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Entries in this blog

Too Many Contests This Month...

*tears hair out* There are so many cool contests being host this month that I feel torn on which I should enter. I would love to enter them all, but taken time in consideration, I don't have time to really make a good entries for both.   So, I got some decision to make on whether I want to enter the RPG contest or Epic contest. So far, I am thinking of entering the RPG contest just for the fun of seeing my entry idea crash and burn in the polls. Then again, I just love the idea of doing a myste

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Entry #2: Bionicle, Algebra I, And My Life.

Well, my fellow Bzpower member it now day two of my Blog. I am still wondering what one I should send to Brickfest, so please tell me one you like to see there. Well for this entry, I decide to separate each part so it be easy to read.   Bionicle: Well as I said above, I like to know what Moc, you think I should send? If you want to know what they looked like their pictures below in my first entry. Beside, that I was wondering what GregF said about brown sets not selling well. I find that weir

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

I Can See Again...

Hmm...I seem to have forgot to mention in my last entry here that because my school nurse thought my vision was getting worst, so I had to go see my Eye Doctor. He told me that the nurse was right and then wrote a prescript for the new lens, so I give them my glasses and they shipped them off to get the lens.   So for the past week, I been wearing my old glasses and I got say those glasses only help so much. I mean I could be sitting maybe a few feet or so from a clock on the wall and I wouldn'

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Good Bye, Blogs. Thanks Staff.

So this is it, the last day is here. Thank you, Staff, for giving us this opportunity to see what its like to be a Premier Member for a week again. While it was an uneventful week for me here and I didn't used this blog much, I still appreciated this gift you give us each anniversary and might considered getting Premier Membership again at some point.   And I am now currently listening to BZPowercast to sign off this anniversary week. So far, its pretty good. Black Six's voice is emotionless as

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Why So Serious?

Hey, guys. As most of people, who saw the Dark Knight, can guess, I saw it last Friday. It was an okay movie in my opinion.   I personally thought because I didn't see the previous movie and I was more into seeing Hancock than the Dark Knight. But I end up seeing the Dark Knight instead of Hancock, which I could avoid if I had spoken up in time to my father that I want to see that movie. Oh, well. At least, going to AMC to see movies like that is free for my family, considering my father has w

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

In A Good Mood...

...Which is probably because I just finished watching a new episode of FRINGE, so I kind of hyper right now from my buzzing with ideas and theories about what to expect later this season. Oh, and I guess it helps that I am listening to music that I love to sing along with.   But anyway, I been thinking about maybe joining the BZPRPG since it seems like the perfect opportunity with the flesh start and all going on right now. If I do, it probably just be with one character as I don't have enough

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Ah, Minecraft. Its Been Awhile, Hasn't It?

Hey, folks again. I am just popping in to say that I got to play a bit of Minecraft today. Man, it has been awhile since I play it. I think the last time I actually play it was in December during my winter break and even then I was not playing it a whole lot.   lol Of course, I hardly classified the amount of time I spent playing it today as a whole lot either (I played for about three hours or so.), but my point is I am not very far into the game. I still got stone and iron tools, my character

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Happy Birthday, Chtrilogy!

Edited: His birthday over, so Blog Entry Closed...   I like to wish a happy birthday to my friend, Chtrilogy. I am posting this entry to make my drawing for him a little more special for he will have a Blog entry dedicated to him. Look below if you wish to see my present for him:     Now I like to congratulation him on growing a year older, I hope he enjoys his birthday today and that he has many more to come. I know my gift isn't much, but I hope you like it and know that I try my best to m

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

My Minifigure Collection...

Hey, folks. I was originally going to do a follow up to the early morning entry, but I think my comment there has already say everything I would on the subject. So instead I thought show you guys some of Minifigure collection.   Since while I was wait for Burn Notice to start today, I got desire to dig out my personal minifigure (Which you can see here). And well, after seeing those minifigures in my box for them, I ended want to place them on something for display as shown here. I imagine you

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Brotherhood and the Quest for a New Computer...

Hey, folks. I am just popping in today to well, talk about some stuff that I was thinking about yesterday. I actually would of talk about this stuff last night, but my computer was having issues again. So I spent a good dealt of time yesterday taking things off this computer in hopes that resolve some of issues that I have. It appears to have worked since my computer running a bit better.   But anyway, before I get on that tangent, let's talk about the real important thing first, which is...I ha

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Plans for next few weeks...

Hey, folks. Back again to ramble a bit here about next week since I got a few things planned....Some of them might even be BZPower related like I am shipping my BrickFair package out on Thursday next week.   That package, by the way, is probably just going to be two MOCs since I feel like they are best ones that I have currently. That and they are pretty easy to photograph since they are not very complex. Not that I am saying my others are complex really since I mostly just mean that they are mo

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

An Excerpt From An Unfinished Story...

Hiya, BZPers, and welcome once more to my blog. Now I am sure this will come as surprise to some of you, but I did at a time come to BZPower and write BIONICLE fan fiction stories (Well, it wasn't very good fan-fiction, but that's beside the point. Really what I am trying stress here is that I came to BZPower because of the library forums.). Yeah, people, I was not always forum lurker, you see today.   But anyway, recently while I was writing my SSCC review for story here, I was looking through

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Thanks, Black Six And Bzp Staff For...

Thanks, Black Six and BZP staff for all the work you put into securing BZPower and for bring the site back online a lot sooner than I expected. I am also rather grateful to hear that we are being allow the Premier perks, we miss out on, for the rest of the week. So, thank you for that.   Alright now that I got that out of way, let's talk about what I been up to during the downtime of BZPower. For starters, I spend much less time than I normally do (when BZPower is online) on the computer and wo

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Belated Holiday Loot

Hey, folks. I thought I share what I got this Christmas with ya. So yeah, here's the list:   - Clothes - Shoes - An electric razor - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Official Soundtrack from Club Nintendo (Given to me by my sister, Azul) - Two collectible Minifigures from Series 11 (I got the Evil Mecha and Welder; Once again, my sister gave me these.) - House M.D - The Compete Series from Amazon (I brought this for myself and it got here on 24th, so I guess it counts. =P) - FRINGE - The Final

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


So about two weeks ago, I finally completely fill up a sixty drawer storage cabinet with just BIONICLE pieces. It was part of plan that I made last year to take my LEGO organizing to next level (I had my BIONICLE pieces separated by color in bags originally.) with the hope that it would help me find parts better when I needed them. It has been pretty helpful and I already have consider getting at least two more of these cabinets with the hope of at least getting all my BIONICLE/Technic pieces so

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

An Update

Hi, everyone. How are you today? I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your holiday breaks, if you have any. Oh, me? I am doing good at moment, especially considering I just got pay from work for this week and I am on vacation till Tuesday.   I also got my final grades for English Composition II ( C ), Project Management ( A ), 2D-CADD ( A ), and Robotics and Programmable Controls ( A ). And well, the only final grade that I have left to get is my Fluid Power course, which they current hav

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

I Have Too Many Story Ideas...

I am not sure if you are interest in hearing, but I thought after looking on my computer today that I should make an entry about this. Anyway, I have about like 7 incomplete stories on this computer and I got say it tough trying to pick which one to complete.   I personally like all my story ideas, but a lot times I just don't feel like writing them. And some of them, I get discourage by what others think of them that when I get the idea to try to re-write it, I pretty much give up. *sigh* And

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


Whoa...When did LEGO Digital Designer get all this stuff for minifigures? And man, it really makes me wish we could still order what we made in LDD.   lol Not that I used LDD much anyway since I do tend to find the controls for placing blocks to be annoying. Now I say this because I just spent a good hour raging at it as I was trying to create something to be with my Ninja JMJ minifigure. And well, ultimately I deleted everything in that model, expect for the figure; which you can see here. So

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

D&D Results Thing

I thought I might as well join in on this blog fad, so here's my results: You Are A: Neutral Good Human Wizard/Sorcerer (1st/1st Level)   Ability Scores: Strength- 8 Dexterity- 10 Constitution- 9 Intelligence- 14 Wisdom- 12 Charisma- 9 Alignment: Neutral Good- A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doin

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Entry #7: Bzpower And The Blog That Never Was.

Welcome to my Blog my fellow Bzpower members. Well, today is end of this Blog. I must said I enjoy talking to you all. I wish I could keep talking to all, but I can't because at moment I am not allow to become a Premier Member for my parents find it not worth it for me to send my money to get some special features on Bzpower. Here today news:   Bzpower: Well, pretty much think about what to post in Bionicle Kingdoms and Crazy Bzpers. I am also thinking about what post in Nosferatu Comics and Th

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

The Jounal Of The Makuta Of Wavo Nui *keep Out*

It had been through much search that I come before my Jedi Temple today with a written journal from the Makuta of my homeland. I am not sure what to expect in this thing, but I feel I must archived it into my Jedi Temple's mainframe, so that future Jedi will know of this being. His journal begins with the following:   Journal Entry #1  Today had been probably the most unexpected day of my life even more than it was yesterday, when Miserix had order us to stop some Puny Matoran War. I feel e

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

I Miss Spring Break... :(

As I mention before, my Spring Break ended on Sunday. I sure wish it had been longer. But of course, you can't always get what you want.   I am especially sad that it is over because I was never able to blog here a sort of my own Bionicle serial thing here. I was hoping to make an entry telling the story of an Alternative Universe that dealt with Carapar having a empire. But I couldn't put the story together in time during my break.   Of course, I am not given up on the story. I'll be write li

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Writing Ideas In Process

BIONICLE - Epic(s) Title: The Life of Watis (It’s a working title.) Primary Setting: Metru Nui Progress: In The Planning Stage Premise: This story is basically going to be a rewrite of my original first epic found here, which I have always been embarrass of because of how poorly written it was. My intend for this rewrite is to extend the story and cut out some of its major faults like random breaks in the central plot. And for those unfamiliar with the story and don't feel like reading mi

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

General Rambling: Star Wars, Xenoblade Chronicles X, ect

Hey, folks. It’s been awhile since my last blog entry here, so I thought I pop in and give a little recap on what been happening with me lately. Really not much of anything. XD   Just usual stuff; go to work, go home, do something with my free time (Video Games or Netflix generally), go to bed, repeat.   That being said, this week I been on a bit of Star Wars kick for obvious reasons (I am so excited about watching Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens tomorrow at 3:50 PM EST), so I have be

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

PokeLog #1 – The Return to Kanto…

Hey, folks. Sorry, it has been awhile since I last wrote an entry here. I have just been busy with my usual life stuff (Work and binge-watch stuff mostly. XD), so you really didn’t miss anything (My Twitter @BZPJMJ covers most of what you missed, if you are really that curious.).   But anyway, last weekend I decide to start a “new” journey through Pokemon Red (3DS Virtual Console copy) and well, I figure I should bring back this theme of blog entries since I know there are some Pokemon fans here

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

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