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Johnny Thunder

Heya, folks. Today's entry going to be short (*cough* lol Yeah, right. *cough*) one since I do not have much talk about with this topic.   I actually originally going to write this entry about either what I would like to see on the 3DS or on the recent news about the upcoming Pokemon titles for the DS (Pokemon White 2 & Black 2). But well, I decided against it for time being because I do not really enough time to write what would probably be a long entry.   That and I doubt a lot of you ca

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

I Got A Raise?! What?

Hey, BZPers. How are you all doing today? I hope you all doing well.   Me? Well, I am doing good at moment, especially considering I just noticed that I got a raise last week on my paycheck (Which I just confirm with my boss today is not a mistake and if anything, he thinks they went too low with the raise in my pay rate.). Athough I am kind of conflicted about how to feel about the raise since part of me feels I do not deserve it, while another part of me feels good about them recognizing how

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

The Key To Everyone's Smiles

Hey, BZPers. Welcome to another addition of random thoughts by JMJ, where I once more jump from tanget to tanget to try to cover all topics that are currently on my mind. Lucky for you, I do not got much to talk about today.   Really the main thing on my mind at the moment is Kingdom Hearts 3D since I just finished watching the special anniversary trailer again for like the tenth time. Man, I cannot wait to get my hands on this game. Unfortnately it will probably not hit stores in America unti

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Hi, BZPers. And welcome to another post-FRINGE hype episode of my blog here. Once again, I am fighting the urge of wanting to talk about the episode since a lot stuff that happen in the episode has gotten me very excited for next week episode. Heck, the preview for next week's episode makes me wish it was next Friday already. Anyone here got a time machine? But yeah, like usually I am not going to talk about the episode because spoiling plot of the episode would just be plain mean.   In other n

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Out Of Green Bricks...

Aw, man. I can't find anymore standard green bricks in my LEGO bricks tub, which means I can't finish what I was currently building. Hm...Well, I could always continue building it in LEGO Digital Designer, I guess. Although that will likely make me want to try to order the pieces to build it, which might not even be neccessary as I probably did not look through the tub well enough.   Still if there is one good thing about this situation, it is that it remind me that I really needed to get aroun

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Swimming In A Tub Of Lego Bricks

I think I might have bitten all more than I could chew here. Argh...But I still want to try and sort them all. Maybe I should dump everything out of the tub on to the floor. Hm...No, that would be too messy. Plus, I would have to leave it sitting like that for awhile since I got a work tomorrow. What do you all think I should do? Just wondering.   ***   In other news, I need to shave and I been think about BrickFair again. So yeah, nothing new, folks. I mean I guess BrickFair thoughts are kind o

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Pokemon Black Progress Report

Hey, BZPers. I am just poping in to give you all on an update. This update is mostly about my Pokemon Black Progress, but I would not be surprised if I divert away from the topic about halfway through the entry since my train of thought tends to shift a lot when writing these entries.   But anyway, I got to play Pokemon Black for good chuck of time today at school during my seven hour break between classes. Although admittedly I do not think I got a lot done to be honest since all I did was get

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

My Wallet Hurts...

LEGO, why must you release so many good sets this year? Argh...It is like they don't want me to try to go to BrickFair for the first time in my life.   ***   In other news, I was doing some winter cleaning yesterday and I am still nowhere finish doing that, but I do think it looks better than it was. I also found some of my old printed copies of BZPers' stories among some of my school stuff and I must say I am very tempt to take those and put them into a binder along with a copy of my review of

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

I Love Fringe Fridays...

Hey, BZPers. Man, I wish I could talk about today's episode, but as usual I am going to hold my tongue to not spoil things for those that miss tonight's episode. I will say this though that it looking more and more likely that my theory about this season is turning out to be true, which is making me kind of hyper to see the next episode. Although then again, I am always hyper after watching a FRINGE episode, especially one that I liked.   Oh, and I would share my theory about this season, but I

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Criticize Me

Hey, BZPers. Today's entry is just plain and simple going to be an entry open for you all to criticize me. Why am I making this entry? I am doing it because I think it could serve me some good to see how you all view me. That and it is good way to gage how I need to improve myself as a person; whether it be personality wise or how I write things here in general.   So yeah, criticize me here if you want. That's all I going to say here, so thanks for taking the time to read this and I'll talk to

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Package #1 Has Arrived!

My package from Amazon has finally arrived. I can't wait to start playing "The World Ends With You".   Oh, and I personally recommend any The Last Airbender fans to get "The Promise" Graphic Novel. It is seriously good enough in my eyes to have actual been an episode in the series and I personally can't wait for rest of the series to be release, especially considering how this one cliffhanger with Zuko's decision at the end. So yeah, I recommend get this if you are an Avatar: The Last Airbender

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Something I Been Thinking About...

Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again to talk about some thoughts that I been having lately. What are these thoughts about? Well, they are about the Wii U.   Now before I started, let me just get this clear and out there that I am still very excited for this new system and I willing to buy it at release even if it is 200 dollars or more. Heck, I was even willing to trade in my Wii for it until I found out that I can not transfer my data for Animal Crossing off the Wii (Although admittedly I c

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Driving Lesson #1

Hello, BZPers. How was your Saturday today? I hope it is good. Oh, and mines? It was alright, I guess. Not much went on. You know the usual. No wait...I went driving today for about two hours at night in an empty Penn State parking lot.   And I must say I am very very very rust at driving. That's not really surprising though since I have not been driving since sometime last year. Although it also does not help that I am very nervous and paranoid while driving, which I guess explains why I am no

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. I am just poping in again to give all an update since I hadn't been on much lately. Which if you want an explaination for why that is; it is because of school and work mostly. I could probably expand upon that some more, but I rather not bored you with my life details.   So what then am I going to talk? Well, I would talk about what I am excited about, but that is FRINGE since I loved tonight's episode and I already can't wait for next week to come. Of course, I can not talk about

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Lego Weirdness And A Random Thought

Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again to give you all sort of an update of my day today. Well, not really my day per say. This is more like highlights of the day, which for most part was uneventful with only interesting things coming to mind being tonight's new episode of FRINGE, this weird LEGO thing, and my random thought at work today. Obviously I am only commenting on just the last two because talking about the FRINGE episode would be spoiling the plot for those that did not catch tonight'

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

I Feel Old...

Hiya, BZPers. How you all doing? Good, I hope. I am just popping on in to give all another update. And well, to be honest, not much has been going on for me. I just been busy dealing with my hectic school and work schedule mostly.   Although I have been reflecting on lately the fact that I am not like a lot of people in my generation. Like for example, many people in my generation love to text people in order to communicate. Me, I downright hate it. Why? Because it takes too much work on my par

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Tell Me The Answer!

Why does my iTouch take so long to turn on? Seriously I can not for life of me understand why it takes so long to boot up. So yeah, any explanation about why this is would be greatly appreciated.   Anyway, before I go, I have got a story recommendation for you all. I wanted you all to check out this short story by Tekulo: Toa of Gales. Why? Because I think it is a good story and deserve some more reviews from folks here. Oh, and feel free to suggest your only stories here and I'll see about revi

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Pokemon & Me

Hey, BZPers. Today's entry is going to be about my history of playing Pokemon games. Now I am sure wondering (Nah, you probably do not care.) what do I mean when I say I am going to tell you my Pokemon gaming history. Well, basically I am going to tell you all my stats in each Pokemon game that I have played.   Why am I doing this? Because I thought it would be interesting to go back to some of my old Pokemon games and see how far I got in them. With that in mind, let us begin:   Pokemon Red -

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Week 1 Of My Fourth Semester - The Slow Start

Hi, BZPers. I am just popping in again to give you all an update on my first week back in college. Okay, I am basically just going to give all a summary here since to be honest, not much really went on this week for me. I mean I could go on in detail about each day, but most of days were pretty much carbon copies of each other, especially the actual school stuff.   To start off, I did not have much in terms of classwork to do and most of my classes just involve doing the introduction material.

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Hi, BZPers. I am just popping in to say I am quite excited for rest of season 4 of FRINGE. I would comment on tonight episode (Which I just finished just a few minutes.), but I do not want to spoil anything for those that might have miss it tonight.   I will say this though I like story arc that they are starting up with this episode. It looks to be interesting, especially considering it has an old season 1 enemy coming back into play in it. Really I wish I could say more, but again I do not sp

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Looks Like My Vacation Is... Over

Hey, BZPers. I know that I say I was going to write my next entry on something LEGO related. But well, this is probably going to be my last entry here in this blog for awhile since I start my fourth semester of Community College tomorrow, so my internet hang out time is getting cut back by a lot. So with that in mind, I am probably going to ramble on to a bunch of different subjects in this entry since a lot is on my mind right now.   But anyway, I am going to start right off the bat with some

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Playing Portal 2 Blind

Hi, BZPers. Its me again. I am just popping in to give you all another update on the misadventures of JMJ. Today's topic again involves my misadventures of playing games on Steam. This time obviously it involved trying to play Portal 2; which as I predict before I even brought it, I can't play it.   What I found funny though is, that unlike Bastion (which outright told me that I could not play it when I try) it actually let me try to start playing the game. You know what I saw when it start up

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

My Computer Hates Me...

Yeah, it really does...     Yup, I can't play Bastion. Not that, I am really surprised to be honest since I know my computer is by no means fit to play a lot of today's video games on the PC. Oh, well, I got plenty of other games to keep me entertain until I can go out and get a new video card for my computer.  

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Urgh... *collaspe*

Hi, guys. Um...I am not up for a long entry today, so this should be short than normal. The reason for that is I been working on cleaning this basement nonstop today, so I am kind of worn out both physically and mentally at this point. That and I have work tomorrow, so I do not want to spent too long writing this entry when I could be sleeping.   Really to be honest, I do not really have much talk about today. I guess I'll talk about my progress with cleaning the basement. Well, so far I have f

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again. This time to talk about Steam since I spent most of my day today playing a game on there.   That game was Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which I got recently from a trade that my sister arrange with someone for my DOTA 2 survey thing. I must say it is a fun game and I am liking it so far. My only complaint about the game really is the combat as it forces to stand in one place to perform an action, which can be kind of annoying when you notice yo

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

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