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Eagle Scout Project Update

I finally finished it.   It took a year and four months, but it's finally been completed.   Originally, my project consisted of installing ramps, platforms, tunnels, shade structures, potable water sources, planting trees, and installing new pet waste stations (courtesy of DOGIPOT). The completed project was much refined based on the amount of volunteers I could muster and the resources available. The shade structures and potable water sources were the first to go; the shade structures wouldn't




Sorry if the title gave it away.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG2JQ86ET9w&feature=youtu.be



Aaaaaaand I'm back!

Technically I never said I was going anywhere, so I'm leaving this blog entry untended for an hour.   Alright, aaaaaand I'm back!   This weekend I went up to Germany for an Order of the Arrow spring fellowship! I was on the ceremony team for the pre-ordeal, ordeal, and brotherhood ceremonies, I got to build two incredible fires, and I got cool patches! I also went to this cool town named Rothenburg! Lots of fun was had, but I'm not going to go into specifics. I just went out and had a great time



Combiner Wars: Wave 1

My store FINALLY got the Transformers Generations Combiner Wars wave 1 deluxe class figures! I'm looking forward to getting at least a few of them because they look super cool.   Firefly Firefly is probably my favorite out of this wave He has a sleek robot mode, and a sleek jet to match. Probably his biggest drawback is the amount of robot "kibble" on the underside of his jet mode.   Dragstrip Dragstrip looks pretty nice with the other Stunticons that are out everywhere else in the world. I lo



What if... (2! Dinosaur edition!)

So I was reading through a dinosaur book from my early childhood earlier and saw that they labeled T-Rex as the big, mean dinosaur who killed other dinosaurs. Why do we label the carnivorous dinosaurs as the bad ones? They could’ve been like “Aw man, these Apatasaurus’ are eating all of my salad. What will I eat now? You know what, screw this, I’m going to eat them."   What if the vegan dinosaurs were the evil ones...




*Reads BZP Rules (Blog rules too) to make sure I'm not breaking any*   Ok, I'm good.   Here is the short (BZP-appropriate) version of my AMV "Smoke Masks Erreday". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezq72KwdKVU



What if...

What if the mastermind behind the World War II Nazis wasn't actually Hitler, but Hitler's dog.   What if Hitler's dog, Blondi, was manipulating Hitler into doing what he did so that Blondi could then take over the world. Once America and the rest of the allied forces were out of the picture, Blondi would take over the world, reinstate dogs as the world leaders, and make Hitler his primary butler. But America knew about this. So they sent in a black ops team to take out Blondi. Once Blondi was ou




I just got the best figure from the current Minifigure series because my store FINALLY started carrying them. --[]-- The Bartman --[]--   "The hero Springfield deserves, but not the one it needs."



PHOTOGRAPHY: Mega Bloks Halo UNSC All Terrain Mongoose

For those of you who follow me on Flickr and/or Instagram, you may be aware that I'm into taking pictures of my Halo stuff outside. I really like doing this, it gives the figures more personality in some cases. I try to do this with all of them, but sometimes other figures work better in different situations. Here are some pictures from my photoshoot with the UNSC All Terrain Mongoose set.     The thumbnails link to larger pictures.



Eagle Scout Update

Yeah. I'm a boy scout. Feel free to poke fun; I know how to play with fire safely.   So I really began working towards my Eagle Scout rank when I was ten and first became a boy scout. All I could really do at that point was earn merit badges (I needed to earn a minimum total of 21), so that's all I focused on towards the beginning, while my friends were all advancing in rank, I was learning new things before they were. Sure I was considered being a "lower level" scout because I didn't have a fan



REVIEW: Mega Bloks Halo UNSC All Terrain Mongoose

WARNING: The following post may induce unhappiness, rage, and slight nausea for people who hate Mega Bloks. Proceed with caution.     UNSC All Terrain Mongoose   The Box   You can already see the box in the picture above. The left and right panels are just an inspiring picture of the Chief with the Halo logo. The top panel shows the size of the super-posable Emile figure, and the bottom panel contains legal info. The back of the box can be viewed by clicking the thumbnail below.



An Introduction

I'm just your average teenage white boy with a love for tiny plastic toys. Mega Bloks included. I'm also into things like movies, television, and the internet. Not quite sure how much you need to know, so I'll cap this entry off with a call for questions about me and a picture that I took 5 minutes ago and uploaded to flickr while writing this.  



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