I have a new MOC topic in the Bionicle-Based Creations forum! Check it out for more pics and to leave any comments or questions you might have! Source: Wairuha: Great Uniter of Wisdom
Hard to believe it's been ten years since I first joined this little ol' website back in the heady days of 2006. Both myself and the site have come a long way since then. Here's to ten more!
Just saw someone in another topic complain about "cheap Chinese plastic" being responsible for certain minifigure parts fluorescing under a blacklight, and it got me in rant mode. But since it'd be wildly off-topic there, I'm posting it here in my blog:
Earlier I replied to a post in S&T about Bionicle G1 and G2 being connected, despite Lego saying it's a reboot. That point has been refuted a thousand times, but it got me thinking about the big problem with those sorts of theories in the first place. In science, one of the essential qualities that a theory can have is that it's falsifiable. What that means is that the theory is constructed in such a way that it can be proven demonstrably false by new evidence. Falsifiability is an essenti
I finally got my signed Gali poster back from the framer! I won this at the BrickFair VA 2015 live charity auction. It's signed by the artist (and designer of the Gali: Master of Water set) Matt Betteker. I knew I wanted to preserve it in as pristine a condition as possible, so I ended up spending more to frame it than I spent on the poster itself. But it ended up looking fantastic, and I'm eager to find a place to display it.
Boo, apparently we're not allowed to have an official topic compiling G1/G2 connection topics. I was hoping that someone in charge of S&T finally decided to whip that forum into some semblance of order, but I guess that's too much to hope for... Anyway, I'm too proud of this post to let it fade into obscurity, so I'm copying it here.
Now that the three-week adventure of BrickFair VA–BronyCon–Family Camp is over, it's time I got down to business. To do this fall: Finish Summer 2015 Bionicle review for The New Elementary Figure out what specifically needs to be done to apply to return to Landmark College for a Bachelor's degree next spring, and whether that really is the best choice Figure out whether I'll be able to put Bionicle costumes together in time for BrickFair NJ MAYBE continue writing my trash Emmy Altava vs. At
My review of all six Ninjago Airjitzu sets went live while I was at BrickFair this weekend! Check it out if you're interested in the parts of these unique new sets!
So with Splatoon adding new battle modes geared toward people who want to play online with friends, I figured it was about time to put out another all-call for any of my BZP friends who want to add me to their Wii U friends list. My Nintendo Network ID is "Lyichir" (without the quote marks). Games I have that feature online play: Splatoon (my current passion—it's the first competitive online shooter that I've really enjoyed) Mario Kart 8 (another game I love—haven't played in a while but I'd
Right now I actually feel ashamed to be an AFOL. I'm at a Lego convention I looked forward to for months, anxious and scared and wishing I could be anywhere else.
How can ANYONE say in good conscience that the Bionicle story should have ended with the villain victorious and all hope extinguished? It would be the ultimate disrespect to the rest of the story, undermining every single lesson the Bionicle story ever tried to teach. Yes, not all stories have happy endings. But endings, happy or unhappy, should MEAN something. Ending Bionicle with despair would have zero meaning, being "edgy" and "dark" but also "terrible" and "idiotic". Sometimes I think p
I wrote a fanfic? A BIONICLE fanfic!? I guess miracles do exist. Anyway, I didn't spend all that much time on this, so I'm not making any promises about quality. But feel free to head to the topic to check it out! Source: Flow Like Water
Blogged because while I wrote it as part of another comment I think it's a sentiment that deserves to stand on its own: Source: What do you want to see in the Lego Batman Movie?
Well, after 30 minutes of Wonder Trade I managed to trade away 24 of my nicknamed Binacle. But as I did so I began to notice that none of the people I traded seemed to be BZPers. So instead of trading away the whole box, I decided to get rid of the last ones a bit differently. I have six #Binacle2015 left, with one destiny—to be traded DIRECTLY to BZP members who are interested in them! For those who don't have me on their Friend List, my Friend Code is 0817-4310-5392. If you're interested in
First and foremost, a spoiler-free review: IT WAS AWESOME. It was a fitting end to the series and certainly approached the greatness of the A:TLA finale even if it didn't necessarily match it. Now, to the spoilery bits, sorted for your viewing convenience. Story Execution Shipping So yeah. I was extremely satisfied with the finale as a whole. Mike and Bryan don't seem intent on returning to the Avatar universe right away, but that's okay—I'll be glad to see whatever they mi
The recent trend of fans petitioning Greg to canonize details of the story has been controversial. But I've been upset to see that devolve into a bunch of Greg-bashing. Let's be clear: Greg's not the problem here, or at least, not the main one. The fans are. They're the ones who decided, after Bionicle's end, to consider Greg the sole arbiter of canon. During Bionicle's run he may have been the "mouthpiece" of the Bionicle story, but he was only one member of a team. And that team, for the m
So I thought I'd share some Ninjago Miis I'd created with y'all. These were created specifically for use as Mii Fighters in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS! Kai pic (QR Code) Zane pic (QR Code) Cole pic (QR Code) Jay pic (QR Code) Lloyd pic (QR Code) Nya pic (QR Code) Full gallery (when public) My personal versions have the Ninja as Mii Swordfighters wearing Ninja Suits with Shuriken of Light (Neutral 2), Airborne Assault (Side 1), Hero's Spin (Up 3) and Blade Counter (Down 1) as their specials. N