Masks of Power, no Relics or Artifacts. Just people, living ordinary lives in the valley. Ignore the sounds of shattered glass; there is nothing to fear. You are safe in the light, by the warmth of the hearth. Live your perfect life. Do not look for answers, for you already know what yo



Deja Vu

The final battle is almost upon us. The end of the Eternity War; a Brave New World. Ragnarok; Two Worlds Collide. Let's do this one more time.



Crimson Flower

The Empire has fallen. The Church reigns supreme. Ragnarok approaches. The Black Eagles face greater odds than any protagonists before them. As they are hunted across the world, they must search for one last miracle to save the day... ...or there will be no more tomorrows.



Silver Snows, from an Azure Moon

Art by TBK. Two new collaborative adventures are beginning. In AZURE MOON, six Agori must lead a desperate, final push against an Imperial invasion that threatens to consume Okoto. Let the old powers die, and forge a brave new world. In SILVER SNOW, six Agori must adventure out into the dangerous and mysterious Spirit Side. Ragnarok is upon them. Two worlds collide; only one survives.




that sums up my feelings tbh   .



2019 in Film

Another year has gone by, and so it's time for another top five. 2019 was better than usual for films; I feel like I saw a really diverse set of movies, more diverse than I usually do, and almost all of them in the cinema too. As usual, there are a few films I did not get to, which I'll give honorable mentions to now: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World - while I doubt it would have made my top five or even come close, the first film in this trilogy remains one of my all-time favorit



it begins

Click the cover art above to check out the topic for Edge of Dawn!




It's that time again - a new campaign will be starting soon, over on the BZPGOT Discord! This time it's an all-new story, an all-new threat, with all-new locations... and featuring all-new characters! It's a new beginning, for a new generation: the EDGE OF DAWN. If you sign up, your character might even get featured in a nice piece of cover art (or more!) - such as this cover piece done recently for us by none other than @Akaku: Master of Flight! But what is EDGE OF DAWN? Well, i



artwork & stories

As you all know (or don't, I don't actually know who reads this), I hosted a series of games known as BZP's Game of Thrones. Those games finished, but the world that was born from them didn't - and for the last several months, I have hosted a series of smaller campaigns, making use of the wider world (and borrowing heavily from Bionicle's own lore, alongside other fictions and myths) to tell some standalone stories with smaller casts. So I thought it might be nice to go into the general plo



we're finished

At long last.   Way back in 2016, I first started work on what would become BZP's Game of Thrones. I had no idea if the game would work. I had no idea if people would want to play. I had no idea.   This series has basically defined my time on this site (or my time associated with it) for the past several years, which is a little crazy to think about. There have been spinoffs from other members; I've hosted smaller side games; I wrote a freaking fake history book.   There will be further stories



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