BZP is seriously how boring as a site can be.
Especially because no one cares about the stuff you make.
I even bet this rant won't get any comments. :annoyed2:
It works! 8DDDDD
I will maybe accept battles soon, because my Pokemon aren't fully evolved and EV-Trained.
But trading is okay.
My Friend code is: 1119-1284-1986
Tale of Dragons
Chapter Two - Energy
Artakha was a mess after the Makuta Kojol had invaded with his Rahkshi army, they had stolen the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light, and destroyed much of the city.
I, Glacias, Thonux, and Titanix were walking down the streets of Artakha, then suddenly, two blue and white, and badly damaged Rahkshi appeared from behind a nearby building!
Before we had the chance to escape, scream for help, or do anything else, they fired bolts of electricity
Tale of Dragons
Chapter 1: Invasion
There were Matoran workers running everywhere as far the eye could tell, behind the fleeing Matoran evil Rahkshi soldiers were following
And not long after, a large black and green wagon pulled by two giant Kikanalo beasts followed, and on it sat a Makuta.
The Rahkshi did not notice me and the three other Matoran I had become friends with recently, neither did the Makuta.
"Rahkshi!", the Makuta yelled, "Invade the temple, and take what
Tale of Dragons
I, Charliezard, was originally a simple Matoran from Ta-Metru, I worked hard with my fellow Matoran friends.
I lived a perfectly normal life.
But one day, I and three other Matoran, not from Metru-Nui, were sent to a nearby island by our local Turaga
to discuss trading proposals.
When I first arrived, the thing that caught my eye was a huge white and golden temple, not only that
but there were Matoran at work everywhere! This island was known
This will be my entry for planned movesets.
Dragonite/Jolly Nature
Dragon Dance
Fire Punch
Gyarados/Adamant Nature
Dragon Dance
Metagross/Sassy Nature
Stealth Rock
Iron Defense
Meteor Mash
Light Screen
Yarr, still no shiny Magikarp to behold.
I probably should EV-train instead.
And also, I may start doing small comic strips for every blog entry. 8D
I'm currently breeding for a shiny Magikarp and all that yaddayadda.
So, my question today is..
Do YOU have a shiny Magikarp/Gyarados? (The Johto event RG does not count.)
♫ On my way On my way On my way
On my way On my way On my way
On my way On my way On my way
On my way On my way On my way
I would like to reach out my hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run
You know what they say about the young
Well pick me up with golden hands
Oh may see you, Oh may tell you to run
You know what they say about the young
Well I would like to hold my little, hand
How we will run We will. How we will crawl we will.
I would like to hold my litt
I'm thinking of getting a Nintendo Wi-fi connectormajigy, so I can battle and stuff with you here at BZP. : >
And I forgot to mention, I'm a Pokémon nerd now. ):
Name change, birthday a week ago, may get Premiership soon.
That's about it.
And oh, I'll copy Takuma Nuva with the Blog Guardian thing if that's okay?