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idk my pal

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My computer got filled with them cuz of a stupid email that said it was from someone I knew, and wasn't in junk ><   My laptop is now at Best Buy getting fixed up... and I'm on a tiny ThinkPad...   This week sucks.



Something Bad Happened?

Really =O   Nahhhhhh   Actually, a few good things happened lately. Apparently I don't have any work in school that is missing, despite having thought that, and my lowest grade is a B in an overall type of thing, with generally As in Content Knowledge, which is all I'm going to be graded on next year. Another good thing is that my testing is done, and I have a three day weekend, and a three day work week next week.   After that three day weekend, I have a week of schoolstuff, and then an ent




When I put my chapters into layouts in a notebook... it's amazing how awesomely helpful that is =D




Okay so I keep losing my blog, right? Yeah, that happens to me, but the add entry bar on that side place is so nice for moments like those.   I just wanted to say I wuv my kelari in Rift :3 *'cuzhe'sadorable*   And also   also   I'm a dork and my brain convinced me "You're getting GW2" although I sorta came to that conclusion forever ago, back when I was all "okay, I'm going to do this Hall of Monuments stuff" and then promptly didn't do it (Well, the vast majority of it~)   So, Imma make a Sylv




I finished my history project in its entirety, and I had a bit of fun writing it. I still hate that it was a school related thing, since if I had more freedom when it came to themes and language, I really could have made it -far- more believable than it was, and probably far more interesting. I can't post them [Half page journal entries] due to the fact that the point of them is a political matter, and politics [To this degree] aren't allowed on the forums, or in the blogs. Maybe one day I'll be



The Kit Life

ok so some updates?   i started playing World of Warcraft again (85/86 Death Knight im having fun, but been leveling a bit with a close friend of mine) and with the new token thing i might keep playing since i can use gold to pay for the subscription than money   also got the last two humble bundles so i have games like Torchlight II, Outlast, ME2, DA: O, DA II, Dead Space 2 for my computer which is nice (my sister has DA III on Origin, but i have that for my ps4 ). all that for twelve bucks (an



Stories And Whatnot.

Today I got bored, and when I get bored I have a tendency to start writing out some ideas for stories. So, now I'm starting to actually create that Bionicle epic I was talking about in one of the previous entries, and if I believe it's interesting enough, I'll probably begin creating it. So far, I have the characters pretty much all written out, along with the factions involved, which was followed by the rough outline of the plot... and by rough, I mean, really rough. So, as far as this goes, I'



One Less Day.

I'll be back in one less day, meaning Wednesday/Thursday not Thurs/Fri.   Saw Terminator 4 -- it was cool. Got two "new" swords, since they were both owned by Grandpa and need polishing up and cleaning. I was actually surprised I got something to tell the truth, but I was informed that no one knew what to do with the swords and no one wanted to chuck them out, so I got them. *shrugs*   Going to the funeral in... I dunno, a few hours maybe? The ride there will be anywhere from 2 and a half hou



I Want It To Raaaaiiin.

If it does not rain, I shall lead an angry mob to the weather man and then demand that he make it rain, even if can't.   Cuz if it rains, I get to go seen 9, and I like rain anyway. [i get to see 9 based on a bet =P]




I need a flashdrive, and Illustrator on my computer. If I had those two things, then I could work on that poster for the "I Never Saw Another Butterfly" play for the school. Of course, over fifty people are working on over fifty different designs, but I need more time than what we have in order to make it look awesome. We were told about the project on Wednesday, started Thursday and the first draft was due on Friday. Mine looked like garbage on Friday, at the start of the period, but with sugge




Well, if anyone has nothing better to do I worte a Short Story which is one entry before this one...   I finished the third Ranger's Apprentice book, and I will eventually nab the fourth. I still need to read Rogue Clone though. Other than that I haven't done much else...




Ummmm...*thinks...*   I madez a CoT SS called AFTERMATH and is based off of that book series with all the clones I was reading about...   ...   <<   >>   I needz moar thingz to think about ><




You're all back!   watch out for my booby traps.



I Saw Stuff.

Last night I had decided to watch Friday the 13th prt 1, 3, and 4 as well as Freddy vs. Jason. And, today I saw the new Friday the 13th, and for me it was very entertaining. What, with the smart alec comments from the characters half the time, as well as the fact that I found Jason killing people to be amusing, and laughed at some parts cuz it was somewhat funny to me.   I liked it, though it was a bit much like just a slasher film, though there was some plot to it... not like.. amazing or any



Those Songs,

The ones that flow with that soft air of tragedy about them, the instruments and tone being the aspects that make the song feel bittersweet, even if it's in a different language. And reading through the lyrics, realization of "I wasn't too far from the truth" comes forth and as the song plays again; a series of the most tragic, yet sweet scenes play through the mind.   Some scenes are painted in that faded, off color fashion that tend to signify memories, other scenes look more present, the pr



Technical Difficulties No More

A day or so ago I was having issues with transported pictures from BFair from my phone to the computer. Recently I was able to straighten the whole thing out, even though I ended up deleting three or four pictures in the process. I'm just glad I got that all sorted out as that means that sometime either this or next week I'll be able to put links up to all the pictures [because they're rather large, and it just keeps the blog looking somewhat organized and other things that branch off from those



How Fun~

First... sometime soon, I'll be off to see Alice in Wonderland IMAX 3-D (Cuz, they're totally not sold out today), and then Borders, which is probably one of my favorite stores.   And yeah, that's really about it.



A B C's " What Would You Do? "

I don't know if this show is still on the air, I didn't look into that. But from the handful of episodes of it that I've watched, it just makes me want to hug some of the people in the show.   From what I gather, the show's basically a social experiment. They hire actors to play out scenes, in public locations, that generally have a victim and an aggressor -- real life scenarios. Things that actually happen. The point is to see how other people react to it; do the people (who have no knowledge




I entered CoT short story Contest with my entry, A Strange Night. Everyone is welcome to read it if they so desire!



Animal Crossing

I spent some time in the game today, and then spent an hour making a design for a dress. :>   I like how it came out, even though I wish I had the skill to have done more with it. (I'll likely take a screenshot of it once i figure out how to do that)   But it's all red with some white and pink and a heart on the chest (because i like hearts and so can you)




dont use "bro" or "dude" or "guy" if the person you're referring to explicitly asked you not to   it's rude and it's not funny



ok one more

i have discovered the way to increase my enjoyment of the videogame Heroes of the Storm is to pick Kharazim, go full damage, and play the One Punch Man theme in the background



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