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Premier blog from a bog-standard member

Entries in this blog

Stellar Phenomena

Once something is close enough to pass through the skin, it enters the black hole in your chest that formed from the self-destructive weight of the questions that are at the end of their lives, as old as anyone has ever been, but also just as young as you. "Who am I?" "What is the meaning of life?" which invariably means, "what is the meaning of my life?" It is said to teach is to learn. How can you teach something only you will ever truly understand? With that in mind, how can you ever truly le



Knock knock

Who's there? It's the man who doesn't know he has multiple personalities. What? That's a stupid joke. Who came up with that?



Dino Attack

A long time ago I got it into my head that Dino Attack is just the Lego embodiment of one of those light gun arcade cabinets from the late 90's and early 00's and it keeps coming to the front of my mind every few months, share this post with 5 friends or you will be cursed with this knowledge as well and condemned to buy only the lame European Dino 2010 versions



Short Story

Hey I tried writing something that isn't about Bionicle, figured I'd make a blog post about it too cause in a way it is just a post about my life, you might like it because it is more realistic than another exhausting Bionicle fic.



New Epic

Hello fellow citizens, I'm starting a new epic! I wouldn't say my previous works were particularly good, but one did get featured, so there's that. I would appreciate any feedback you have to offer because I've enjoyed writing this so far and would gladly take steps to improve my plans for the rest of it.  



Star Trek and becoming a better person

That title really sets this up to be some fancy article behind a paywall or a self-help/autobiography I guess. I really just wanted to try out the blog again, see what's still shambling along on BZP. I don't remember what my blog title was previously but this is more endearing in a weird sort of way I think. So how's everyone been? I've been away from here a long time and although I only ever made a handful of really good friends, this was always such a lively community even just a few




Is straight.                               APRIL FOOLS



I Want You

To join BZPGOT2. We're a bit understaffed here in the Water region.




He's the greatest Star Wars character.   He went to a temple to save some trapped children's souls. When he failed, he was so disappointed with himself he stayed there in exile. Legendary.   He refused to hold his lightsaber, and instead used the Force to fight with it.   He got a fast food toy made of him. In universe.   His three-and-a-half century exile means he survived the Clone Wars and Order 66.   He warded off a pack of vicious beasts simply by convincing them to go find some other food.



Sully Mini-Review

It wasn't a bad movie by any means, but I didn't think it was that great either. The flashbacks/PTSD he had felt a bit overdone, and the main conflict felt a bit underdone. He mentions what will happen to his career if things go south like one time, but we're still supposed to see that board of people as the villains. Didn't really strike me.   I DID really love the rescue scene. Movies can very rarely bring me near tears, but that scene did. And the stuff with the actual passengers and the crew



My Epics

Are seldom good. But I'm trying another one.   If you don't die from its awfulness leave some feedback pls



Sudden Realization

The $15 2015 Toa had the radical color changes, wihle the $20 ones kept their original schemes




I just got mine.   Hardly feels like a year at all. I'm sure to just about everyone I'm still just a n00b.   Anyways, I've done quite a bit on this site in a year... and I've decided, every time I get myself a new spinny, I'll buy that actual mask. (Unless I already have it.)   So, time to drop 20 bucks on an orange Vahi..



Quiet, Quiet

Blogging for their lives! It's BZPower!   Normal Tuesday night! For Premier Members!




Okay, I really didn't know where to turn with this, so I thought I'd talk to BZP. You guys are pretty friendly.   For weeks I've been scared witless. Every day, this man follows me around. At first it was subtle, I'd just see him on the street or something. But then it became very obvious. He's always on the sidewalk right behind me wherever I go. I see him all the time.   Sometimes, when I walk home at night, he follows me. He's got this... hockey stick or something. He wears a mask. Just stalk



Note to Self

http://i.imgur.com/PoKjDts.jpg   It is possible to knock off five masks at a time, but at the cost of your sanity.



Worst Feeling

*taking notes*   I don't have time to write it all out. I'll remember these abbreviations and acronyms later.   *reading notes to study*   Is.... is this even English?



Toa Logic

Lets you manipulate and control another's mind - completely moral     Rusts inorganic material - totally against everything the Toa stand for



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