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idk my pal

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The Day Has Been So Busy

From waking up, I discovered the reopened Approval, and the reopened System Discussion topics. I had to read some posts, a few RPGs and post my thoughts on them, probably a few minutes after waking up. (Yeah, I have no life in the morning, cuz I skip breakfast, and don't get dressed). Like regular, I posted what was disliked about some, while reapproving others that had been set in.   So I wnet about the BZP part of my day regularly, posting in some topics, keeping up with RPGs, all that stuff.



Spink Is Pleased.

I found a subject I felt comfortable talking about for English, and I was able to put it into the speech format within... almost half an hour.   It's so nice to have that checked off my small list of things to do.   It'd be awesome if I got to not speak. I didn't need to speak for that timeline thing... in fact... the English teacher said that I didn't even need to do the assignment when I got back to school the next day.



My Day

Well, today I got up at *gasp* a normal time!   So I wen through with my original everyday routine. When later I checked the mail a letter was there for me, curiously I tore it open and read it. (It said to go the park) and so I did. When I got there a whole bunch of people popped out of nowhere screaming "SURPRISE!!!" It scared me so bad to the point I fell over. I was able to get back up of course and it seems that Member Nera was the one who organized the thing.   So I got there at 6 and le



Rei Ayanami

There was a huge portrait of Rei Ayanami at the art museum. I was pretty surprised.




I want to write a short story, but I have no ideas as to what.   ergh.



nanwrimo and kit

im doing nanowrimo as well   difference is i might be nearly 20k words into what im working on   woops



pretty necklace

a really lovely friend of mine sent me an awesome gift, which is a faerie necklace with amethyst stones embedded into the metal, along with a two page letter and it was the sweetest thing and now im wearing it all the time. maybe i'll post pictures of it eventually???   filed under: can't rave about on tumblr 'cuz he follows me and i dont wanna look like a dweeb




I used Robo's "Master list" of RPGs to see how many I was in/staffed in/owned. I came up with the following conclusion (COT only)   RPGs I have Played In: 50 or so RPGs I have Staffed In: 11 or so RPGs I have Owned: 3 going on 4



I Feel Better Now.

I just moved a bunch of stuff from the upstairs guest room, down two flights of stairs [50 pound boxes ><] at 11 PM - 1 AM.   Then I took a shower.   Now I can't sleep.




2013 was a miserable year.   2014 be better kk



Mw2 And 360

So, I caclulated up how much sending in my current 360 will cost, roughly $150 with shipping and all of that. So rather, I decided that just giving Gamestop my non-working one and getting a thirty dollar discount on a used one is better and cheaper, making the system $100 to "Repair" other than the $150.   And, if I trade in my COD4 game, and my Halo 3 game, I can get Modern Warefare 2 for twenty bucks. Which is a nice deal, cuz Halo 3 got really boring [Plus I can rent it and borrow it from p



Games, Life, Stuff

idk if i'll ever regularly update this blog but here's an update:   - preordered Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and excited for it to come tomorrow (my friend already has his own copy, though he lives in Australia and it released there)   - preordered Dragon Age: Inquisition and my sister already has her copy of the game (she did digital download), and i'm waiting for my own copy to come in the mail 'cuz i like having the physical box and stuff (and it saves some space on my ps4's harddrive).   - playin



its saturday woop

well gonna see if a target nearbyish has some of the sets, the site and junk says they have a few in stock so here's hoping   if not ill prolly just buy them off TRU's website and see if i can afford a quickish shipping option with them   only one i really want is gali though but onua would be cool and i dont have any misgivings about kopaka or tahu



English Class = <3

We got to write four short stories. I had a lot of fun with this, the first one was themed and was more like "How would you react if there were no adults in the world? Like, they suddenly vanished." it wasn't expected of me to make it a story, but I made it a first person small story thing that was a lot of fun to write. I had ten minutes, so it wasn't any longer than half a page [Though, with my handwriting, it counts as a page].   The second story was themed... forget what the theme was thoug



Well, That Was Rather Boring.

For P.E our class is playing softball, with three teams. The teams are on a rotating thing [batting team, when out, goes to dugout, dugout team switches to field and field switches to batting], but the team I was on got out [three times] after the third batter, so batting got boring. When we were in the dugout, all I felt like doing was to either sleep or writing and I had no laptop nor a pen and paper. And since I was outfield, there was absolutely nothing interesting happening to me... besides




This is odd, I touched my eyebrow and it was covered in blood, how quaint. Same goes for me finger, but that was because I cut it after running my hand along a wall with random metal pieces.   It dun hurt, I just found that very odd.



Lye Street.

I am getting the novella Lye Street by Alan Campbell and it's signed and I'm so excited =DDD   It's an early Birthday Present... like nearly two months early, but still XP




After watching some cutscenes, especially the End of an Era cutscene, I really want to play Final Fantasy XIV when it's re-released as FFXIV: A Realm Reborn.   And I really, really hope there's a soundtrack for this game... and that the song in the End of an Era cutscene is in there.    



Some Stuff.

I'm actually going to pull out of the Core War SSC as I don't have the time anymore and I kinda lost interest in what I was working on. I read it a few times and just didn't like it and I had no other ideas for the contest that wouldn't get auto-shot down because of excess violence/too much non-canon. However, I might make a short story for the Core War, but it just won't be in the contest is all.   I actually forgot the names of my characters in nearly every RPG I play in, so I got to look th



Stuff I Did.

So I was out and about for ten hours yesterday from things ranging to random walking, to an art festival, to eating at a Greek place which had good food to nearly getting smacked in the head by a rogue fisbee thrown by a Navy recruiter at the art festival, and a baseball game that lasted three hours.   Today we all went out and did some errands.  




So in two days (Sunday) I'll be on a plane headed for Rome, Italy, even though I have to catch a second one in Detroit (boo).   It's just me going, on my own, which is actually pretty exciting -- I'll be able to do things on my own schedule, go where I want to go, do what I want to do. (And spend as much time as I'd like doing those things, my family's usually very "rush rush" when touring and I'm not).   Although I ordered new clothes (mostly for school, and since I sort of do need a lot of re




I have Stanfords tomorrow and for the rest of the week ugh...thats it for today and this is a super short entry isn't it? Bye for now.



Fan Writings and Stuff

I've been writing a thing because of the new Bionicle 2015 stuff, though since there's not a ton of information and junk out I messed up here and there by giving Pohatu a mask power (I think I more or less edited it out, I don't think it's implied the character has it, either). Also being fairly liberal with personalities and stuff, for now.   Anyway, I like what I have so far. It's not a grand story, just sort of a little practice thing, but it's fun writing a female Kopaka and a nonbinary Poha



*can't Think Of A Likeable Title*

Sooo yeah, I bought the PS3 and I like the thing, despite its bulkiness. And yes, I also bought Valkyria Chronicles along with Assassin's Creed. I also ordered some stuff off the internet cuz they didn't have it at GameStop.   I also got the old DVD Player we have to work and play DVDs again, so another yay. I also got to go out to eat which was fun enough, so yay again.   Yup. That's it.




The plumber came around and stopped that dreadful leak, but it turns out when need to replace an ejector pump and that means; Bye-bye new stove <<   I came up with a short little poem thing for the history project, I thought it was dreadfully rushed and horrible (Again, I absolutely suck at poems and songwriting in generay ><) turns out other people liked it o.O Oh, and I didn't nearly miss the bus today



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