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Updated RPG Rules and Guidelines zomg yay.   And I has my name in it




I feel like a lot of bleh right now, been sleeping for like... five hour long periods during the day and I still feel a bit tired. On top of that, I had to miss four days of school (including tomorrow ><, mainly because if I do magically get better, I'm still not allowed on school property for another 48 hours), which means while I have my mushy mind I had to do all the work they did, though I had to learn the material from other sources (Online databanks).   So I finished seven review p




Disky is sitting next to me in the lobby. I met some people and stuff, and BFair is and was awesomesauce.




Off to see Avatar on Monday, IMAX 3-D cuz it plays there, and it's like... three miles away so we can actually go. XP   After that, I'm going to go to Borders and get a few books I've been wanting for a little while now. So yay   *No one cares*



bionicle ended (again)

I dunno, but Bionicle being discontinued again doesn’t really bother me one way or the other. mostly because I kinda fell out of it ten years ago. It’s still a nostalgic thing for me yeah, but to be honest, I wasn’t surprised when they cut it again; not a lot of themes last terribly long to begin with and it’s kinda hard to recapture the Bionicle series/personality from when it launched in ‘01. I have a feeling it might come back in some shape or form a few years into the future, or maybe there’




Yes, that is an exclamation mark.   So for school this year, which just started for me on Tuesday actually (I thought it was Monday, but that turned out to be for 9th graders and some Juniors there helping them out), I have seven classes;   - English II Honors - Geometry (I should've been in Algebra II, but I'm not very good at math << >>) - U.S History (First half this semester -- would have gone for AP Human Geography, but the workload from that class would have been too much




I put up (FINALLY) a new chapter in War. Sorry Robo for not using those two paragraphs, I just losted them D=   And... well, I finished with Testing and have a three day weekend after Friday, then a three day work week cuz I also has Friday of next week off, then I have a vacation, but will probably be absent from BZP two Fridays from now, two Saturdays from now, and two Sundays from now.




Had a slight fever, school decided to not allow me in, so I'm home right now.   Well, I've been sitting here and listening to music for the past hour or so, just thinking of what to do [No homework, no classwork, no extra-credit]. I haven't actually written anything down yet, even though I think I should work on The Monarch and the Peddler, but I don't want to go and fetch my outline [it was "put-away" cuz I forgot to take it off the table last night], so I'm dead there.   I tried working on



Funny Things.

Some people will throw a fit over the silliest things. Even though, in some cases, I can see where they are coming from, but it's just a bit extreme even then to yell/complain and call other people names over something so little. (Talking about a hobby, thus the "little" portion as I don't really view luxuries as "priorities" thus they being "small").   I guess I blog this as it's a twenty year-old something or other throwing the fit and a twelve year old was able to voice his concerns in a fa




Finished three out of seven finals today. Got home 12:30, tried out ODST and got bored from that game -- though, I find Ghosts of Onyx to be an interesting book, despite the common spelling errors I've been noticing in the book itself. But regardless, I find military sci-fi interesting.   But for the Finals themselves, I found them very easy.



Beast Mode: Engaged

After listening to many songs over the past few hours, I went on a productive writing rampage on a project of mine. Got the very, very first part finished, worked out the events from there and reread the first bit some eight times already. All I need to do to it, in my opinion, is rewrite the combat scenes -- more detail, emotion is needed. What I have is more... of a "here's how it's gonna go down."   Working up to the fight in the next bit is going to be fun.   So yeah, I feel like a beast




Now to read the manga. Oh, and probably buy the series. <3 You!



Feeling Like A Dummy

For the longest time, the blog tab would redirect me to the Blog Dashboard for reasons of which I could not fathom. Then, just a few seconds ago, as I scroll through the blogs in a bored frenzy, I notice at the top there's an option to "keep all blogs as start page" (or something akin to that) and so I click it. Now, no more am I redirected to the Dashboard, no more must I face that horrid mess of disorganized thoughts and rambles against my own will!   And yet, I feel like a dummy for not notic




It's been interesting, what with BZPower offline and such. In fact, some could say that it has been beneficial to me within the past month, and quite a few people from real life could probably vouch for myself on this.   -Went from summer vacation to High School smoothly, and completed all work as well as doing some extra things for some of the classes. Still a screw-up in PE, but that's expected. -Worked on DB like crazy. Crazy as in, editing the characters, writing backgrounds, creating lo



How I Do Essays

Last minute the day before they are due, completing the re-write of the original text, annotating the text with all sorts of colors and notes only I can read, while also crafting a chart of all the rhetorical devices I deem revelant to the presented argument within the chosen speech. (This is all on William Shakespeare's Othello). Then, settling down to write the essay itself (one to two pages, so basically one page or less due to MLA formatting's double spacing rule), all the while listening to



What Would Be Somewhat Kewl

Is if all the RPGs I'm in all hit the huge climax at the same time... there'd be a huge amount of characters for me to kill off and I wouldn't feel guilty by leaving some alive and some dead. ^^;;;   The thought just struck meh...



Writing And Such.

Now I need to do a bunch of things that involve reading/typing. Like that letter mabobber for tomorrow cuz if I don't bring it in my class will hungrily devour my soul. And I haven't forgotten about Imagine, Exo, it's just so long and I had a bunch of work when I got back D=   I also need to write at least one SS, just because.



Summer Plans!

So, I'll likely be out of the country some time late June/July. Which month I don't know yet, and it'd likely be a max of a week (likely less than that, though -- I also plan to go to Denver Pridefest this year, which is the 15th/16th... so before I'd leave, since I'd leave after the 19th).   I'm thinking to go to Italy, though~     But dunno if I'll be able to go to BFair, the college I'm going to has some thing going on in August... I forget if it's early August or late August, though.



Blood Unit Part The Fifth

Side Note: I would Highly, highly, highly appreciate it if anyone who happened to read left a comment, any form of comment. Please?   Blood Unit Part Five  (Rated PG-13)   They had been walking. Just walking, not even running, or even jogging. It was probably due to the fact that Jake was carrying his heavy weapons and so running, and then slipping may result in an accident. A fatal Accident. It hadn't been so long until one could hear the hiss of a bullet, a sniper bullet to be more precis



Rest In Peace.

At my school, one of the faculty members -- a social studies teacher who has been around since the conception of the school some two, three years ago -- has been battling cancer since June, 2010. He's been in the school since that date, and even talked in some of my classes about specific events that occurred in History, or about AP Human Geography -- the student newspaper, the one I work on, dedicated an entire issue to him (first issue) due to his condition and there were many, many, many stud




Apparently my uncle sent my dad Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu on DVD, and if you know my dad, he's the last person who would watch the show. So when I come over, he randomly... like, halfway through a conversation, pulls it out of the closet and is all like "You can have this."   Just weird, but cool.



Bionicle Stars.

Out of all the Bionicle sets yet, I think I want these the most.   Just cuz they're so small and cuddly.



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