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I Just Realized...

The first day of this year was totally binary... except I think I saw a two. Confounded 2 making binary not binary.   Also, at first I pasted the phrase "I'm very versatile" that I had copied earlier from elsewhere; thus, I made the title/entry combo initially "I just realized I'm very versatile." I wish I had known sooner that I was versatile.   ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



I Heard Wedding Bells

They just weren't mine.   So I never posted this on BZPower or anything (I'm not very active these days), but my brother did get married last September.   ©1984-2013 Toaraga EAM



I Have An Announcement!

I've decided to announce that I'm going to call a press conference to announce my decision to announce my announcement at the press conference. Therein, I shall make my announcement about my decision announced. After my announcement, I shall open the floor to questions, but only after you announce that your going to ask them at your own press conference.   That is all.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



I Have A New Lap

Top.   Woohoo, I so needed a computer upgrade, and I've been wanting a laptop for some time. So it works out.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



I Hate " Public Opinion " Polls

They never asked me what I thought about anything that results with how a certain percentage of the population feels a certain away about issue/person/whatever. I am not even alerted that there will be such a poll until the "results show..." Where do they get these figures anyway because I personally don't know anybody who gets asked about such things? Apparently their and my opinions don't really matter for those things.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



I Had It First; Therefore, I Have More Fun

Something I keep seeing is a complaint that another area, usually a country, gets some product first, whether BIONICLE set, video game, or other-- curse them for getting that "other" first... I hate them so. Anyway, I don't see what the big deal is who gets something first, as long as other places are getting a chance at it (that's key, though I'll explain later).   It's as if people seem to think that just because another place gets something first, they who don't have will enjoy it less w



I Got Work Rolled

At my job, we have music playing throughout the store; the store is basically given a thing of different types of music every so often. Anyway, yesterday a certain meme-inducing song was played.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



I Gave It To The Peach!

So apparently there's a new Veggie Tales movie coming out this year about "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything." You know, for guys who supposedly don't do anything, they certainly seem to have a lot of credits to their name.   I guess if they actually lived up to their name, it would be a pretty boring career.   Drat the luck: I can't find a way to work a good pun with "fresh," "veggies," and "comedy" in there anywhere. *Weeps*   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



I Don't Wanna Grow Up...

~I'm a Toys 'R Us kid..~ *Twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid...~ *Twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid.~ *Twitch, twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid...~ *Twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid...~ *Twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid...~ *Twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys



I Didn't Even Have To Get Up

I don't have to go to either of my jobs today (FYI, I work two part time jobs: Toys R Us and my college bookstore). I just wish I knew that before I got to my 4 AM job at Toys R Us, only to find out it wasn't necessary; icy roads in the dark can be treacherous. At least I was called ahead of time from the bookstore to be informed it'll be closed all day (the school didn't even open until noon).   I just wish I had known that I could've stayed in bed today or at least slept later. Oh well, may



I Collect; Therefore, I Probably Waste Time

Yay, standing in line for two-and-a-half hours for a traded Mew is so not fun; getting an Old Sea Chart would've been more worth it.   Oh well, at least I remembered to visit the nearby Borders to pick up Legacy of Evil. BIONICLE Legends #4, here I come.   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



I Can See Clearly Now... The Blur Is Gone

Has it really been a whole year? I'm sure you don't know what I'm talking about, but if you notice my staff bio picture, you'll see that I wear glasses. I've only had them for a year: I went several years without them.   I don't wear them all the time I'm awake, but it's nice to see so clearly when I do wear them. I won't say why I got them, but rest assured, the streets are safer because of them.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



I Can Bank On It!

So that data entry job I had was temporary (if they need me again, they'll call me). But fear not, for I have procured another profession, this one of a full time nature.   I'm going to be working in a bank at night (it's kind of complicated to explain what exactly I'll be doing). This coincides well with my schedule, and since I don't start for about 2-3 weeks, it allows me to deal with a fast-paced online class before then. Woot! Life's been a bit crazy lately, but things are looking up righ



I Am Employed

I start a new job at Toys 'R Us tomorrow night. The things that go in will go through me.*   *Figure it out, win a cookie.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



Hungary Hungary Hippo

I'm going on a trip to (country) Hungary to visit some (noun) hippos. They don't like it when you (verb) smell at them with funny looks. The eat (plant) palm trees and spend a lot of time in (liquid) ice tea. I hope to (verb) kiss the (noun) squirrel while I am there.   ~Sha la-la-la-la-la My, oh, my~   ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



How To Wax Philosophically

Are you making the car shinier or the surroundings duller?   -OR-   Are you putting wax on the car, or you putting the car under the wax?   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



How Nintendo Owns Lego

Yes, we all know that BIONCLE has been around for less than a decade, and LEGO gets complaints for its clone (or almost clone) sets. But hasn't Nintendo been doing basically the same thing with Pokémon for ten years? We've been playing the same thing for years, and there's no uproar against Nintendo for this.   Let's not forget that with Pokémon, the games are limited within their own universe: Pokémon can't be put into another universe. It's the same thing everytime you go through the game: yo



How I Spent My... Wednesday

As promised, I'll reveal how I normally spend my Wednesday mornings during the school year.   Brace yourself.   I volunteer.   That's right, I volunteer at my local arboretum: "arbor" means trees, and "etum" means... place that has trees. Okay, I'm kidding about that last definition, but what I do does involve helping children learn about trees. If there's ever a place to volunteer, your local arboretum, if available, is a place to go: there's nothing like being out in nature.   What's re



How I Spent My Labor... Weekend

SATURDAY I went with some of my church's youth group to a Cleveland Indians vs. Texas Rangers baseball game. (There was a MercyMe concert beforehand. Yay!) The game wasn't that great: the first pitcher allowed one home run and a grand slam in the first half of the first inning (Boo!). The game ended 6-5: we're still skeptical of that last point we didn't get.   SUNDAY After church, I spent the day digging through a mess for important documentation. Um, yay, mess.   MONDAY With a few friends



How About Them Red Sox?

No wait, I think that's a typo.   ==Begin transmission==   I interrupt this blog entry to bring you an important message... okay, an interesting one.   Believe it or not, I was actually going to set up a joke and have a picture of red socks here, so I did an image search on Yahoo. I got several results (far more than I wanted/expected), so I tried some other colors. Same results: way too many. Finally, I put in "socks" and got 1,109,206 results; I then proceeded to Google and got 3,140,000 re



Houston, Wii Have Launch!

If you can't tell by that terribly annoying pun, I now have access to playing a Wii at home. My brother and I stood in line for nigh eight hours to get a Wii during launch hour (Central Standard Time), and it was worth it... well, we've only actually had opportunity to play the Wii once (sans demo for me), but soon...   In reality, I'm not talking about the Wii itself: I'm talking about hanging out with fellow nerds. (Yes, we waited that long for previously unreleased technology; therefore, we




Are half the pun.   Literally.   Most puns are made by words that sound alike; that's why they're called plays on words.   No joke is necessarily intended by this (or is it?), but feel free to groan or laugh anyway.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



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