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This Was A Triumph

Hole Mahi- Portal's an awesome game. I beat it at The Darkness of Gallifrey's house. He got the Orange Box, and I'm really jealous right now..... Anywho, at the end of Portal, GLaDOS (evil robot chick) sings a song written by Jonathan Coulton. It's stuck in my head, so I'm just gonna post it here.   WARNING! THIS SONG CONTAINS SPOILERS ABOUT THE ENDING OF PORTAL! DO NOT READ THIS SONG IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO SPOIL PORTAL FOR YOURSELF!   (Sing in the tune of GLaDOS's evil robot voice)   GLaDOS:

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Diabolically Philisophical Questions:

If the forums hadn't screwed up when I tried to post this yesterday, whould the world be a better place?   If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all of that ACME stuff, why couldn't he buy dinner?   Will I ever ask enough questions?   Why don't cows have beards?   Is there another planet like Earth?   Can black-holes think for themselves?   Is paper alive?   Are fairy-tales real?   Is up down?   What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?   Do video-games rot our brains?   What is lan

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Another Game

Complete the sequence.   0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Philosophical Questions Revisited

I thought that it was time for more . They're quite random today.   - Is up down?   - Can computers be emo?   - Is the universe expanding?   - If so, why?   - If why, how?   - If how, who?   - Doctor Who?   - Doctor What?   - Doctor How?   - How is Doctor Who?   - Are Daleks real?   - Is Matt Groening a robot?   - Is Matt Groening an Alien?   - Alien probe?   - Alien Robot?   - Space Pirate?   - And now, perhaps the greatest question of them all: SHOULD I RENEW MY PREMIER MEMBER

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Welcome, Victims-- Uh, "guests"

Today is the day I launch my blog. I slowly reach for the keyboard, my hands trembling with each letter. Well, not really. If my hands were shaking, my writing would be all like: fhjdsuigew9865 v389598'. Yeah. I'm actually typing normally, believe it or not. *Sigh*. What to write... What to write..... I've got a Geography project due tomorrow. That's something. And an English paper. Whoopie. Yeah. I'm sorta new to the "BLOG" system. So, please... If I'm doing anything wrong, please tell me. O

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

It's Been A While, Hasn't It?

Woah. I haven't updated my blog in, like, forever. Not since Florida. I've been back since Sunday, so that means I need to fill you in....   SUNDAY: Planes, planes, and more planes. My ankle was in pain for no reason, so I had trouble walking. Nothin' much happened on the plane, but we got stuck in 'taxi' mode when we landed. So we were stuck for 30 minutes. Bummer. Then we saw the Oscars, woohoo to The Departed! (I've gotta see that movie....)   MONDAY: My ankle was killing me and I couldn't

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Let's talk about the week, shall we?   SUNDAY: Flew down from Boston to LA to visit a friend, and I watched a Simpsons marathon on the plane. MONDAY: Hung out, played Age of Mythology. TUESDAY: Hung out, plyed Age of Mythology. WEDNESDAY: Drove down to San-Diego, slept the whole trip, arrived for ComiCon.   And now..... OMG IM AT COMICON THIS IS SO FREAKIN COOL!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Name Change Update

So I think I'm changing my name to Norik's Albatross. What say thee?   Also, I got sick from Halloween. Puked yesterday. Stayed home today. Will post pic of costume. Eventualy.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Terrible... Just Terrible.....

I have come home from a terrible day at school. 1. Didn't leave the house until past 8. 2. Didn't know what the heck anyone was talking about 1st period. 3. 2nd period. It's math. What're you gonna do? 4. Lunch. My maccaroni got stuck in the thermos, so it took my 15 minutes just to get it out. The rest of Lunch was okay, I guess. I had time to write a blog entry.... 5. Gym. Got in trouble for not having my uniform, then got my pinkey finger crushed in a door. It still hurts, I can barely t

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I'm Awesome!

Also I've somehow logged in as Norik's Prophecy. Now to Awesome-ize his blog....     -Exo (awesome)

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

An Interesting Conversation

It all started on the way to school today.... I had just brought up Star Wars for no reason, then I said: "Why do you think George Lucas has an overobsession with limb hacking?" What do you think?

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

The Enormous Insignificance

I always love to start a new entry with an oximoron. Myeh. "The Universe is big. Really big. In fact, it is so big, you probably cannot even begin to grasp how big the Universe really is." Douglas Adams once said something like that. I can't help but agree. Imagine: a can of Coke, a table, and a pin. Now imagine that the Table is 1/1,000,000,000th of one one-hundredth of our Universe. Now imagine that the can of Coke is Earth. Now shrink that can of Coke down to 1/1,000,000,000,000,000th of it

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

On The Subject Of Dalek

This just in, Destroyer O' Dalek is not a nice person.   Take that, Dalek.           NOTE: To all who think that I'm starting a war against Dalek, they are wrong. This entry is simply a joke. No hard feelings, Dalek. NOTE: This can be a war if Dalek really wants to make it one.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

The Helix

Welcome to the Heroes fanclub. Created by me and ~Malauk Crysis~. This is where to post about characters, theories, spoilers, and anything else about Heroes. Feel free to browse my online gallery of avatars for Heroes ones.   Freebie banner:   [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/DuckDuck/Heroes/heroesblackbanner.jpg]   And this userbar:   http://www.majhost.com/gallery/DuckDuck/Heroes/heroesuserbar.jpg   Feel free to come to LPD to request Heroes avatars and banners.   Welcome. Wel

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Well, I'm leaving for Boston today. Just think, in a few hours I'll be crammed in a car with my dad and my lizard for 5 hours. Yay?   As you may have guessed, I probably will not have much computer access, and then in a bout a month, I'll have none. So naturally, I placed Tums in charge of Klinkerpoop while I'm gone. Tell me, have I doomed us all?

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

The World Needs A Hero

The world needs a Hero. I mean a real Hero- and not just one of those guys who works at the fire department, or at the police station. The real Heroes are the men and women who go to work every day, in a small cubicle at an unimportant office, and then they get a call from congress, and they change into their tights, cape, and leotard to go fight bad guys. They are the real Heroes. Also, Hiro from Heroes.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Does it make sense to give out homework on the first day of school?   No. I thought not. But they do it anyway.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Hold Me

I have returned from the first 40 seconds of the movie "300". In IMAX. That is something I will never do it again. Between the surround-sound speakers, the six-story screen, and the rumbling seats, I literally felt that my heart was going to snap. Literally. Let me tell you, that is the last time I will ever see an IMAX film. Hold... Me.....

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Today.... And Yesterday.

Well, to start things off, congrats to **Kalmah Forever**. Huzzah *throws cheap confetti*.   Well, I've pretty much wasted the first half of today sleeping and watching Futurama. Go Zoidberg. Anyway, I just finished the homework for monday, and now I feel as if I must tell a story..... Pull up a chair! Once aupon a time, (yesterday), I was walking my dog, when we spotted a large metal object in the middle of the street. It was surrounded by what looked like chunks of the street, which was tru

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

My Birth Day!

Sorry- I couldn't post earlier. It's my birthday today! Yay!   Title: SpiderMan 3 Rated: PG13 Summary: Evil alien morphs with Peter who loves MJ and Sandman attacks and everyone's mad and that Harry goes crazy and venom's all like "GRAH!" Rating: Infinite = AWESOME   Also, I just have a little pic of what I got for my birthday....     Fully fonctional, remote-controlled Dalek Sec.   Oh, yes.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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