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Happy New Year!

Hello, BZPers again. I am just dropping on in to wish you all a Happy New Year among with my reflections of 2011 and my expectations of 2012. I am going to try and keep this short though since I am sure you all have much better things to do than listen to me drone on about how my year went and what I am expecting myself to do next year. Of course, I am sure this is going end up long as nothing I write for this blog is ever a couple of sentences, so apologizes in advance if it is too long for yo

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Anyone Want Dota 2?

Hello, BZPers. I am just dropping in to tell you all that I have a copy of "DOTA 2 Hardware Survey" up for trade on Steam. So if anyone interest in a trade for it, either send me a PM here or post a comment.   My sister say you should trade me Skyrim for it, so I can give it to her. lol But well, it can be anything as long as it is equal trade.   Its taken, so topic closed!  

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

My Minecraft World Headquarters

Hello, BZPers. I just thought I would show you my Minecraft world today since I was messing around with it for a little bit. So here are some screenshots:   ^ Inside my HQ - First Floor ^   ^ Outside my HQ - Entrance/Exit ^   ^ Outside my HQ - Walkway ^   Well, that's all the pictures I have at the moment of my current world. I'll probably post more later once I finish building up my HQ there. Until then, I guess I'll talk you all later because I have work to do in the morning. Night, BZPer

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Merry Christmas

Well, since it is officially Christmas in my timezone now, I thought I would drop a little entry in here to wish you all a merry little Christmas. For those that do not celebrate Christmas, then happy holidays to you. Not much else to say really, beside that I hope you all have a good day today.   Hm...I might as well as mention what I got since it kind feels like a waste of an entry keeping it short like this: Pokemon Rumble Blast for the 3DS Philips Norelco Rechargeable Tripleheader Cordles

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Alright, I'll Admit It...

Alright, I'll admit it I am a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and I can't understand, for the life of me, why anyone could hate on this show. I mean, seriously what is there to hate in a show that teaches you moral lessons about friendship? Nothing as far as I can see.   But anyway, I am going to try and keep this short, so I do not annoy the people that do not want to hear about MLP: FiM. With that in mind, I might as well mention that I have only been able to watch all of season 1 e

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

An Update

Hi, everyone. How are you today? I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your holiday breaks, if you have any. Oh, me? I am doing good at moment, especially considering I just got pay from work for this week and I am on vacation till Tuesday.   I also got my final grades for English Composition II ( C ), Project Management ( A ), 2D-CADD ( A ), and Robotics and Programmable Controls ( A ). And well, the only final grade that I have left to get is my Fluid Power course, which they current hav

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Streetpass Finals

Hello, my fellow BZPers. I am just popping in to say that I am officially done my third semester of college, so you should expected to see me some more on here now that I am on Winter Break. I am not entirely sure what I will be doing exactly on here during my winter break, but you should at least expect to see some more blog entries from me and probably some Short Stories reviews here and there.   Alright now that I have gotten that message across, I got a story for ya. This story is about my d

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Hi ya, folks. Just thought I should pop in again to give a small update of sorts with me since I have some time now to write something up. I am going to try and keep it short though as I have a lot of school work to deal with this weekend.   To start, I almost done my third semester in college with a total two weeks left of classes to deal with. And well, that's why I am busy this weekend since I got some work that I needed to wrap up. There is not much else to say here, beside that I am little

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Argh...where Has The Day Went?

Hey, BZPers. Been awhile since I made a post or comment here on my blog, so I thought I would post a really quick entry on why I had not been on much lately. Short answer, I been busy with school mostly and just had not really have the time to hang out here. I will expand on that and say I also have not been in a writing mood lately, so my motivation to write stuff like blog entries here has not very high. I have been reading stuff on BZP though and there are some things that I plan on reviewin

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Edited: Playing With Autodesk Inventor...

EDITED: Unfortunately my digital calipers are dead, so I will not be able to most of what I want to do with Autodesk Inventor today involving this fun little project. I will though create a rough little outline of it to get me start and prepare for finishing details that I will show here in either this blog or a topic on the forums (By the way, if I were to post a topic, where should I post it exactly? I think General Art, but I just want to double check just to be sure is all.).   So yeah, sor

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Scheduling Rant - The Hot Potato Game

Hello, my fellow BZPers. Today's topic of discussion for me is college scheduling. Why? Because I feel like ranting about how I cannot graduate on time, thanks to their lovely job at arranging courses for next semester.   On Monday, scheduling for next semester classes has now open and since I am now in my third semester of college (Which by the way, I am in community college), it means that next semester should be my last semester at this college before I graduated from it with my degree. Nat

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Nintendo Should Think About Doing This...

Okay, so I was thinking recently about how nowadays there has been a wide appeal of devices that are have multiple features (Such as Smart Phones). While I never been a big fan of these things (I am kind of old fashion, especially when it comes to phones.), I do notice there could be a market out there for Nintendo involving it, especially for what I just thought of.   The idea is simply and actually kind of an old idea of Nintendo's just with new take on it, thanks to today's technology. I am n

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

A Random Thought And A Laugh...

Hello, my fellow BZPers. How have you all been this fine Monday afternoon? Fine? Well, that's good. You want to hear a random thought, I had at school today? No, not really? Well, that's too bad as I feel like talking about it anyway.   So yeah, for those that might actually be interest (*cough* no one *cough*), I got to thinking today about the terminology used to refer to specific subgroups of LEGO fans (Such as AFOL, TFOL, etc.) and how the definition of who belongs in what subgroup can vary

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

In A Good Mood...

...Which is probably because I just finished watching a new episode of FRINGE, so I kind of hyper right now from my buzzing with ideas and theories about what to expect later this season. Oh, and I guess it helps that I am listening to music that I love to sing along with.   But anyway, I been thinking about maybe joining the BZPRPG since it seems like the perfect opportunity with the flesh start and all going on right now. If I do, it probably just be with one character as I don't have enough

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

So Bzpower Is Back...

I must say I am surprised to see BZPower back. I seriously thought we wouldn't be seeing the forums again until December. I am glad to see I was wrong though as I miss reading all the discussions here. And I'll be honest I did feel quite incomplete without these forums to latch on to since sadly this place tend to be closet thing that I have to a social life...   Anyway, a lot happen with me during the downtime and as much as I love to write about some of that stuff here, I don't have time to an

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Writing Ideas In Process

BIONICLE - Epic(s) Title: The Life of Watis (It’s a working title.) Primary Setting: Metru Nui Progress: In The Planning Stage Premise: This story is basically going to be a rewrite of my original first epic found here, which I have always been embarrass of because of how poorly written it was. My intend for this rewrite is to extend the story and cut out some of its major faults like random breaks in the central plot. And for those unfamiliar with the story and don't feel like reading mi

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

A Crazy Idea

So I was thinking today about the RPG forum here and how I would like to get back involve with it during the summer. And well, a thought pop in my mind as I was thinking of my RPG contest entry again. Its kind of crazy thought, but I thought it might be interesting to at least explore the idea a little. Basically it involves incorporating optional voice acting into a text-based RPG, where you would have the option of either reading the text of what character was saying in the post or having what

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

19 Years Of Life - The Belated Entry

So I am not sure if anyone notice, but it was my birthday two days ago. And since I kind of forgot to make an entry for this back on 20th, I thought I might as well make a belated one if only to provided an update on how my day was and tell you all what is happening with me currently.   To start, my birthday was relatively uneventful. I went to work and class like any normal Wednesday. The only thing special that went on was I went out for lunch and had some delicious Grill Cheese. So yeah, it

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Recommend A Story To Me

UPDATED: Apologizes for the wait, I should have some reviews up this weekend. And please do feel free to suggest more works for me to read and review.   Man, I am in a reader's mood today. It must be because I got back in swing of reading all those BZPRPG profiles that poured in since my absence from BZPower. Oh, and catching up on Sticks And Stones helps too in that regard (I personally recommended this epic and any of the associated Expanded Multiverse work involving the Cipher Chronicles.).

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Where I Been? - The Explanation

So yeah, I am not sure if anyone here really notice, but I hadn't really been on BZPower much. There is a couple reasons for that.   The first reason is a couple weeks back, I was on spring break and well, I was so caught up with the free time that I had that I forgot about working on some of my BZP related stuff during the break. Personally I blame spring clearing and fixing the N64 as the primary perpetrators of that part of my disappearance since they kept me rather occupied during the brea

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Nostalgia Wars - Episode V: The Fire Nation Strikes Back

Episode V The Fire Nation Strikes Back   These are dark times for Team Avatar and the Earth Kingdom. Ba Sing Se has fallen. The Avatar murdered. Bringing the Fire Nation this much closer to controlling all four nations.   Hope remains however. For little does the Fire Nation know, but Aang, the Avatar slayed in Ba Sing Se, has been revived by Katara, Waterbending Master of the Southern Water Tribe.   But can he defeat the Fire Lord before Sozin's Comet arrival late that summ

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Set Review #1: Furno 2.0

Disclaimer: Be aware that what I say in these reviews are purely opinion based. Nothing written here is an undeniably fact and is the result of my own personal judgment. Do not, I repeat do not, shout insults at me, if I don't agree that such and such set is as awesome as you think. You may however write counterarguments to my points to try and change my opinion on the set.   Set Name: Furno 2.0 Part Number: 2065 Amount of Pieces: 30 LEGO Elements Age Recommendation: 6 to 16 years of age Price:

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Username Suggestion Box

So recently, I thought it might be a good idea to think about changing my username for the first time. And well, I got a few ideas for one, but I hadn't really made my mind up yet on which one I should chose. Naturally then, I thought since I have this blog here that I could possibly get you my audience involved a little with the decision progress. Below are the following usernames that I am considering at the moment: The Observer Johnny Five Master Binks Walternate JMJ Feel free to make su

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Hiya, BZPers. Been awhile since I posted something here (Which is mainly because I am little too busy at this point to write up my planned entries such as the set reviews, the BZPRPG Recap, and the BZPRPG Statistic Analysis.), so I thought I popped in for few minutes to empress some thoughts and questions that I been having lately.   For starters, I recently remembered from my childhood that my father once had train collection (Non-LEGO Type) in the basement of our old house. And after noticing

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


...BZPRPG sure is hopping with activity. There's going to be a lot of reading for me this weekend. Awesome!   Hm...I might want to consider writing up some recaps for myself here about the game every week. It would be rather helpful for me to keep track of everything going on for when I finally get the chance to jump in. It could also help others jumping in as well. Although maybe I shouldn't since there will be something like a recap manned by the staff, I believe, and one that going to be i

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

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