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I just found out that the closest Pillar is going to be playing to my location is up in George, Washington. With gas prices what they are, I most likely won't be able to go. =(

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I wanna go to Creation Fest '08, but I can't. And Pillar, Fireflight, and Thousand Foot Krutch are on the list of bands playing! D8

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I wish my mom was willing to buy tickets to see "Expelled". If she was, I would be seeing it for my second time, and my sisters and mom for the first time. =) Yeah...   E.F.A.P.W  

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I has the no-reason-happies.   ...   Or it could be because of my listening to Hypnotized by Pillar.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


Splintercell: Pandora Tomorrow is WIN. 8D   So far, I have: Cleared out an invaded/taken over embassy in Polynesia, K.O.ed a bunch of Syrian and French mercenaries who had broken into a Cryogenics Lab in Paris, and am now on a train headed to Nice, France, attempting to... interview... an agent to find out if he's friendly or an enemy. 8D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

*sigh* <--- Is Of Contentment...

I went on a bike ride with my mom. On the way back we stopped by a store and got milk, some stuff to snack on at home, and I bought a six-pack of Pepsi, due to their being out of Coke Zero.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I have given up on ever getting back up to the top of the top ten bloggers after my prolonged summer absence. -.-

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I'm bored. Isn't that boring? I could go off on a rant about life right now, but I won't. I'd rather go off on a rant about how I could go off on a rant about life right now. Ya' know, that would be fun. If I ranted about how I could go off on a rant about how I could go off on a rant about how I could go off on a rant about life right about now. Am I ranting about how I could go off on a rant about how I could go off on a rant about life ight now? Or am I not going off on a rant about how I cou

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I'll be gone for eight days starting tomorrow morning. My mom signed me up for the work week at some camp that works with the Church of God organization. So yeah, I'll be digging (Yay!), working on the roof of a new building (Double Yay!), going rock hunting, and searching for a rumored waterfall that was created this past winter/spring. =)

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I'm borrowing NFS: MW from one of my friends at school. I've already beat Sonny and Taz and am working my way towards Vic. =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

*holds Writing Contest*

An idea just hit me! I'll hold another writing contest!   Requirements: A Mermaid, A Barakii, A Toa, Atlantis (Stargate version), A Stargate, SGA, The SGC, All the Phantoka, Me, Turakii, Dekar, Defilak, Norik, Cortana, A Time loop, Time Travel, SG-1 (original team), A crab, A Muaka, A Pet shop, Black Six (), ~Laughin'Man~, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, and Jack Sparrow.   It must also be at least 4,000 words overall. (This means you, NP! )   Have fun!   Entries   -WrinkledlionX-'s Entry

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I have the perfect idea for a Drive musicvid, so I went to Windows Movie Maker, imported the song, cleared out the videos from my previous, unfinshed video, and went to import videos from my sister's files, and, as I found out, she doesn't have any. This. Raelly. Sucks. I have the perfect song for it, too! >=(

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

*creepy Music Begins Now*

I...Ellipson...have...seized...control...of...this...blog...from...that...toddler...TOTOL... This...Will...now...be...my...HQ...All...resistance...will...be...crushed...and...tossed...to...Zivon...Do...not...resist...   All questions must be sent to "Air Force O' Dalek"

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

* Is Back *

Hello, my loyal rebels. It is I, The One True Dalek Overlord. I would like to inform all of those who wish to keep Dalek alive: If you do not stop this stupid rebellion, your dear friend will be moved to the Torture chamber. He is currently in my favorite department, the "Critical Clients" department. Until the rebellion ends, his treatment will get worse. You have been informed.   TOTDOL

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I am now one entry ahead of Omi, putting me in the position of Number Two on the top ten bloggers. Next up: pass GMan. =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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