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The Deadline! It Cometh!

Hey guys, it's not too late to vote for your top three favorite entries for the BZPower T-Shirt Project! You have just about five hours left, but that can still make a difference! Vote vote vote! ~EW~



Advertisement Lies

I tried a memory foam pillow, but it did not work. I'm going to take it back to the store for a refund. ...If I can remember what the store is.   Haha, pun.   ~EW~



Dividing The Properties

Since I'll be gone for a while, the length of which I'm not even sure of, my RPG characters and other responsibilities will have to be delegated to people. All characters being handed off will have posts to help in the transition, so no worries; I'm not going to pull a Sera.     RPGs Star Wars RPG - Crimson Jester, the General Manager, will assume full control in my absence. Requiem - Since we have a lot of staff anyway and I'm not really a core member, no need to delegate anyone.     RPG C



All The Animals...

Out in them thar Oregonian hills, there is plenty wildlife.   Plenty.   Deer in your headlights, rabbits in your yard, birds rustling in your thisles, cougars pounsing your neighbor's cattle, bruins roaming the woods, coyotes howling through the night...   Wait, what?     For the last few months, there have been all of the above. Neighbors have seen a cougar, or even a black panther, in the area, and at least one cow was injured by the cat. We have hunted the animal, but with no success. Sa



Rene's Missing Stuff Phenomenon

A creme/gray henley A solid red T-shirt A Yale University sweater My digital camera My iPod One of my books   Estimated monetary loss: $350.00   The thing is, I never recall any time when those items could have been lost. The iPod is almost always with me; the camera is it's pouch and in my duffel; the book is understandable and I think I remember where is it, but still...; the sweater I have no clue about; same can be said about the helney and the T-shirt.   On trips, electronics are p



Bricks By The Bay

... is during my spring break. Hmm...   Also, make your t-shirt design and submit it! It could win the contest and be on the torsos of all the BZPower humanfigs at BrickFair and BrickCon this year! How cool is that!?? Details in the entry below.   ~EW~



More Shtuff... *come On, Applauds!*

So, yesterday I noticed that my lappie also has that newfangled voice recognition program where I can dictite to it by voice and it will respend. It still needs training, but it can prove useful. It will normally confuse words like "noob" to "move", though...   On another note, uh... there is nothing else to say... OH, WAIT!   I bought the From Yesterday music vid from iTunes and am the happy owner of a fabulous vid with a band, a Chinese Emperor, 1,000 guards and a swordfight. So, to me, the



Irrefutably Lame

Ever been on a streak of good, high-quality blog entries, and just when you think you got the hang of it, you just run out of stuff for entries and enter a slump of empty blahness?   God, I hate that so. ;__;   ~EW~



Little Things, Big Stories (bionicle Essay)

Omg... Been so long since I did anything Bionicle-related.       Little Things, Big Stories  ***   A single man runs around the streets of New York City. It is a desolate place now, filled with litter and the stench of decay as a remnant of a past culture simply vanishes. Buildings are tumbling, their slow rumbles of destruction echoing around the alleys and bouncing off the rubble. This lone man, armed with only a peashooter and his wits, is running from the massive battle raging and comi



My Biggest Weakness

Something of a confession here.     I've gradually become a relatively respected figure in real life, garnering a favorable reputation with adults and other people. In Scouting, I'll agree that I do have my merits, knowing the method of the BSA inside and out and getting along well with administrative officers, and I am of course a leading figure in my troop for a reason, having much knowledge in the fields of survival and other outdoor skills (though no match for CJ's, I'm sure xD). However, I



Arena Rock

I must confess, I am no musical expert, and the concept of musical genre is as alien to me as the game mechanics of football is to an Amish wife. I do not critique music based on it's classification, nor on how it appeases the audience, but rather on how it affects me, how I hear it. I don't care if the music I listen to makes those around me treat me like a leper or avoid my iPod as if it were the plague; music isn't about them, it's about me. Music is an individualistic medicine, and like with



What A Friend Should Do

It's in the AM hours, so I can't really say my writing skills are at their prime right now, but I just felt like making a point here.       To be honest, I would never have a friend who considers me more important than what is right. Friends are there to help and support friends, to redirect them to do what is right. In a way, you could think of them as bowling bumpers, bumping the ball to the pins. Woe is the friend who does not do what is right.   I appreciate what Kraggh did. Despite the



Ten years felt like forever

but it only took one decade.   Is ten years on this site even a notable landmark anymore? I don't even know what's considered "old" or whatever now, in part since I've been gone for so long. Still, I guess it is significant in that is a double-digit number.   Idk, it doesn't matter anyway, but I was still a little shocked to login and realize it was over a decade ago that I, a nervous teenager literally sweating rivulets while exploring the new world of the World Wide Web, made an account agains



Thoughts About The New Staff Group

For those who still do not know, Link.     I have been trying to get this made for quite a long time. I am very glad to see it finally done, cuz I have felt it a needed part of the community since my joining, almost. In addition to the idea finally being done, I think the people chosen for this position are excellent, and the idea of having the Doll Sisters (Turakii and Macku) together as a daughter/mother team was also much appreciated by me. I could not have thought of better people for it my



The Seasons

In the summer, I can't imagine having to wear layers of sweaters and jackets and still being cold.   In the winter, I can't imagine being comfortable in just a tee-shirt and a pair of shorts.   And in the spring and fall, I'm just confuuuused.   ~EW~



Private Profile

So you're browsing a blog entry, right? You see a comment by a user you're not familiar with, k? So you, like, click on their name and there's that dropdown menu; with me? Among the list of options, it says "View Public Profile."   This makes me wonder: is there such a thing like a "private profile?" If so, where is it? Please tell me-- I want to know more about me! Imagine the information stored in the "private profile!"   ~EW~



Closer To The Truth

So, after downloading it, it started playing in WMP. Then I copied the file into iTunes, and it started playing there, too. At first, I thought there was nothing wrong, but then I suddenly got whiff of the duplicate melodies.   And I gotta say, it sounds awesome like this! =D   ~EW~



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