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Good And Bad

Good: Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got a Wii! They're really hard to get where I live. The Wii is so awesome. I love it!   Dun dun duun..Bad: I just sorta noticed that my interest in Bionicle is slowly getting lower; half way to disappearing. Other stuff is going up. But i still got something for Bionicle .



Soooooo Booooorrrrrred!

I fell soooo boooorrred right now. I have been for a while. Anyway, I got a skateboard and a guitar. AAHHHHHHHHHHHH! OMG! My cousin just scared the freak out of me >:-O. Anyway, I started taking guitar lessons about 2 weeks ago. Can't think of anything else iwant to say right now. Oh! Don't forget Mother's day is Sunday! Get something nice for your mom.



Special Day

Today is a very special day. First if all, HEROES IS COMING BACK TODAY! Just about three more hours! The show's kinda gorey at some points but it's cool. Next, *in a little zombie girl's voice; you know what I mean if you watched The Ring* Seven Days. Seven days till my birthday . I know I'm gonna get an mp3 and I'm gonna go to Claim Jumpers. Never been there before . With every day comes a bad part . Well not too bad. My cousins got a Wii! You may be thinkin what's so bad about that. Well, T




Heroes is coming back on Monday ! Tell me if you watch the show, too. It's awesome!




I am very, very, very ,very bored right now. Wow, I haven't posted anything for days. Maybe that's because i feel like there's nothing to post on. Life's been, well, weird. Actually my life's never normal. The pass two days were bad luck for some reason. I have to get my splits ALL THE WAY DOWN for martial arts. All the stretching hurts! Well, that's all for now.



Friday The 13th

Oh no! It can't be! It's Friday the 13th! Ahhhhh! Just kidding. Usually I get really happy days on Friday the 13th. It's strange, I know. Today that kind of flipped a little. Just a little. After school, three bad events started happening at the same time. It was scary and horrible . Other than that, my day's been fine . My birthday's in 17 days ! Looking forward to then.



Over Already

It happens so quickly . Tomorrow school starts again. I don't want to go to school . Well, it won't be that bad. Still though, I wish I'd get another week. So starting tomorrow, I start feeding my brain again and get aches and pains from martial arts( especially from splits ).




I feel bored today so I'm just gonna tell you about myself.   WARNING:What I say in my blog stays in my blog. So don't tell anyone!   O.K. Where do I start? I am 11 years old and I'm a martial arts black belt. I've been training for 5 years. i also train with swords and staffs(so far, maybe more in the future). My martial arts teacher was the double for Chow Yun Fat in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I was an extra in the movie Rush Hour 3( coming in August I think).   I'm an A stud



Gonna Have Fun

I'm gonna go to Universal Studios: Hollywood today. My favorite ride there is "Revenge of the Mummy." I have to say it is AWESOME! If I feel like it, I'll tell you more about myself tomorrow. But until then, I'm off to have some fun.



Premier Membership

Oh, finally it's come! I'm a Premier Member now. Welcome to my blog. Uhh...I don't really have much to talk about right now. Just this. Well, see ya later!



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