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Song For The Moment Right Now #3

"Now I know that I'm invisible Like I'm invisible 'Cause you talk straight through me When you look, all you see is the ceiling and the floor Like I'm invisible" [Would have posted this as a status update, but they appear to have vanished for some reason.  Either way, yeah invisible.]  


JAG18 in Real Life

Law Bringer Teaser #2

I know it has only been a week since I posted a teaser here and a 1,500 word lore dump isn't the best way to drum up interest in a new Sci-Fi IP, but I felt compelled to write this yesterday and while I've shared pieces of the following on other sites I haven't done so here yet.  Like all my creative works, make of this what you will.    In the mid-40th century, humanity had achieved what many informed observers considered the highest level of civilization ever seen.  Hundreds of worl


JAG18 in Real Life

Song For The Moment Right Now

(Some lyrics aren't safe for BZP, so instead of a youtube video here's the album art instead.) I'm too sad to cry, too high to get up Don't even try ’cause I'm scared to mess up Don't like to talk, I just lay in my bed Don't even try to go out with my friends Lied to my doctor, she knew I was fakin' Gave me some pills, but I'm too scared to take 'em I try and I try, but I'm too sad to cry  


JAG18 in Real Life

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