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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

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Insomnia Killed (Recap)

Recap 03: Insomnia Killed   We’re back again. It’s been three weeks already, gosh. This week was certainly an interesting one. My brain is blanking right now, but I’m sure you’re reading an entry lengthier than the norm right now regardless.   So... this week.   I have to work alongside one of my bosses for our Art Program, but there has been very little communication outside of the classes themselves, and on Monday I ended up having to figure out a way to make coloring with pastels last an hour



My Eyeballs Burn

Now that you have been drawn in by that excellent title, let us move onto the matter at hand, which, while it did involve the use of my eyes, would be rather hard pressed to make them burn.   I'd just like to mention that for my occupation as an "eyebrow" (not gonna lie; it feels weird to type it correctly), I have a lot to say sometimes. But then I remember that right now I have my display name on a character that refused to stop singing and talking when he'd been shot in the chest, so you know



oops i did a thing

TRUE SURVIVOR (click link)   ---   Taking place after the events of Extermination, this small little short involves the first-ever(!!) appearance of the infamous Order of Mata-Nui in this series, detailing a snapshot of their investigations into the Uprising of Metru-Nui.   And perhaps we even get to see a familiar face, who might not be so dead after all...?   ---   I hope you'll all enjoy.



Strep Throat

Apparently tonsilitis wasn't enough right before Disney, because now right before my exams the same two younger brothers have fallen ill with strep throat...   ...ugh. And one has a concussion too. Which isn't bad for me as much as it's bad for him, but still.   WHY DO THEY GET SICK NOW?!



a small preview

From Chapter 1 of EXTERMINATION:   Something was not right.   “Hey, you! What’s your name?!”   Voltex turned at the sound of the voice – a Ko-Matoran wearing a black cloak and dragging a massive scythe four times his size behind him. There was only one Matoran in Metru-Nui that would carry around a weapon that obnoxious….   “Is that you, Voxumo?” Voltex asked, coughing as he stood to his feet, leaning on the receptionist desk before him.   “It is,” the Ko-Matoran said, eyes glinting. His armor w



RvB Episode 21

It was... alright, I suppose. The music was good, and I loved both Carolina and Caboose in the beginning of the fight, but overall I felt like the Reds and Blues were just not in any immediate danger - partially because they were fighting as well as the Freelancers have been.   And the scene with Epsilon and Tex and the end... I think it would've made more impact if it hadn't been, you know, only two weeks since we saw that same sequence reversed.



Bionifight was on a Podcast, life complete

Not really, but you know, I'll plug the BZPRPG Podcast here for it anyway! =D   The bit regarding Bionifight Infinite is from about 29:20-34:11... and yes, it is pronounced "bi-ah-nee-fight".     You can click the banner below to see the gameplay topic for Bionifight Infinite; I urge you to join! You can... basically do almost anything you want, really.     Until next time, everyone.   (Also read my amiibo epic and rip it apart please)




can't say I'm too upset to see 2016 go   this year sucked   next year will also suck but maybe it won't suck quite so much



Bionifight 4

It is up (yay).   And I am the sole host (also yay).   I was debating giving it a subtitle like "Bionifight 4: Turbo" or "Bionifight 4: Hyper Fighting", but I decided against it. Hyper Fighting is the tag, though.   -ibrow



Big big excitement

At the very least, it is reassuring to know that I will be able to look forward to another spectacular soundtrack when the season is over; I loved the soundtrack for Volume 1.   Also...   Finally Weiss figurine   I haven't had the money to get the Ruby figure yet, but maybe I can convince someone to get me Weiss for my birthday or something.   Anyway back to more important things!



You Decide

I worked on a bit of a logo for an upcoming comedy yesterday, and would like your opinions on them. There are two possible titles, and two different logos for each colour (at the moment, all that is different between the logos are the colors).   Version I Version II Version III Version IV



400 Entries + Baseball

It turns out my entry on Red vs. Blue Season 10: Episode 21 was the 400th entry on this blog. So... woohoo, I guess? I need a life?] Moving onto baseball now...   I have died several times in Left 4 Dead 2. I have become incapicitated at least twice that amount.   Is it strange that this has never, ever happened while I was wielding the baseball bat as my melee weapon?



Bend the Knee

-Karamu: Hinterhall- -Anna Saryian-   Anna Saryian stepped into the throne room with no small amount of trepidation, flanked by Nidhiki and Tekulo of House Briar. At the end of the hall, lounging upon the ornate golden throne strewn with silver vines, was Makani Chloe Saryian… her mother.   “Lady Anna Saryian, your grace,” a Protector of Jungle announced. “Accompanied by Lord Tekulo Briar and Nidhiki Briar.”   Her mother nodded. Sharing a wary look with Nidhiki, Anna approached the throne,



Profiles - Bionifight Ultimate: Drift Force (Cycle 3)

BIONIFIGHT ULTIMATE: Drift Force   Name: Makuta Luroka Weapon: Black-Body Sword (Protosteel Sword). Consult this Power: Kanohi Mataxa (Mask of Entropy) - Luroka's great mask of entropy grants him the ability to control the overall heat distribution in an area. Appearance: Fa-matoran (Disguised), he is built with a strong frame. His mask bears likeness to a powerless hau. His fore-arms, lower legs, chest, and shoulders are silver. His upper arms, upper legs, lower torso, and kanohi are black (the



Smash Demo Thoughts (Smash Files 46)

We near the end! Or so it seems. This series of entries will last at least until a little while after I've bought Smash Wii U (which, if I have my way, I'll be able to purchase the day of release); perhaps a little longer with musings on what my hopes are for the next eventual game in the series. For now, however, let us continue to celebrate! Here are my thoughts on the special demo (thanks again to Windrider for the code!)   >I've played several matches with all five characters available in



Today Sucks

I am so creatively un-inspired right now. I can't seem to come up with good ideas for anything.



2015: The Year Ahead (Film)

What are the top ten films I'm looking forward to this year? Because last year six of my most anticipated films landed on my end of year top ten, while I didn't even end up watching two of them.   MOST ANTICIPATED FILMS 2015   1. The Avengers: Age of Ultron - I don't think this one really needs explaining. The Avengers was great and I think that Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy might be my two favorite Marvel films, so they're in a good spot. Hopefully this matches the hype.   2. Spect



The Nightly Ibrow

Just kidding I'm not actually gonna start doing these. My summer is too busy for that stuff. B)



I FINALLY HAVE IT! (Smash Files 48)

Yes, you read that right - I have it! Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS launched today in NA, and despite my worries that I would not be able to get a copy... it turned out that I had just enough money to pick it up!     Right now I have not even unwrapped it; I just got home and there are other things I need to do before I lose myself to the game. But I'm looking forward to it! Of course, I shall have to download the update that will allow for online play, but still... hypehypehype.   At some



Official G&T Discord

People were asking, so here we go:   G&T Discord   Back in... January, I think, we created a G&T Skype chat; this new Discord is intended to replace that, since Discord is better in just about every way so far.   The Discord has a few channels; one for general discussion and another where we're hoping to arrange a couple game nights each week. Chances are these game nights are going to be Left 4 Dead 2 or Team Fortress 2 MvM most of the time, but I'm sure there are other games we'll play



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