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17 years?!

Tomorrow will be my account's 17th birthday! So much has changed from when I first joined BZPower. I was only Twelve when I signed up after lurking on the homepage for just a few months during a lull in news on Mask of Destiny. The world had really started to change for me at that time and my interest in Bionicle was the singular constant as my family prepared to move across the country. I didn't know the challenges that I had yet to face, nor the joyous moments to come, all I knew was a sense o



Growing Closer

TL;DR: School is going well, and my best friend and I are well on our way to being something more, something better.   It's been just about 4 months since my last post, and things have continued to go well. I'm in my 4th week of my 1st semester of Robotics, I completed ISU's START program in December and was recognized by my English instructor for my essay work, which included a fan-fic set during season 3 of The Flash written from Iris West's perspective. That recognition came at a sm



Hello Again

Since everyone seems to be posting their returns, I figured I'd join in even though I never left  I've been here since 03. Those were the days, back when the forums were so active we'd get server busy messages every so many minutes, the art and epics boards were my home, and modified screenshots were known only as edits. These days it's quiet 'round here, bursts of activity every so often. In real life I've been through some stuff. I've seen things... no not those things, the other one




So, I've been following NBC's sophomore show Timeless from it's premier. It's a fun show, and definitely underrated. One year ago the first season ended, and the show was cancelled before NBC reversed their decision a few days later. Now the show is again at risk, with no word on a third season or a cancellation.   I had something happen with the campaign to keep the show on that I never would've expected. I made a tweet that is currently sitting at around 250ish retweets and over 600 likes. I'm



Life is ACTUALLY good!

Hey all, its been a while. Life got crazy right as the holidays started, and I want to start with an apology to XCCJ, who was my secret Santa pairing over the holiday. I really shouldn't have signed up for that, and realized too late that I wasn't going to get anything done, and for that I am sorry.   TL;DR: I might have a girlfriend, and a childhood retail chain is closing.   Things have been consistantly going up since I was last really online, my mental health is finally under control *knock



It's true, all of it!

It is finally revealed, Metroid Prime 4!!!   I don't even know what to say about it, just YAAAAAAAAAY!



Thank You's & New Tales

I know I said I was rewriting Bionicle Legacies, but that project has stopped yet again. After having a few false starts and ruined campaigns, the group I role play with on Mondays has found a campaign that is working for us. We've done various Pathfinder system games in the past, but none of them has had the same full world feel that this one has. It is set in a world inspired by Forgotten Realms, but has been dreamed up by one of my friends. We'd already talked about chronicling the adventures



Mask of Light OST!

Nathan Furst just posted on Facebook that an Official Bionicle Mask of Light soundtrack is being released digitally on the major music platforms! It is a day to remember!



Revived Creativity

Hello All, it's been a while. I've been relatively silent on here recently, which doesn't surprise me much honestly.   Christmas came and went, with me receiving the last Six 2001 Bionicle sets that I needed to complete my collection for that year. In total I got all six Mctoran, the Nui-Jaga, Muaka & Kane-Ra, and seven noble Kanohi. I've still got quite a few missing as far as the Kanohi go, but I expected that. The Mctoran were all complete including their polybags, Muaka & Kane-Ra was



2001 A Construction Odyssey

I've been slowly rebuilding my BIONICLE sets. It's a project I've been working on for about 2 years, originally in celebration of Gen 2's announcement. Today, after a slow and distracted process, I've completed rebuilding my current 2001 collection. The Manas are on another shelf in my room, but I can't figure out how to post more than two images via my iPad. The only sets I am missing are the Nui Jaga and Muaka & Kane-Ra plus four of the Mctoran. Those sets will hopefully soon be mine! They



Nintendo NX REVEAL!

Tomorrow This friday, at 9am central time, Nintendo will be revealing their next gaming system! I am incredibly excited, and will be setting alarms to be awake at that time. What do you guys, gals, and so on think about this highly anticipated announcement?



PS4 is pretty cool!

It really is, as I've come to find out over the last week and a half. I got the Uncharted 4 Grey-Blue (or as I call it, Sand Blue lol) edition, and have been playing No Man's Sky, Uncharted Collection, and best of all, Star Trek Online.   No Man's Sky is a great game to me, being a concept I've craved from my childhood obsession with space exploration. Its exactly what I expected from the previews and screenshots, so I was not disappointed or overhyped for it. The planet I started on had a radio




Found this after liking a post on Facebook. Reminded me of a few years ago.



Legoland KC Throwback Night

Hello all! This is AZBlue reporting from Kansas City about tonight's Legoland Discovery Center Adults Only Throwback event. If you're in the KC area, it's a $10 event running from 6-8pm, so there's no excuse not to be there!




So, last night I went to the local mental health center because of a depressive episode. I'm doing better today, I didn't get hospitalized but instead I'm doing an outpatient program.   Anyways, what's going on with you guys?



Generation 2 Ending + AMA

So, today I went and bought three Gen2 sets, knowing that they may be the last new Bionicle sets I build for a while. It is really bittersweet, seeing how beautiful some of these sets were. I absolutely love the Creature of Water, and Skull Basher had a very interesting build for it's play feature. I also grabbed Skull Warrior, but haven't built him yet. I'm really down about this, mostly because Bionicle has been such a big thing for me. I got through the span between Gen1 and 2 by working on m




Hello World! AZBlue is back in the blogsphere. I finally grabbed a Lifetime Premier membership, and hope that I will actually use this thing now!   I missed out on last year's free blogging due to my job going downhill, among other things. My work on Bionicle Legacies' conversion into a publishable tale is still moving, albeit very slowly. I've also started on a High Fantasy story that has really taken off. I'm no longer working--Too many issues with my mental health--so I am gaming and writing



Mass E.....

So, I had my second surgery of my life on Wednesday.   Had a small mass removed from my left ring finger. I'm just glad it's not hurting anymore lol   The other Bright Side is that my parents bought me the Protector of Ice as a get well soon gift. I'll have a review hopefully before my PMship ends. Lets just say that the subtle nods to the Turaga are pretty cool!



3DS Friend Code! MH4U Edition!

Friend Code Time!   AZBlue BZP 4270-3003-5747   Let me know if you add me, so that I can add you!   Games I have: Mario Kart7 Animal Crossing (Haven't started yet) Fire Emblem Awakening Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Mario & Luigi Dream Team Super Mario 3D Land



It's Almost Here!

I am so incredibly excited for Star Wars episode 7! It's going to be out in ONE WEEK!   *hears whispering in ear*   Sorry, Jumped a year. Bionicle is so close though, I am so Hyped that the former Hype Train wouldn't be able to contain my hype!   Now back to your regularly scheduled blogging.



Old Timers!

I was just browsing the Bionicle Discussion forum, and realized how many people I remember from back in the Golden Age have returned. Flintsmith, Binkmeister, and others.   Makes me miss the old layout a bit, but at the same time, extremely excited for what that means for us as a Fandom. The fact that we've kept the flame of Vakama's story fire alive is, to me, incredible as well. That quote from Greg has been floating around in my head a bit too. You know, the one where he said that if Star Tre



Bionicle Stories

So, I've been thinking of ways to convert my old Bionicle Legacies epic, The Return, into a publishable novel. Its been slow going, but the worldbuilding is going well.   Anyways, with the apparent revival of Bionicle for 2015, I have also been thinking of some Ideas for a new Short Story for Bionicle. I'm debating whether or not it would fit in with my old Legacies Headcanon, but it involves Takua, Nixie, and some of the other classic Matoran.   Also, Legend of Korra's Book 3 ended on a Great b



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