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I woke up this morning and noticed I was only a Premier member with 3 proto boosts. Then I saw a PM pop up, and clicked the link.   When I read the PM, it said that Bix did not like the subtitles of either of my TBRPGs and deducted 1 proto point for each.   At least, that's how it went in my dream.   ~EW~



Update On Life: Mark Ii

Dad- Friday night he snapped. I mean, not phisicaly snapped, but mentaly. He neraly broke a mirror, tore a wall down, destroyed several vases and such. On a tyrade, so to speak. So, of course, I yearned for some sort of combat (as I am known as a troll of a sort). So, in order to avert from a fight that and in his underwearwould likely end with a lot of red, I was forced to fut my staff away. Dad went all over outside, bearfoot and in his undies, so it was rather chilly for him. But we know that



Happy Day

With that day coming fast, I just wanna wish everyone a Merry Turkii Eve. May your days be filled with colored eggy goodness and lots of scary crossdressing goblins down the street and with overweight strangers in your house that your kids just love to see. The moms and dads, with their special times, holding fourleaf clover over their heads as they share a passionate kiss and a box of chocolates, will lead the parade celebrating independance as the crystal ball decends over Times Square.   Ah,



Rant Against The Sig

Today I will make a rant. Yes, I do indeed rant, how surprising it may seem. What is the subject? Why, the banner/ signature misunderstanding!   First of all, how many people have made the mistake of stating "I give credit to ____ for this sig" or something like that? ____ did not give you your sig! He gave you a banner. This is a banner:   This is a sig: Okay, I am caught up now, so be expecting pics soon! [[Star Wars RPG]]=[[Newbie Q&A]]=[[The Bones Blog]]=[[Respectablity]]=[[Staff



My Loyal Subjects!

Dear slaves,   The time has come. The future beckons like a fair lady at riverside, beguiling us forward to the ultimate tests of destiny, tests that will define who we are and what we can do. These tests will not be easy, and I must alert you that they will take their toll on you. Enemies may ravage your flocks, destroy your crops, burn your houses, kill your families, and even kill you, but I assure you, that I will be watching over you, ensuring that you deaths are not without purpose and wi



Roses And Thorns

At Philmont Scout Ranch, it's a tradition for the crew, after a long day on the trail, to sit down and reflect on the day's activities. What they do is they label a rose, which was a good happening in the day, a thorn, which is basically a problem or sour note, and a bud, which is something they look forward to. They also try to balance it out as best they can; if they say a rose, they must have a thorn, and vice versa, and this applies to as many thorns or roses they have.   I'd like to apply



News, A Rant And A Dream Of Strangeness

Okay, for those who are unhappy with the present time disabling of the PMing system, I have a golden piece of advice for you:   Get Premier!   For win, it is the best way to show your appreciation of BZP and a way to get your precious PMing back just for you. Now, puh-leese stop complaining! *whiiiine*     Now... what else to say... Oh, yeah! A couple days ago I had the strangest dream. I (you will never belive this) dreamt that Omi (yes, Omi) somehow had his car disabled here in Southern Ore




Sorry about not being on much lately, but this will continue until at least Tuesday, because I have graduation coming up in a couple days and will be out of state until Monday, so...   ~EW~



Two Months In 169 Words

1) I went to Philmont in late June, was the Chaplain's Aide and second-in-command kid of the crew. Hiked 75-ish miles, climbed the second-highest mountain in New Mexico, etc. Came back a smelly, tired and messy kid, just to be sent off immediately to...   2) Camp Alton F. Baker, being second-year camp staff.Added authority and privileges since I'm senior staff now, and again was in the ecology area. Put up with little brats, expelled a couple people, was troop guide for the council troop's Nati




I suddenly am using my Twitter account now, and wanna put it in this here blog, but I can't find the topic that B6 posted about Twitter. Can anyone link me to it, so I won't have to use my brain too much?   ~EW~



I'm A Little Gummy Bear!

If you could not tell yet, I now have a new obsession with the Gummy Bear song. : D   When I went to see how my new regalia looks, it was all so obvious that I missed my own post. xD!         Also, for those who miss the more informative EW Blogalog, there is an essay in the works.   ~EW~



The Arrogance!

To all those I've hurt, offended, or just plain troubled: I'm sorry, I'm such an ignorant, arrogant fool. I am sometimes assertive and domineering cuz that's how I mask my real sense of insecurity and nervousness.   This issue actually goes much deeper than that, but I won't go in detail about that here in my blog. If you really want to know more, then contact me and I might just talk about it.   On another note...     ~EW~



Maybe Some Future Project Of Some Kind...

Far Sea -- Somewhere in the far Southern Atlantic Ocean -- 2020 Captain Beauldegard was a big man, about 40 with a steel gray mustache that seemed to cover his lips like a gourmet platter top, the thick cookie duster of a brush in stark contrast to his shiny, bald head. His eyes were vivacious despite looking worn, though he liked to call them "experienced," not wanting to make people think of them as the eyes of an oftentimes stressed, insomniac commander, something he went to great pain




Birthday in a month. Turning eighteen. Wow. Time sure flies. I remember it was just the turn of the year like it was last week!   ~EW~



T-shirt Project Annoucements

My, am I lazy or what! XD So, guys, announcement: The BZPower Member T-Shirt Project is finished with the pre-production phase. This means we've already selected the design, and the shirts are in fact already being created, if they have not been finished at this time. Winner: Chunky!/whatever he's called We took this image and put it to use, and the finished product looks something like this. What does this mean? Well, it means I'm done for now. I put it together, thanks




I'm finally watching the LOST season 4 on the web, so that means I am getting up-to-date, lol. And one observation of mine is this:   The more I see of Benjamin Linus, the more I like him, even though I'll always hate him.   ~EW~



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