"Now I know that I'm invisible
Like I'm invisible
'Cause you talk straight through me
When you look, all you see is the ceiling and the floor
Like I'm invisible"
[Would have posted this as a status update, but they appear to have vanished for some reason. Either way, yeah invisible.]
I know it has only been a week since I posted a teaser here and a 1,500 word lore dump isn't the best way to drum up interest in a new Sci-Fi IP, but I felt compelled to write this yesterday and while I've shared pieces of the following on other sites I haven't done so here yet. Like all my creative works, make of this what you will.
In the mid-40th century, humanity had achieved what many informed observers considered the highest level of civilization ever seen. Hundreds of worl
(Some lyrics aren't safe for BZP, so instead of a youtube video here's the album art instead.)
I'm too sad to cry, too high to get up
Don't even try ’cause I'm scared to mess up
Don't like to talk, I just lay in my bed
Don't even try to go out with my friends
Lied to my doctor, she knew I was fakin'
Gave me some pills, but I'm too scared to take 'em
I try and I try, but I'm too sad to cry