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In Regards To The Sun

Please come back. I miss you, oh so much. Cloud light just doesn't shine the same way that you do. Winter is just around the corner, and I know you'll want to hibernate then.   Ah, cooler temperature is nice, but I'm quite sure it's been over a week since I last saw the sunny skies. In all my life, I don't remember going this long with so much overcast.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Ignorance Is No Excuse... I've Tried.

Basic information is key to getting things done: if you don't know something or understand it fully, you shouldn't be afraid to ask. However, sometimes you'll do a lot better if you look up things before asking.   So much information is commonplace that a little digging will yield results; it's after you've tried to research that you ask questions. I don't mean taking five minutes and using a couple search sites and finding nothing: I mean actually trying. Search sites contain links, and those



If You Must Quit Your Job...

Please notify somebody you work with, so that everyone who's expecting you to show up to work doesn't expect you to show up to work. Trying to reach you when you don't respond is just not cool. At least have someone who knows you contact your work if something happens to you.   Please do this for those who counted on you.



If I Were You...

Complete it how you want, but who hasn't heard (and possibly even used) some form of that expression? "If I were you, I would've done what you did differently. I wouldn't have made that mistake you made if I were you."   WRONG.   So totally wrong, it makes 10*10=5 look correct.   Think about it. You're using how you think to assume the other person thinks the same way you do now or would think like you if you were that person. Ipso facto, if you were the other person, you would do exactly wh



If I Knew Then...

...what I know now, it would create a paradox.   Think about it.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



Ice Ice Baby

We're having some that actual "winter weather" in Texas. It's all so surreal... well, not really, but it hasn't been like this in a while. It's a rare thing.   I wish it was snow though instead of just sleet and freezing rain where I live.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



I've Figured It Out!

I finally finished all my MOCs for Brickfest, and I have decided to reveal each of them one by one each day leading up to Brickfest. (If I miss any days, expect that number of MOCs to keep up to date.) Until the time comes, just know that since there are fewer than two weeks until the event, that means there are fewer MOCs than the number of days left until the event. For those who don't know, that means there are fewer than fourteen MOCs. I won't say how many there are just yet, but when I sta



I'm Me Again, But The Chameleon Lives

Well, nothing lasts forever, and now I have to go fix those blog entries... or not. It's not that important for now.   I've decided I liked that sign-off I had as the Chameleon (or am I still him now?) that I decided to dedicate one of the content blocks to him. He's like a virtual pet that needs no attention: I just hope he doesn't die like the last one... I knew I shouldn't have given a virtual animal real water. Oh well.   RIP, Spunky, RIP -<+,=,~   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



I'm Collectibly Collectible Too

Okay, so I don't just collect Care Bears and BIONICLE; I also collect the hard-to-find Zodiac Beanie Babies.     So far, I have seven of twelve, so that means I only need five more: snake, dog, goat, dragon, and tiger. Though I don't have the dog, I have seen it in pictures, and it just doesn't seem to fit with the rest of them. My personal favorite is the rat (kudos if you know why... and I haven't told you).   These things were probably discontinued as quickly as they came out, and almost



I'm Back!

Not really, I didn't go anywhere.   Did I mention this? If you can't figure it out by now, you'll never get it.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



I'm A Picky Eater

Don't let that title fool you, but if there's one thing you can learn about me it's that I'm a picky eater. But I'm not your typical picky eater; in fact, I'm probably quite the opposite. You see, most people that are picky eaters are picky about what they eat for their meals; on the other hand, I'm pickier with the junk food I eat than I am with real food. It's not that I hate junk food, so much as there's just a lot of it I don't like... or doesn't like me (sometimes both); on that same token,



I'm A Genius. Ask Me How.

Something I tend to do on my birthday is shave my head because I can (I do what I must because I can). Yes, my birthday is in winter (in the US), and the temperature outside can be (and currently is) really cold, but I don't care. Now you might be like other people and think I'm crazy to do such a thing rather than wait for summer, but that is where you are wrong. In truth, it is smarter to shave in the winter than in the summer.   "How so?" You ask.   Think about these few things.   First



I'll Miss You Most Of All, Scarecrow

Something I made for a graphics class last fall:   It's a huge file, so beware, but I'll work to condense it later. I don't have the fonts I used, so it's a bit difficult to do. I'm also trying to shrink another image I made, without the letters becoming distorted.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



I Voted For Against The Idea

There was a rather confusing proposition on our ballots Tuesday; apparently, voting for it would mean you're against something: in this case, it was certain construction.   Anyway, around voting time, I get calls from people/organizations wanting me to vote a certain way; what I do is tell them I'll be sure to vote without committing to a solid answer. If I'm not sure of all the details I can get, I wouldn't want to say one way or the other.   Entry Word: Considerate Example: If you want me



I Still Got It! Okay, So I May Not Know

I have some weird sort of MOCing preparation style: once I had all my pieces assorted by color (or color group for nearly identical colors), which helped me keep coordination. Next I had them sorted by piece type (torso, limbs, weapons, feet, etc.), but it may have hindered more than helped because I think it stifled my creativity process... I used to grab almost blindly, looking only in a particular color, seeing what came of piece combinations. The first process also took fewer containers beca



I Saw T L H Today!

It was on a license plate... you didn't think I meant Toa Lhikan Hordika, did you?   ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



I Love Science

Aperture Science, that is. I hear they do the most awesome experiments-- on the people who are still alive-- and they apparently even make a neat gun-- for the people who are still alive.   Look at me blogging when there's Science to do.   Now if you'll excuse me, I have some delicious and moist cake to eat.   Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and i said 'Goodbye' and you were like 'NNOO WWAAYY", and then I was all "We pretended we were



I Love My Job!

And I wouldn't change it for the world... maybe I'd change it for something else, just not the world.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



I Like My New Camera

I got a new digital camera and some accessories for a little less than $100 about a week ago. It's 10 MP, and it rocks. I could've used it for Yoda weekend, but oh well.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



I Killed The Internet

Yep, it's true. I single-handedly took on the behemoth known as "The Internet" and soundly slew it with a flurry of motions known as "smooth move, Sparky."     Well, obviously not. But I'm having difficulties with my computer's connection, so the Internet is dead to me... currently.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



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