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Random Inventor Model

Hey, folks. I am just popping in really quick to share something that I randomly made in Inventor today, while waiting for Burn Notice to start. So here it is, folks.     It is nothing too special, I know. But I thought it did look kind of cool, so I thought I might as well share here since I am online and all. Oh, and here is an isometric view of it.   By the way, that symbol with two dots and the sun were originally going to be Three Virtues symbol. But since I could not get the curves right

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

CH-47 Chinook Poster

Hey, folks. I am just pop in to show you a cool CH-47 Chinook poster that I got at work today. So yeah, with that said, here are the pictures.   Oh, and apologizes for the pictures being kind of grainy again. I am unfortunately still using my cheap camcorder to take pictures, so grainy pictures seem to be unavoidable. *shrugs* I am sorry about that, folks.   Alright, that's pretty much all I have for you today. Well, actually I guess I could talk about some other stuff, while I am here. Like f

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

General Rambling: BZP Back!? Edition

Hey, folks. Since BZP is back online now, I figured I pop in and give a general life update for those interested (Probably no one...). And boy, it has been awhile since I wrote an entry. I didn't realized that I kind of drop off the face of BZP since 2018 onward. XD So where to begin? Well, not a whole lot has changed for me in past two years... Still working at the same job for past nine years and still living with my folks (Yeah, not a great look for a 27 year old... I do pay them re

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Man, I hate having a spring cold with a mixture of bad headache. I have this cold and headache for like the pass five days, so you can probably guess I am sick of it. I sure hope I get better soon.   On to other news, the test run for the launcher project prove to not be as successful as I thought it would. I don't believe I mention it here yet, but I have to change my idea around to something simple than something like a Zamor Launcher. Basically what I mean is I went with idea that my mother

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Merry Christmas

Well, since it is officially Christmas in my timezone now, I thought I would drop a little entry in here to wish you all a merry little Christmas. For those that do not celebrate Christmas, then happy holidays to you. Not much else to say really, beside that I hope you all have a good day today.   Hm...I might as well as mention what I got since it kind feels like a waste of an entry keeping it short like this: Pokemon Rumble Blast for the 3DS Philips Norelco Rechargeable Tripleheader Cordles

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Nighttime Rambling: An Update

Hey, folks. I am mostly popping in now to give ahead to the people waiting on me to ship raffle stuff. I will be shipping all the packages tomorrow (Note: People that won shirts will have to wait till next weekend. Sorry.). I'll be sure to contact all of you once I have done so.   In other news, I been thinking about maybe hosting another contest here in a couple months. It will involve making MOCs based on a music theme rather than being a raffle.   Why its a music theme? Because recently I not

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Hey, all. My school is closed today, thanks to the snow, so that why I am online now. So far, I been taking advantage of this free time to write more on to my Takanuva story, which just so happen maybe completed by the end of this week.   So hopefully, I will be posting it sometime this weekend. If you never read any of my stories before, I recommend you read this one for it appear to me like it will be a good one. Notably if you want some background information on it, it was originally meant

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

General Rambling - Pokemon Symphony & BIONICLE Thoughts

Hey, folks. As mention in last entry (Which I have deleted now since I thought it was a pointless entry since all I wrote in it was that I was going to Pokemon Symphony.), I thought I should pop in today and give a quick update for you folks.   So yeah, I guess I’ll start off with how the Pokemon Symphony went.   Well, personally I thought it was a fantastic event. After all, I got a ton of streetpasses (About 30 or so Miis in my Plaza. I could have gotten more, but some of mini-games like Space

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Belated: Look like my vacation is…over

Hey, folks. It been awhile since I wrote an entry here, so I thought I pop in today and give you all an update.   As the title states though, I actually meant to post this sooner, but I kind of got sidetracked with other stuff on Sunday. That was mostly because I was reorganizing the basement as we got a new shelving unit on Saturday…   I would take some pictures to show you how it looks, but basement is still a bit of a mess as I didn’t have a whole lot time to look through some old junk, ect.

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Two Days And Counting...

Hey, folks. I am just popping in to give you all you update. I don't have a lot to talk about though, so I don't be surprised if this is a rather short entry at least in terms of me rambling. lol And now that I have say this, it is almost guarantee to be long entry.   But anyway, I am not sure if I mention this here before. But in two days' time, I will be on vacation from work. Yay, right? Well, I guess it is only yay moment for me. Buy hey, maybe I'll do something for guys.   Uh, what should

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

19 Years Of Life - The Belated Entry

So I am not sure if anyone notice, but it was my birthday two days ago. And since I kind of forgot to make an entry for this back on 20th, I thought I might as well make a belated one if only to provided an update on how my day was and tell you all what is happening with me currently.   To start, my birthday was relatively uneventful. I went to work and class like any normal Wednesday. The only thing special that went on was I went out for lunch and had some delicious Grill Cheese. So yeah, it

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Hmm...i Need To Update This...

This blog need like life support or something, I mean it keeps dying. What is this the third time that it die? I guess this is the third time; through I am not keeping count.   Anyway on to the point of this entry, I got question for you all. I am pretty sure no one will answer this question, but I thought I give it a shot and ask my visitors.   Would anyone be interest in reading my take on Tahu's first moments, when he awakens in his canister as it swam to the shore of Mata Nui? I am askin

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Out Of Green Bricks...

Aw, man. I can't find anymore standard green bricks in my LEGO bricks tub, which means I can't finish what I was currently building. Hm...Well, I could always continue building it in LEGO Digital Designer, I guess. Although that will likely make me want to try to order the pieces to build it, which might not even be neccessary as I probably did not look through the tub well enough.   Still if there is one good thing about this situation, it is that it remind me that I really needed to get aroun

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Random Entry: Modern JMJ vs Young JMJ

Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to ramble about random stuff for a bit. So yeah, this will probably be one of those free flowing thoughts entries that I occassionally write here.   Oh, wait...You probably wondering what the title about. Well, I thought I show you folks two pictures of myself since well, I thought you folks might be mildly interested in seeing what I looked as kid compared to how I look today. So yeah, here is a picture of young me and here is a picture of modern me. Yes, I am

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

I Got Bionicle Legends #7 And 8 Yesterday...

Hmm...I forgot to mention this yesterday in my previous entry, sorry about that. Anyway, these books were awesome and are so far my favorite of the Bionicle Legends series. I would love to discuss Bionicle Legends #8 here, but I think it may be a little early for that, so I am not even going to try and put anything about it in a spoiler tag.   I will through be willing to discuss Bionicle Legends #7, if anyone wants to. Although I won't discuss it without spoiler tags for some may of not read

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Pokelog - April Winter Showers?

Hello, BZPers. It's-a me, Mario JMJ Charlie Brown. And this is going to be my Pokemon Black update entry that I promise I would post last week. Yes, I know I say I would post this entry on Sunday. But to be honest with you guys, I did not play the game at all last week since I was playing Kid Icarus during most of my school downtimes. So yeah, there would been nothing to post on Sunday, beside my random thoughts on how I think it would be neat if Nintendo had some special Pokemon trading cards t

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

A Blast from the Past: ColecoVision Edition with General Rambling

Hey, folks. I thought I pop in today really quick to share something that I found while I was doing some house cleaning on Saturday.   So yeah, as the title say, I found an old gaming console (Its from early 80s), called ColecoVision, as well as fifteen or so games for it.   Hm...I really don't have much to say about it, beside showing these pictures, since I hadn't really had the chance yet to test if it still works. Although I guess I should explain where we got it from since as my profile sh

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Magecat must die!

MAGECAT MUST DIE!   ***   Hey, folks. I am just being random today and showing you guys something that pop into my head magically, while playing Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Yeah, I know I am weird. But what can I say? I thought it was funny, so I thought I would share this with you since you guys mostly just see my serious side here in this blog.   But anyway, outside of being random like that, I want to mention here that I am, once again, rather tempted to try and buy a LEGO MINDSTORMS

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Hi ya, folks. Just thought I should pop in again to give a small update of sorts with me since I have some time now to write something up. I am going to try and keep it short though as I have a lot of school work to deal with this weekend.   To start, I almost done my third semester in college with a total two weeks left of classes to deal with. And well, that's why I am busy this weekend since I got some work that I needed to wrap up. There is not much else to say here, beside that I am little

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Who Else Will I Have Ice Cream With?

Hey, BZPers. Its been awhile since I post an entry here, so I thought I would pop in and to hi and all.   So where should I start? I guess I'll start with the Kingdom Hearts news. Not sure how many of you guys are fans of series, but I just found out that apparently the release date for Dream Drop Distance in America is July 31st. No doubt mostly you know this already.   I am merely mentioning it here because I just notice that Wikis, I follow for Kingdom Hearts stuff, had release date listed.

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Victory Is Mines!

Hey, folks. I am just popping in tell you all that I have just beaten solo mode of Kid Icarus: Uprising today! Now all I need to do is unlock all the achievements and replay all chapters at higher difficult levels. Oh, and play online with others as well. Wish me luck with that, guys.   And well, I don't have anything else to talk about here, so I am call this entry and post it. No wait...I guess I should say this. I will be posting a review of Kid Icarus: Uprising in my blog here.   Alright,

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

The decision has been made...

Hey, folks. I am just popping in to tell you folks that I have finally made up my mind that I will be giving my friend a copy of Kid Icarus: Uprising next Monday (20th) for his birthday.   Oh, and I might also give him a Minifigure from Series 7, if I can find any tomorrow. Any suggestions on what Minifigure I should try for are welcome.   In other news, project clean up is still ongoing and things are looking good so far. Unfortunately for my LEGO Lord of Rings sets, I kind have decided to ho

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Random Friday Thoughts

Hey, folks. I thought I pop in to share some thoughts again since well, why not? I mean I hadn't read any of you folks complaining about it, so I might as well.   So where to start? Well, I guess I could point out that I added my Skype, YiM, and AIM contact details to my profile here now, so you can add me if you want. I don't really make much of use of any of them though (Especially Skype, which is kind of a pain to log in to.). Oh, and its in content block here too, so you can find it there as

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

The Last Day Of Summer

As you know, if you read my previous entries, today will be the last day of my summer. I will be going to school tomorrow, so my time here will be shorten to maybe a couple hours for I must go to bed at either 9:00 PM EST or 10:00 PM EST. So, if you were wondering what I was doing today; I got a haircut and pack my backpack with stuff to get ready for school.   As I said before, I will be trying to write an entry here for each school day, but I am not promising that I will make an entry. I am

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Pokemon & Me

Hey, BZPers. Today's entry is going to be about my history of playing Pokemon games. Now I am sure wondering (Nah, you probably do not care.) what do I mean when I say I am going to tell you my Pokemon gaming history. Well, basically I am going to tell you all my stats in each Pokemon game that I have played.   Why am I doing this? Because I thought it would be interesting to go back to some of my old Pokemon games and see how far I got in them. With that in mind, let us begin:   Pokemon Red -

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

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